Mercury Retrograde 6/7/14 – Here We Go Again!

Retrograde Mercury strikes again on June 7, 2014, the 2nd of the year. It begins in Water sign Cancer – emotions, family, friends, the past. Then on 6/17, the planet backs into the Air sign it rules, Gemini, until 7/1 when Mercury, planet of communication, short trips, siblings, goes Direct. We can deal, we can handle, we will survive it! Again.

Astro Planet Glyphs 2Can you imagine any communication snafus occurring between you and family members during the 3 weeks of the retrograde? Of course you can – so, the cautions are the same as always during a backward Mercury. Watch what you say or write. Be clear and precise, try not to leave room for mis interpretation. Hurt feelings, confusion can really be done without, especially with those closest to you. Keep things simple and uncomplicated as you live your life (it never stops regardless of whether a planet goes backward or forward). Complications and “hot messes” can arise all by themselves.

However, life is still great. We can get thru just as we’ve done in the past – prepare and pay attention. Back up your stuff. Get your facts, along with your ducks, in a row – verify, verify, verify. Use Retrograde time to do “re” things – review, reread, re evaluate, regroup, re charge.

*Mercury Retrograde: June 7, 2014: 7:57AM EDT / 4:57AM PDT


New Moon in Loquacious Gemini 5/28/14

Astro New Moon CrescentYes, I could have just used the word “Chatty”, however, Wednesday’s New Moon, with start up, initiating energy, will be in Communication focused, Air sign Gemini. The Moon is considered “New” when the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign and this time is great for new ideas and implementing new projects. Just be sure to verify whatever information comes your way before taking action. We will certainly be spurred on to share thoughts, feelings, stories at length regardless of who wants to listen. So get your facts straight. (Short and sweet works best sometimes. And remember, silence is a form of communication too 🙂 )

*Gemini New Moon: 2:40PM EDT / 11:40AM PDT – May 28, 2014

Solid Taurus, Flighty Gemini – What a Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentOn Friday January 10, 2014, a sensual Taurus Moon works its magic until a multi tasking Gemini Lunar orb brings a different kind of energy early Saturday morning until Sunday. Sensual, earthy, Venus ruled Taurus and chatty, airy, Mercury ruled Gemini should make for a social weekend – tender romance, delicious food, entertaining conversation, high or low brow literary pursuits – not bad!

For the next few days, take advantage of the moods and influences available in the universe due to the changing Zodiac Moon signs. However, note that although Taurus can be loving and full of charm, it can also be stubborn and determined. While Gemini’s quickness can make us clever and versatile, it can sometimes make us a little flighty and distracted. So, be self aware and choose to use whichever traits work best for you depending upon, time, place and company.

 Have a great weekend!


Full Moon in Gemini – Communication Works!

Astro Moon FullEarly Tuesday December 17, 2013 a Full Moon will occur. The Luminaries are opposite each other: the Sagittarius Sun in the last stages and the Moon in its partner sign of Gemini. While the Moon is in the versatile 3rd sign of the Zodiac, communication, flexibility and curiosity traits are intensified. Clear, meaningful verbal / written exchanges with the Mercury ruled Air sign are always with us, but with “Full” energy, even more so.

What do you need or want to say? What do you need or want to write?  With Gemini, words can always be witty and clever, but now they can also be purposeful, powerful and precise. I love this quote from Deepak Chopra: “Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy” Let us all do that!

FYI – Full Moon: 12/17/13 – 4:28AM EST / 1:28AM PST

(Later in the day, the Moon shifts to Moon ruled, Water sign Cancer. However, Full Moon influences, completing tasks, projects, moving on, will remain for the next 10 days or so. Clear out old stuff before the Capricorn New Moon on January 1.)


