Virgo Full Moon- Think Self-Improvement

Astro Moon FullThe Lunar orb will be in the health and service oriented Earth sign Virgo on Thursday, March 5, 2015.  When the Moon (Virgo) is opposite and reflecting the Sun (Pisces), we see a glorious “Full Moon”. This responsible, hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac loves making lists, handling the details and getting things done. We can use the energy to pay more attention to taking care of ourselves and our work. (Diet, exercise, organization)

A Full Moon phase is a great time to move towards finalizing whatever project or health regimen you may have been planning. The universe will support you.

The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even when the sign changes.

*Virgo Full Moon: March 5, 2015 – 1:05PM EST / 10:05AM PST 

** Reminder : Daylight Savings Sunday 3/8/15 – Clocks (Spring) Forward!



The Moon: Full in Virgo, Weekend in Libra & Scorpio – Wow!

Thursday, March 8, 2012 has Virgo Full Moon “handle it” energy. With health minded, practical earthy Virgo, the universe will support you as you complete and finalize whatever vitamin/diet and exercise regimen you may have been thinking about or planning. The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even after the Moon sign changes. Get it done.

Late that same evening, there will be a shift to Air sign Libra for Friday and Saturday. This Moon makes us gracious, charming and sociable – but, you don’t have to agree with everything that’s presented to you. Stand your ground if you must.

Finally, the arrival of a Scorpio Moon on Saturday overnight closes out the weekend. This intense, emotional Water sign will demand that you drill down and connect with others on a deep level. Superficial just won’t make it. Be self aware – if your speech or actions turn into drama for drama’s sake – ease up. Hit the melodrama pause button.

Whatever you do, have a terrific, accomplishing  weekend!

***But wait! Don’t forget Sunday March 11, 2012 at 2:am begins Daylight Savings Time – turn clocks ahead 1 hour. (That whole “Spring forward/ Fall back” thing)