Christmas Has Come Too Soon!

I’ve held off and was able to control my shock and horror when I saw the “Christmas in July days” advertised on assorted Home Shopping channels. I’ve even refrained from snarkish mutterings while rolling my cart past twinkling displays in Costco. A TV channel (not to be named) is launching Christmas themed movies on Halloween. I am NOT a Grinch, but, it is too soon.

Xmas trees 2I love the holidays – the smells, the sounds, the food, the ribbons & boxes, the door stopper fruit cake & all the glittery stuff that comes with the season. (Those little white lights wrapped around shrubs or trees make me smile.) I will flood family, friends & neighbors with good wishes, good vibes, happy salutations, etc, urging all to be thankful and grateful for what we have. And, I think keeping a decorated tree in your living room all year long is anyone’s prerogative – enjoy. However, “Jingle Bells” in Wal-Mart in August is too soon. The stomach rolling, dancing Santa and the wiggling mounted fish should only be seen in the dead of winter – not in Walgreens in September. Listening to Burl Ives singing “Have a Jolly, Jolly Christmas” in an elevator before Halloween is too soon.

Please, don’t get me wrong and dismiss this post as just a ranting whine of a woman of a certain age. It’s an observation. Yes, I know I “observed” this “too early” Xmas situation last year and the year before that & I understand my missive will change nothing – but, it clears my air!

I love the Christmas holidays, but July, August, September, October – TOO SOON!

Xmas Trees in September!

I love the holidays – the smells, the sounds, the food, the ribbons & boxes, the door stopper fruit cake & all the glittery stuff that comes with the season. (Those little white lights wrapped around shrubs or trees make me smile.) BUT, there are Christmas trees in Costco today – they used to at least wait until October. It is too soon.

I will flood family, friends & neighbors with good wishes, good vibes, happy salutations, etc. Urging all, with the use of phone calls, emails & cards, to be thankful and grateful for what we have.  That’s just some of the many positives of the time of year, but, “Jingles Bells” in WalMart in September is too soon.

The stomach rolling, dancing Santa and the wiggling mounted fish should only be seen in the dead of winter – not in Walgreens in September. It’s too soon.

Surely we can lift our spirits in other ways. We can smile, have positive thoughts, good will toward men and all that good stuff without listening to Burl Ives singing “Have a Jolly, Jolly Christmas” before Halloween. It is too soon.

Please, don’t get me wrong and consider this a complaint, it’s just an observation.  Yes, I know I “observed” this too early Xmas calamity last year and the year before that & I understand my missive will change nothing – but, it clears my air!

I love the holidays, but September is too soon!