Astrology: Weekend Full Moon in Aquarius * Radical Change?

The revolution may be televised, or not – but there will certainly be unusual, unconventional activity this weekend as we encounter a Full Moon in freedom loving, group focused Aquarius on Saturday 8/13/11. A stubborn, cause infused sign, it’s all about “We/Us” rather than “I/Me”.  Before jumping to the front lines, pause and reflect – is the issue real for you, or is the response automatic / knee jerk.  

With a Full Moon, the influence of Aquarian traits can intensify. Uranus, this independent Air sign’s planet ruler, loves change, hates constrictions and thrives on spontaneity, which can be exciting but precarious. Thinking works. You can still volunteer, organize, make a difference, do the “No Justice, No Peace” chant without falling off the edge. (Put that Molotov – whether it be verbal or actual –  back in the basement.)

FYI:  Moon will shift Sunday morning into imaginative, sensitive Pisces- create something. A positive way to contribute.      

Share yourself. Have a super weekend!

(At “Full” phase, the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, it is a good time to clean up and finish old projects.)



Astrology: Weekend Full Moon in Ambitious Capricorn,Then Surprising Aquarius 7/15

On Friday July 15th, the Sun is in Cancer, the Moon is lit up in the opposite sign, Capricorn– it’s that Full Moon time again! This matters to us why? Contrary to popular folklore, a round Moon is not a time for a werewolf/Vampire reveal, but it is a good time to tap into its energy. 

The Zodiac sign that houses the “Full” lunar orb has its traits and characteristics heightened for a few weeks. Saturn ruled Capricorn has ambitious leanings. It’s about status, authority and work. Career means what – to you? Success means what – to you?  Are your actions producing results? However, if there are any radical changes that need to be handled, wait until the Moon Phase is “New” on July 30th. (A New Moon works well for beginnings.)

Later that same afternoon, 1:40PM Pacific / 4:30PM Eastern, the Moon moves into Uranus ruled, freedom loving Aquarius. A definite change of mood. The 11th sign of the Zodiac is graciously service oriented, but unconventional, innovative and unwilling to conform. Prepare to say “I’m surprised” a few times and then think about it.

Have a marvelous weekend!



Astrology: Adventurous Sagittarius Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse, 6/15/11

Good time to finish projects, wrap up/tie up details of any outstanding issues while there is a Full Moon phase.  However, a Lunar Eclipse also occurs at the same time and in the same upbeat Fire sign of Sagittarius on Wednesday June 15th, 4:14PM Eastern/ 1:14PM Pacific. The Sun and Moon are opposite each other, reflecting their lights, and the Eclipse just adds to the power surge for the next few days. You may feel the urge to careen around, checking items off the to-do- list.

Yes, the possibilities of completing or changing things are amped, such as suddenly ending or finishing something that you may have been dithering about for awhile. But, don’t rush – think about it, ruminate and then press “go”. Decision made. Done. Whew.

Expansive, spontaneous Jupiter rules 9th sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius.  We may feel its influences thru spontaneous travel plans, the desire to break free of restrictions (real or imaginary), to share ideas. To be big in everything – optimism works.  Make the most of it, laugh, be adventurous, finish up – get ready for what’s next.

Astrology: Virgo Full Moon for this Weekend!

The Moon will be in the health and service oriented Earth sign Virgo on Friday March 18th – but wait, there’s more. It’s that time again! The Moon (Virgo) is opposite the Sun (Pisces) – that means “Full Moon” on  Saturday March 19th (2:10PM Eastern / 11:10AM Pacific).

The Full phase’s “handle it”  energy will last for several days. With practical Virgo, it is all about the details, so you will be supported as you complete and finalize whatever you’re working on. Put that diet and exercise regimen in place.

A few hours later, there will be a Lunar shift to Air sign Libra for the rest of the weekend. Be gracious, be charming, socialize – but, you don’t have to agree to everything. Stand your ground if you must. Enjoy the weekend.


Erin go Braugh!

Astrology: Leo Full Moon,Then Weekend Moon in Virgo & Libra

Friday February 18, 2011 provides early morning mood changes. (Just in case I haven’t been clear in my weekend update Astrology posts, my premise is that as the Moon changes signs, so do our moods, our energy and often how we act/react in the day to day.) The Moon will be in “Full” power at 3:36AM Eastern/12:26AM Pacific in generous, ”let’s have fun” Fire sign Leo. A Full Moon phase is good for wrapping things up, finishing what began at the time of the New Moon. The effects will last for a few days even as the Lunar orb changes to the next sign.

About an hour later the same day, the Moon moves into service oriented, practical Virgo – from upbeat Leo to the conscientious, discriminating Earth sign – we can handle it. Take advantage of the Full phase’s continued influence by using this Mercury ruled sign’s cleverness and penchant for detail. You can get stuff done.

