A Glorious Virgo Full Moon 2/22/16

Astro Full Moon BrightVirgo Full Moon energy inclines us to take care of ourselves and our work. Ruled by clever Mercury, this responsible, hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac is about health, service, handling the details and getting things done. Just be careful not to do too many things at once. Juggling might be exciting and a personal test of skills, but don’t go overboard. Think “pace”.
A Full Moon phase is a great time to move towards finalizing whatever project or diet regimen you may have been planning. The universe will support you in being healthy and contributing.
The influences of a Full Lunar phase will last for several days even when the Astrology sign changes.

*Virgo Full Moon: February 22, 2016 – 1:20 PM EST /10:20 AM PST (the Moon, in Virgo, is opposite and reflecting the Sun, in Pisces = “Full Moon”)



Leo Full Moon Sets the Stage 1/23/16!

Astro Moon FullSaturday’s Full Moon, January 23, 2016, will be in dramatic, Fire sign Leo – no better way to heat up, perk up a winter weekend! A “Full” phase intensifies the traits of the sign it is visiting and with Sun ruled Leo, (its Zodiac symbol is the glorious Lion, King of the jungle) we feel generous, creative and get the urge to flame and sparkle while flitting across the world stage. (“Look at me!”).

So step into the spotlight, wear some regal purple, be royally magnanimous to your subjects (friends and family) and have a great time. Also, use the Full Moon’s energy to finish projects begun at the time of the last New Moon (1/9/16). Its considered a fortunate time to take care of loose ends and it will last for about 10 days even as the Moon moves into efficient Virgo on Monday.

  • Leo Full Moon: January 23. 2016 – 8:46PM EST / 5:46PM PST


Full Moon in Comfy Cancer 12/25/15

Astro Moon FullChristmas Day finds us with a Full Moon in the nurturing, sensitive Water sign of Cancer. A “Full” phase (Sun and Moon gloriously opposite each other) is good for the finalization of projects, clearing up messes, etc. The 4th sign of the Zodiac is family and home focused, so completing old business may involve where you live. Make your environment safe and secure as possible, clear out the old, give space for the new. Gather and give away anything no longer useful or positive in your space, whether it be things, feelings or conversations. Get rid of what’s “done and dusted” – finish whatever was started at the time of the New Moon.

*Full Moon December 25, 2015 – 6:11 AM EST /3:11 AM PST



A Snappy, Versatile Full Moon in Gemini 11/25/15

Astro Moon FullThe Sun is in Sagittarius, which means that this month’s Full Moon, on Wednesday November 25, 2015, is in the opposite sign – Gemini. While the Moon is in the Mercury ruled 3rd sign of the Zodiac, communication is key. Speaking / writing can tend towards the witty and the clever, but with “Full” energy, our interactions can also be purposeful, powerful and precise. I love this quote from Deepak Chopra:

“Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”

Let us all do that!

* Full Moon: 12/6/14 – 12:15 PM EST / 9:15 AM PST



Harvest Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse In Aries, 9/27/15

Astro Harvest_moonThis month’s Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse (Sun. Earth, Moon are lined up), Sunday September 27, 2015, is in fiery Aries. The 1st sign of the Zodiac is ruled by “Warrior” planet Mars. Combustible and aggressive, spark plug Aries’ usual “in your face” traits may be influenced by transiting Uranus, the unpredictable planet of change and revolution. (It remains until May 2018.) You can be radical, honest and direct, rather than just loud and angry.

Do the suggested Full Moon things – finish up old projects, clarify any fuzzy ideas that are hanging around (remember Mercury is still Retrograde). Use the extra Aries energy to get things done. By clearing out useless stuff, you create space for the new. However, forceful Aries can be a little over the top sometimes. Don’t torch everything while trying to weed out the old, think things through before the ashes start to float around.

* Harvest Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Aries 9/27/15 *10:50PM EDT / 7:50 PM PDT

(The first Full Moon after the Fall Equinox is always labeled a “Harvest Moon” – The Equinox occurred on September 23, when the Sun moved into Libra)

*During a “Full” phase, the luminaries are exactly opposite each other. The Aries Moon is fully lit by the Libra Sun. (The Lunar eclipse provides the reddish color – beautiful, dramatic, nothing to fear.)



