Look forward to a Gemini Full Moon on Wednesday (Pacific) and Thursday (Eastern). While opposite the Sagittarius Sun, it will glow in all its roundness. As always with a “Full” phase, finish and complete any old projects hanging around. Clear out any debris to make room for what’s next. (New Moon in ambitious Capricorn 12/25/19 – great time for new beginnings)
While the Moon is in the Mercury ruled 3rd sign of the Zodiac, communication is key. Chatting, Twittering, Face Booking, etc. can tend towards the witty and the clever, and with “Full” energy, our interactions can also be purposeful, powerful and precise. I love this quote from Deepak Chopra:
“Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”
Let us all do that!
* Gemini Full Moon: PST 12/11 ~ 9:12 PM / EST 12/12 ~ 12:12 AM