And finally, early on Sunday 4:39AM Eastern/1:39AM Pacific, way before Brunch time, a Libra Moon makes us social, agreeable and decorous. Have people over or meet someplace nice, make both yourself and your home attractive. There is a lot to be said for beautiful things to lift spirits and ease the settling of any disputes.

Be flexible, go with the flow, have a varied Weekend!

(BTW- the Sun doesn’t move into Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, until Friday evening 2/18 – which is why the Moon is Full in Leo while the Sun is exactly opposite in Aquarius in the morning. When the luminaries are opposite each other – the Moon is “Full”)

Astrology: Full Moon In Cancer 1/19/11

Wednesday Januarty19th, finds us with a Full Moon in the nurturing, sensitive Water sign of Cancer at 4:21PM Eastern/ 1:21 PM Pacific. About an hour later, the Moon shifts into regal, Fiery Leo, however, the “Full” energy remains for approximately  10 days.

So, as a “New” Moon is best for beginning projects- starting something new, implementation of ideas – the “Full” phase (Moon opposes the Sun in the sky, as it  “wanes”) is optimum for finalization.

Clearing out the old, gives space for the new. Gather and tie up any loose ends of projects begun during the New and first quarters, finishing touches and crystallization are best done during the 3rd and 4th quarters.  The cycle begins again at the next New Moon phase – February 2nd.

BTW: Cancer traits are highlighted –  taking care of people,  feelings and emotions are on the surface, moods can run you.

Astrology: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Gemini 12/21

Early this morning a Full Moon occurred: the Luminaries were opposite each other – Sun in the last stages of Sagittarius (Capricorn Sun doesn’t happen until later this evening), while the Moon was in its partner sign of Gemini. At the same time, there was a Lunar Eclipse in versatile, communication focused Gemini.

Possibilities of clear, meaningful verbal/written exchanges with this Mercury ruled Air sign are always with us, but with “Full/Eclipse” energy, even more so. Lunar Eclipses often make us rush – an urge to finish/complete –whether the urgency is real or imagined. Mercury is still Retrograde until the end of December. Finalizing communications or contracts might benefit from close scrutiny and review, rather than rushing thru.

What do you need to say? What do you need to write?  With Gemini, words can always be clever, but now they can also be purposeful, powerful and precise.

Astrology: Taurus Full Moon for Weekend 11/19/10

Weekend Moon in Taurus starts Friday and this Venus ruled Earth sign’s power is intensified during the full Moon phase early Sunday.  As always with a “Full”, it is a good time to finish what you’ve started.  With the grounded Taurus influence, it makes sense to complete  any money dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – comfort, both financial and physical, is prime.

Later on Sunday, the always moving Moon reaches busy Gemini. This Air sign pushes communication of all kinds.  Read, chat, tweet – probably all at the same time.

Have a satisfying weekend!

Astrology: Full Moon in Aquarius 7/25/10

A Full Moon glows in the 11th sign of Aquarius on Sunday July 25th, at 6:37PM EDT/ 3:37PM PDT. (The Leo Sun is opposite the Aquarius Moon = Full Moon.)

We will feel the influences of friendly, unconventional Aquarius more intensely than a usual 2½ day Moon transit. A stubborn, people oriented, cause infused sign, it is about the “We/Us” rather than the “I/Me”.

This Air sign is ruled by unpredictable, freedom loving, change craving Uranus.  Intellectual rather than emotional, the concern for others that is part of the Aquarian personality is authentic and matter of fact. Volunteer, find a cause, leave a place better than you found it.

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, at “Full” phase, the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, it is a good time to clean up and finish old projects. (The best time to create, start new things is from the beginning of a “New Moon” phase thru the 2nd quarter – “waxing”.)

Astrology: Full Capricorn Moon With Lunar Eclipse!

On Friday evening 6/25/10, the Moon moved into authoritarian Capricorn for the entire weekend.  And today, Saturday 6/26, the Moon not only becomes “Full”, but there will also be a “Lunar Eclipse”.

I still insist that Full Moons are not the Universes way of giving us an excuse to act out/ freak out, however, a Lunar Eclipse can be intense. All that emotional Moon energy is amped to a higher level.

Since Saturn ruled Capricorn needs to be businesslike and in charge, don’t go overboard during this time. Be nice to your employees, decide on what you want to get done, what you want to accomplish and stick to it. No need to go into “Myth of Sisyphus” mode. Don’t take all the duties of the world on your shoulders. You don’t have to sign off on everything. Loosen up, stop grinding your teeth, the world is not ending (at least not this weekend).

By Monday morning the Moon will be in innovative, unpredictable Aquarius. (Unplanned events are favored.)

Full Moon: Happens when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs (Sun/ Cancer – Moon/Capricorn)

Lunar Eclipse:  “A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the earth such that the earth blocks the sun’s rays from striking the moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, there is always a full moon the night of a lunar eclipse.” Per Wikipedia