Capricorn Moon This Weekend– Wild Ambition!

Saturday and Sunday, April 3 & 4, 2021, will find us in the serious embrace of a Capricorn Moon. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be grounding), the 10th sign of the Zodiac has upwardly mobile aspirations.

Earth sign Capricorn can bring out the administrator side – a perfect time to organize, assign tasks, take charge and move with purpose. See this as an opportunity to show your stuff. Are your strategies & actions producing the results you want? Being an ambitious over achiever is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled.

Have a super, productive weekend, but don’t forget to smile and say “thank you” while telling everyone what to do.

Stay Safe. Stay Sane



Capricorn Moon Weekend – Set Goals, Accomplish, Take Charge!

Saturday and Sunday, September 7 & 8, 2019, will find us in the serious embrace of a Capricorn Moon. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), the 10th sign of the Zodiac has upwardly mobile yearnings. It can bring out the “administrator” in us – a perfect time to organize, assign tasks, take charge and move with purpose. See this as an opportunity to sharpen your business acumen. Are your strategies, actions producing the results you want? Being an ambitious over achiever is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled.

Have a successfully productive weekend, but don’t forget to smile and say “thank you” while telling everyone what to do.



Capricorn Moon Weekend – Wild Ambition!

Look forward to a potentially powerful weekend, 12/8 and 12/9, with the Moon in businesslike, productive Capricorn. (And, Mercury is going Direct again!) It can bring out the “administrator” in us – a perfect time to organize, assign tasks, take charge, move with purpose.  See this as an opportunity to show your stuff.

This Earth sign’s serious, focused energy pushes us to step to the front and give directions. Be nice to those employees, or family members, that you’ve enlist into assisting with any extra duties.  Decide on what you want to get done and stick to it. Don’t forget to say “thank you”.  

Enjoy the weekend while you ambitiously put all in order.



Weekend Moon in Ambitious Capricorn (and Daylight Savings Time)

On Saturday & Sunday, March 10 / 11, 2018, the Capricorn Moon can move us to take charge, get things accomplished and work hard. This Earth sign’s serious, focused energy pushes us to step to the front and give directions. Being ambitious is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled.

Have a successfully productive weekend, but don’t forget to smile and say ‘thank you” while telling everyone what to do.


*Daylight Savings – “Spring Ahead” 1 hour at 2 AM Sunday 3/11/18



Capricorn Moon – Wild Ambition!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lOk, maybe not “wild”, but it can be intense 😉 The Capricorn Moon this weekend, March 14 and 15, 2015 can mean it’s time to be in charge, time to get things accomplished, time to work hard – all with the deliberate and dutiful movement of this Earth sign. Its serious, focused energy pushes us to step to the front, assign tasks, give directions, be The BOSS!

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), the 10th sign of the Zodiac has ambitious yearnings. The agenda involves managing career, creating success (whatever that means to you) and striving for the pinnacle. Are your business strategies, actions producing the results you want? Get “crackin”!

Have a productive weekend – but don’t forget to smile.


You Are In Charge – Capricorn Moon Weekend!

Friday evening, October 19, 2012, begins a serious, organized, focused weekend experience while under the influence of a Capricorn Moon. It will last until Sunday evening. Ruled by Saturn,the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), see the Moon transit as an opportunity to show your stuff. Use the authoritarian energy associated with this 10th sign of the Zodiac to accomplish, complete and be the boss.

Being ambitious is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled. Assign tasks, give directions, move with confidence and purpose. Don’t forget to say “thank you”.  

Have a powerful weekend!


Astrology: Weekend of 3/25/11 – Moon in Serious Capricorn

Late Friday March 25th begins an enveloping Capricorn Moon experience lasting until Sunday evening. This Earth sign is ruled by stern Saturn and can influence feelings about authority, business and status.  Our thoughts may turn to “who is in charge?  – It should be ME”.  Being ambitious is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled.

Duty and responsibility – natural traits for this sign, give impetus to put things in order, take charge of our lives, pay attention to financial issues (Tax day is on the horizon) and clear up any little messes that we have created. It’s the adult thing to do.

Have a powerful accomplishing weekend!