Weekend of Charm & Sizzle – Libra / Scorpio Moon Transits!

Smile seductively this weekend as Friday afternoon April 6, 2012, heralds the Full Moon in lovely Libra, the relationship focused, Venus ruled 7th sign of the Zodiac, to be followed by seriously scorching Scorpio on Saturday and Sunday. Charisma and heat – the possibilities are endless. 

Libra can make us more cooperative, social and elegant with an urge to beautify –people, places, things. We want to tune out/tone down any negative, angry voices in the universe or in our heads and get along- charm and beauty are always good antidotes.

The Moon will slide into powerful, intense Scorpio on Saturday morning. Filled with sensuality and emotion, this Pluto ruled sign can be a force that won’t be denied. Be aware of a tendency to be easily wounded – hold the grudge for 5 minutes max, then move on. Channel some of Libra’s graciousness and balance to smooth out any person to person explosions. Moderation works.

BTW: Mercury finally stopped its Retrograde motion on 4/4 and will pick up forward speed throughout the weekend. If you’ve been feeling restrained, not fully expressed, you will now want to sing a few choruses of the Bob Dylan classic “I Shall Be Released” as life gets its flow back.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Astrology: Charming Full Moon in Libra This Weekend

Weekend energy begins with the Friday April 15th Moon in practical, earthy Virgo and then lightens up later as social Libra castes its influence. There will even be a Full Moon in this relationship focused Air sign on Sunday April 17th, 10:44PM Eastern/ 7:44PM Pacific.

As I’ve mentioned in this space before, a ”Full” Moon phase packs power and can give our thoughts clarity. It starts the “waning” or decreasing, of the Lunar orb, a good time to gather results or confront the useless – clean up old projects, get rid of outmoded thought patterns and  attitudes in order to clear the way for the “new”.

Libra Moons can make us cooperative, social with an urge to beautify both ourselves and our surroundings. Good. It will help us tune out/tone down any negative, angry voices out there (or, in our heads).  Charm and beauty – always good antidotes.

Have a lovely, gracious weekend!