Sagittarius Sun, Full Moon AND Thanksgiving, Oh My!

This has been a rocky month. We can use a “pick-me-up”, a little bit of “upbeatness”. Gratefully, on Thursday November 22, 2018, the Sun prances into adventurous, optimistic Fire sign Sagittarius. Ruled by exuberant Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, being “hopeful” doesn’t seem quite so far out there. Be confident, think “of course” for excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new. Remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to enjoy the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” are not quite.

But wait! There’s more!

There will also be a Gemini Full Moon (opposite the Sagittarius Sun). While the Lunar orb is in the Mercury ruled 3rd sign of the Zodiac, communication is key. Speaking / writing can tend towards the powerful = witty and clever. I love this quote from Deepak Chopra: “Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy” (Let us all do that!)

As always with a “Full” phase, finish and complete any old projects hanging around. Clear out any debris to make room for what’s next.

And, we have Transits:

~~ Mercury 10/31/18 – 12/12/18

Communication focused, clever, curious and often razor sharp, this planet visit can be great for creativity, sharing knowledge

…Mercury Retrograde – 11/16 – 12/6/18:

Aim for clarity in all interactions, back up your gadgets. Review plans carefully before implementing. Be conscious of promises, obligations, etc.

~~ Jupiter 11/8/18 – 12/2/19 (visits each sign for about 52 weeks every 12 years)

Lucky Jupiter will visit the 9th sign of the Zodiac encouraging us to “go BIG or go home”. We feel the urge to be outgoing, to be gracious, to be cheerful, and to be risking. Rather than go over the top, set limits.


*Sagittarius Sun – November 22, 2018      4:02 EST / 1:02 AM PST

**Gem stone: Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

***Gemini Full Moon: 11/22 PDT 9:39 PM &  11/23 EST 12:39 AM


BTW- Regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage of the vibrations of whatever sign the Sun is transiting.

The symbol for Sagittarius is the half man/ half horse Centaur – usually with a wine pouch. Perfect, just in time for the end of year festivities.

And of course – Happy Thanksgiving!