It’s time for those “re” words again – rethink, rework, revisit, revitalize, reduce (not physically). The 1st Mercury Retrograde for 2012 will be upon us on Monday, March 12 in fiery Aries. Take time to go over details while communications planet Mercury goes backwards in the sky. Project initiation/creation would be best delayed, if possible, until it goes Direct again in Water sign Pisces on 4/4 – if not, be meticulous, be careful, “review”.
Let us prepare early. Get travel plans and information updated and confirmed, back up files, make sure all those little electronic gadgets are working, etc. However, be positive. Rather than think of Mercury Retrograde as a disaster, use the 3 weeks of its backward trek as an opportunity to re evaluate and /or re process. When the planet goes forward again, new plans will have the power and energy needed to get off the ground.
But waiting, thinking things through, dealing with the details, may be easier said than done. Mars ruled Aries is a naturally impatient spark plug urging us to jump off that ledge or send verbal shocks to the universe just because – it’ll be sooooo exciting. This is not such a good time for Aries rashness and risk. If you must walk on the wild side, look before you leap, take a breath before you speak (It can still be fun).
Life will continue to happen. We will get through it!
FYI – Mercury Retrograde in Aries:
3/12/12 (3:49am EDT / 12:49am PDT)
Backwards into Pisces on 3/23/12 (9:22am EDT / 6:23am PDT)
Stops and then goes Direct in Pisces on 4/4/12 (5:11am EDT/ 3:11am PDT).
Mercury will reach Aries again on 4/16/12 (6:42pm EDT / 3:42PM PDT).