Friday the 13th, Astrologically Speaking…

A stubborn, determined, sensual, Venus ruled Taurus Moon can make December 13, 2013 an exciting, rather than frightening Friday. It’s all about life’s beauty and pleasures, but it also brings forth the obstinate bull in us. Is there such a thing as inflexible love? Nobody wants to lose, give up/ give in, change direction. “Stickin-to-your-guns” works, until it doesn’t. Pay attention and accept when it stops working. Regardless, luxuriate in good food, good people and good times. Astro New Moon Crescent

Sunday will have us talking more, writing more, etc due to the Moon’s transit of the Gemini,  guided by communications planet Mercury. While Gemini’s duality (the Twins?) can make us clever and versatile, we can also be a little flighty and distracted – so think before you speak or push “send” on that email or text. Regardless of whatever you get into – have a terrific weekend!

FYI:  “Triskaidekaphobia” – fear of Friday the 13th.



Taurus Full Moon This Weekend 11/17/13

Astro Moon FullWeekend Moon in Taurus starts Friday November 15, 2013 and this Venus ruled Earth sign’s power will be intensified during the it’s Full Moon phase early Sunday morning.  As always with a “Full”, it is a good time to finish what you’ve started. With the grounded Taurus’ focus on security and the sensual, it makes sense to complete any money dealings and/or improvements to surroundings or self. Beauty and comfort, both financial and physical, is prime.

Later, on Sunday evening, the always moving Moon reaches busy Gemini. This Air sign pushes communication of all kinds. There will be urges to read, chat and tweet (probably all at the same time).

Enjoy the weekend!


Weekend Moon: Gemini & Cancer

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lFriday and Saturday 6/7 and 6/8 finds us in the throes of a chatty, variety loving Gemini Moon. The Sun is also in this youthful, Mercury ruled Air Sign right now so don’t be surprised if you’re in constant movement and constant communication. It can be fun and/or just busy. You decide.

On Sunday, just in time for brunch, the Moon moves into the sign it rules – Cancer. This sensitive, emotional Water sign is about caring and nurturing. Making sure friends, family and strays are well fed and taken care of.

Flighty, versatile Gemini Moon followed by motherly, but moody Cancer Moon – embrace the variety, be flexible.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Weekend Moon: Solid Taurus & Flexible Gemini

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lIDK what you’ve got planned for Friday March 15th, but with a grounded, earthy, Taurus Moon you could start your weekend stubborn and determined. We can use its often Bull like nature to get things done. This 2nd sign of the Zodiac, ruled by lovely Venus, also loves the sensual, so some romance, some good food are not bad to add to the agenda.

The Saturday evening Moon sends us into the fast talking, multi tasking, change loving world of Gemini for the rest of the weekend. This Air sign can be a little flighty and distracted, so think before you speak or push “send” on that email or text. Be versatile, but focused – it can work.

Regardless, whatever you get into – have a terrific weekend!

(“IDK” = “I don’t know” in text speech 🙂 Twitter & FB have been such an education!


Gemini in Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse Mode 11/28/12

It’s ruler Mercury, the Communications planet, is finally out of Retrograde motion as of 11/26 and both a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse occur in Air sign Gemini on Wednesday = powerful. The possibilities of clear, meaningful verbal and written exchanges while the Moon is in the third sign of the Zodiac are always with us, but with “Full” / Eclipse energy, even more so.

What do you need to say? What do you need to write?  With Gemini, interaction can be smart and clever, but now while the Luminaries are opposite each other – light from the Sagittarius Sun reflected on the Gemini Moon – it can also be purposeful, powerful and precise. Lunar Eclipses often make us rush (an urge to finish/complete) whether the urgency is real or imagined.  Take your time when finalizing communications or signing contracts. Close scrutiny and review can’t hurt if it’s important. Finish up what was started around the time of the New Moon, 11/13/12.


Communication & Caring – Weekend Moon

The Moon is in Gemini on Friday October 5, 2012. A set of twins is the usual symbol for Gemini and this duality makes us want to do two things at once- scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and write, FB and Twit. Just remember to breathe. Everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed. Enjoy the communication, the interaction, the wit.

Next up, Saturday and Sunday, is the sensitive, nurturing, 4th sign of the Zodiac – Cancer. Ruled by the Moon, this caring, emotional Water sign can be moody and difficult, however, family and friends are always important and we will want to  look after them regardless of the mood we’re in.

Have a terrific weekend!