Astrology: New Moon Weekend in Leo – This Could Be Exciting!

Both luminaries in the same sign means = “New Moon”. The Sun moved into ambitious, generous, enthusiastic Leo on July 22, 2011 and on Saturday July 30th, the Moon will also be in the same regal Fire sign. This is the 2nd “New” for this month – a rare occurrence. Since this particular Moon phase is always great for beginnings, take it as a sign of encouragement to initiate something in the next few days. If you have a project to get off the ground, someone that you need to enroll in your life, a presentation to make – charm and fortune are amped up. The Sun is powerful. Give yourself permission to shine.

The Moon remains in Sun ruled Leo until Sunday evening and it bodes well for an active, energetic, creative time. Put all that Solar driven joy and confidence all over people, give a performance, have fun with any melodrama that might ensue.  (Drama doesn’t always have to be a hissy fit.)

Possibilities for a fabulous weekend are endless. Let the good times…


FYI- The New Moon was in Cancer on July 1st, while the Sun was in the same sign. 

Astrology: Here Comes the Sun! Attention Loving Leo

The Sun rules the 5th sign of the Zodiac and you can tell. With the influence of the “Sun King”, we all should feel upbeat and magnanimous – it’s all that regal, “all about me” stuff. Leo’s are generous, dramatic  (great performers), attention seeking, creative and full of a lion’s pride. When the Sun struts into this Fire sign on Friday July 22nd 9:12PM Pacific / Saturday July 23rd 12:12AM Eastern, expect to have some fun for the duration of its stay.

Glow and be warmed as the Solar presence heats the talent, self confidence and love segments of life. Graciously ooze that Leo charm and you will be looked at, admired, loved. Time to step up and step out – just watch the imperiousness. (Speed dating could be really exciting, or off the hook – as the kids say)

While the communication planet Mercury is in Leo, until July 28, self expression is clever, entertaining, and confident. Perhaps more ego driven than usual, share the conversation, let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you.

FYI – Just to add to the attractiveness of it all, Venus the Goddess planet of love floats into Leo on July 28th and stays until August 21. Beautify self and surroundings and be royal but in moderation. Money will be very easy to throw around, ignore the urge to show off. People will be drawn to you regardless.

*BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year -19, 20, 21, 23. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby – close to two signs- but regardless, there is only one Sun sign on an Astrology chart  (however, the individual will often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs).



Astrology: Passionate, Intense Scorpio Moon Weekend 7/8/11

The Moon slips into seductive, secretive, sensual Scorpio late on Friday evening July 8. This Water sign is determined, deliberate and deep. Sensitivity and moodiness will be all around us, so try using all this power in useful ways. Is there research to be done? Mysteries to be uncovered? Now is a good time to get to the bottom of something!

Ruled by the transformation planet Pluto, Scorpio desires to connect on deeper levels with people– chit chat or gossip may not be satisfying. (Keeping it “real” and all that.)

If your speech/behavior, or anyone else’s, goes over the top and storms into melodrama– take a few steps back. We may all be a little prickly, a little emotional, don’t allow any slights, real or imaginary, to cut too deeply. Breathe.

As always, a Sagittarius Moon, the next sign in the Zodiac, is waiting to follow a Scorpio one. Life perks up with the Moon bouncing into Fire sign Sag early Monday morning.  

Have a passionate, dramatic weekend!



Astrology: Dramatic July 4th Weekend – New Moon & Solar Eclipse

Busy holiday weekend starts Friday 7/1. There is New Moon energy, always good for beginnings, launches, etc, in the Water sign of Cancer and at the same time, a Partial Solar Eclipse occurs – 4:54 AM Eastern/ 1:54 AM Pacific. As a result, Moon ruled Cancer’s traits may be amped up, so emotions will be very close to the surface, sensitivity heightened – “Feelings, whoa, whoa feeeeelings…”.  Be careful not to overreact if loved ones are tactless. Try to use any uncovered  vulnerability creatively, imaginatively. Feelings can be upbeat and perky, spread it around to those same impolite loved ones.

