Friday June 15, 2012 graces us with a Taurus Moon all day. Venus rules this sensuous yet finance concerned Earth sign. You may choose to either tackle that bank statement or, indulge yourself, and partner, with delicious, chocolate dipped strawberries. Remember, not all things are either/or. “AND” can often work very well too 🙂
With the Sun currently in Gemini, the Saturday night switch to a Moon in the same Air sign will stimulate those traits for which this Mercury ruled sign is known. Its duality (the Twins?) can make us clever and versatile and also a little flighty and distracted. Go and chat someone up, but, think before you speak (or push “send” on that email or text).
Taurus and Gemini Moons can lead us toward a social weekend: delicious food, entertaining conversation, high or low brow literary pursuits.