Weekend Full Moon in Sensitive, Sentimental Pisces 8/29/15

The “Full” stage of the Moon intensifies the characteristics / energy of the Astrology sign it’s in. So, while the Moon is in Water sign Pisces this weekend, think: emotion, creativity, hazy reality, imagination. If you have something important to do, stay focused. Be discerning. If things seem a little vague, you may want to delay any decisions.  Astro Moon Full

Be as imaginative, caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any promises or sad stories. Be present, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self. You matter.

Full Moon, August 29, 2015 – 2:35PM EDT / 11:35AM PDT

Have a great weekend!


Full, Blue Moon in Revolutionary Aquarius – Free Spirit!

Astro Moon Full Blue 2Independent, unconventional, Air sign Aquarius gives us a Full Moon on Friday July 31, 2015. Since this is the 2nd round, lunar orb in the same month, it’s called a “Blue Moon”. (The previous Full Moon was in Capricorn on July 01, 2015. The next will be in 2018.) The humanitarian, 11th sign of the Zodiac encourages spontaneous change, community activism, group fun with a purpose and just contribution in general.

Just a reminder – a ”Full” Moon phase packs power and can give our thoughts clarity. It starts the “waning” or decreasing period, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters. This can be a great time to gather and tally results or confront the useless – clean up old projects, get rid of outmoded thought patterns and  attitudes in order to clear the way for the “New” Moon in 2 weeks.

Aquarius Blue Moon: 7/31/15 – 6:43 AM EDT * 3:43 AM PDT



Time To Get Real – Full Moon in Capricorn 7/1/15!

Astro Moon FullOn Wednesday July 1, the Sun is in Cancer, the Lunar orb is lit up in the opposite sign, Capricorn– it’s that Full Moon time again! This matters to us why? Contrary to popular folklore, a round Moon is not a time for werewolf/Vampire reveals, but it is a good time to tap into its “finish what you started” energy. So, handle what needs to be done. Complete any projects that have been hanging over your head.

The Zodiac sign that houses the “Full” phase has its traits and characteristics heightened for a few weeks. The Saturn ruled, Earth sign Capricorn is about status, authority, duty and work.

The basics: Ambition as a ways to support yourself and family – now and in the future. Career means what – to you? Success means what – to you? Are your actions and strategies producing the financial results wanted? Think about it. (If there are any changes or innovations that need to be done, wait until the “New” Moon on July 15th. Its energy works well for creation and beginnings.)

*Capricorn Full Moon: 7/1/15 – 5:11AM EDT / 2:11AM PDT



Positive, Peppy Sagittarius Full Moon 6/2/15!

Astro Moon FullOn Tuesday June 2, 2015, the Sagittarius Moon is fully lit by the Sun in its opposite sign of Gemini – very dramatic, but nothing to fear. (No fangs or hairy knuckles.) A “Full” phase is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of what ideas/efforts were begun at the time of the New Moon back on 5/18/15.

With adventurous, upbeat Sagittarius, we have activity, an  “of course good things can happen” outlook and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. However, since mercurial Mercury (communication, tech stuff, transportation) is still Retrograde until 6/11/15, do sweat the details, research big plans and ideas to be sure they are on track and feasible. If it seems, “too good to be true…”

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, at “Full” phase the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, we could feel its effects for about another 2 weeks.

*Sagittarius Full Moon: June 2nd – 12:19 PM EDT / 9:19 AM PDT




Scorpio Full Moon 5/3/15 – Intense!

Astro Moon FullThe Taurus Sun is reflected in the opposite Scorpio Moon = a beautiful Full orb in the passionate, emotional 8th sign of the Zodiac. Ruled by transformational planet Pluto, (traditional ruler is warrior planet Mars) there are deep feelings, focus and determination influencing us during this lunar phase with energy to spare. A Full Moon is a good time to figure out what to keep and what to throw away (discard whatever is no longer meaningful, useful, and / or beneficial.) Gauge what has been accomplished since the New Moon and move on to finalize and complete tasks in the next few weeks.

Scorpio also pushes us to focus on money matters that may involve others. Are there any financial issues that need to be cleared or settled– taxes, business ventures? Does anyone owe you anything? Time to collect?

*Scorpio Full Moon: Sunday May 3, 2015 – 11:42 PM EDT / 8:42 PM PDT