Saturday afternoon, 5:43PM Eastern /2:43PM Pacific, the Moon does a royal procession into Fire Sign Leo. The 5th sign of the Zodiac is noted for its enthusiasm, generosity, “look at me!” way of being. Of course it is ruled by the Sun and there will seem to be a general  demand for attention from friends/family and even people you don’t know. Just be kind to those that are willing to revolve around you. Bask in all that light and warmth (I don’t mean the weather) and take everyone along for some “La Dolce Vita” stuff.

Please note that communication planet Mercury will also move into Leo on 7/1, so look out for conversation stopping comments to be made and earth shaking tweets to be sent or read. This weekend could be full of drama, but still fun. Fireworks, YAY!

On Monday evening 7/4 the practical, conscientious Virgo Moon arrives (9:15PM Eastern/ 6:15PM Pacific) just in time to give us a chance to power down and get ready for back to work.

Regardless of whether you have a 1, 2, 3 day weekend, or you’re one of the lucky ones who can stretch it to 4, have a full, fun, fabulous Holiday!

FYI: The Moon is “new” when both luminaries are in the same sign -Sun entered Cancer on June 21

Astrology: Adventurous Sagittarius Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse, 6/15/11

Good time to finish projects, wrap up/tie up details of any outstanding issues while there is a Full Moon phase.  However, a Lunar Eclipse also occurs at the same time and in the same upbeat Fire sign of Sagittarius on Wednesday June 15th, 4:14PM Eastern/ 1:14PM Pacific. The Sun and Moon are opposite each other, reflecting their lights, and the Eclipse just adds to the power surge for the next few days. You may feel the urge to careen around, checking items off the to-do- list.

Yes, the possibilities of completing or changing things are amped, such as suddenly ending or finishing something that you may have been dithering about for awhile. But, don’t rush – think about it, ruminate and then press “go”. Decision made. Done. Whew.

Expansive, spontaneous Jupiter rules 9th sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius.  We may feel its influences thru spontaneous travel plans, the desire to break free of restrictions (real or imaginary), to share ideas. To be big in everything – optimism works.  Make the most of it, laugh, be adventurous, finish up – get ready for what’s next.

Astrology: A Nurturing, Royal Weekend – Moon in Cancer & Leo 6/3/11

Early on Friday June 3rd, the Moon floats into Cancer  – the Water sign it rules. There will be sensitivity and emotion, but also the possibility of good home cooking. (Not a bad mix.) Downplay any moodiness and let Cancer’s kind, mothering instincts invite those you are fond of to share the healthy and tasty things in the fridge. All this sharingness will last until late Saturday night.

Just in time for Sunday brunch, the Moon takes a regal bow in Fire sign Leo (always a time for theatrics and fun). This sign is ruled by the Sun, so dress up. Take advantage of all those golden “royal” feelings and show off a little.  Be noticed, attention will be paid. You deserve it. Spread around the other Leo good stuff  too, like generosity and creativity – have a good time.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Moon into Cancer 6/3/11 – 4:36AM Eastern/ 1:36AM Pacific

Moon into Leo 6/5/11 – 11:03AM Eastern / 8:03AM Pacific

Astrology: Weekend Moon in Aries and Taurus – Action, Love, Finances!

All day Friday and Sunday, 5/27 and 5/28, we will feel the influence of the Aries Moon.  This aggressive, impatient Fire sign is ruled by the planet Mars – the unofficial patron saint of warriors.  Arian Moons are great for action rather than mental activity, but still a good time to initiate, take charge- just think it thru and go for it. Use the physicality to burn off any anger or frustration that might be lurking.

All day Sunday and Holiday Monday, 5/29 and 5/30, the Taurus Moon turns our thoughts to money – again. But, since this Earth sign is ruled by Venus, getting close to love and luxury will also be in the air. Beautify self and surroundings. And maybe strategize about what needs to be done to feel financially and emotionally secure?

Have a terrific long weekend!