Cancer Moon This Weekend ~ Comfort & Nurture

The Moon sits comfortably in the sign it rules from Friday afternoon,  8/14, until Sunday evening, 8/16. Cancer domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to Zoom by comfortable. Kindness and grace can be so soothing for everyone even while distancing.

The 4th sign of the Zodiac is sensitive and emotional. It can mean a few days of mood swings and feeling vulnerable. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat).

Use Cancer’s natural creativity instead and have a warm, loving weekend!

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Weekend Moon in Family & Friends Focused Cancer!

Saturday & Sunday, 10/19 & 10/20/19, the Moon is content as it sits in the Zodiac sign it rules. Even though moody, Water sign Cancer gets us ready for family, food and home. Domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to stop by, comfortable. Kindness and grace can be so soothing for everyone.

A Cancer Moon is also about vulnerability, sensitivity and emotions. Rather than looking for hurt feelings – your own or anyone else’s – be proactive. Unleash the inner artist. You can always cook, set a pretty table. It’s the perfect outlet for all that “nurture” driven energy. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat).

Create a warm, loving weekend!



Here We Go Again ~ Mercury Retrograde 7/7 to 7/31/19


On Sunday, July 7, 2019, Mercury, the planet of communications, education, travel / transportation and small gadgets, went Retrograde in generous, expansive, theatrical Leo. Possibilities of snafus, confusion, dead batteries, mis directed messages and getting on the wrong bus, etc. are possible. However, life will go on. I just think it best to be careful about it!

Ruled by the Sun, Leo energy, sparkle and leadership is a natural, however, with backwards Mercury, waiting a few beats so that thoughts can be reviewed and organized before jumping in front of that microphone may be a good idea. We should pay attention as we speak, write, perform. Contract signings, innovations, new investments should be delayed if possible and certainly not attempted until after close scrutiny.

During its reverse transit, it will reach sensitive Cancer, the 4th sign of the Zodiac on 7/19. Mercury will go Direct (forward) again on 7/31 and move back into Leo on 8/12/19. During the Cancer visit, personal interactions may be unclear and misdirected. Be mindful of unconscious, snarky communication with family and friends, the 4th sign’s domain.

As I’ve said before in this space, Mercury Retrograde is always a good time to make plans and exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, rewrite, re assess, re acquaint, re address. Take time to pause and reflect – can’t hurt.

~ Mercury Retrograde:  7/7/19 * 7:15 PM EDT / 4:15 AM PDT

* FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it can look like a reverse motion from earth.

(Next Mercury Retrograde will be 10/31/19 in Water sign Scorpio)

Full Moon in Comfy Cancer 12/25/15

Astro Moon FullChristmas Day finds us with a Full Moon in the nurturing, sensitive Water sign of Cancer. A “Full” phase (Sun and Moon gloriously opposite each other) is good for the finalization of projects, clearing up messes, etc. The 4th sign of the Zodiac is family and home focused, so completing old business may involve where you live. Make your environment safe and secure as possible, clear out the old, give space for the new. Gather and give away anything no longer useful or positive in your space, whether it be things, feelings or conversations. Get rid of what’s “done and dusted” – finish whatever was started at the time of the New Moon.

*Full Moon December 25, 2015 – 6:11 AM EST /3:11 AM PST



New Moon In Sensitive Cancer 7/15/15

Astro New Moon CrescentEvery month, when both luminaries, Sun and Moon, are in the same sign, the Moon is designated as “New”. Since the Lunar orb rules emotional, nurturing, Water sign Cancer, the energy is in full caring, helicopter mode. Don’t be surprised if you have urges to cook, fluff pillows, press cold damp cloths on heated brows. People can still be made “comfy” during hot, humid weather.

As always when the Moon is “New”, being inventive and creative is highlighted. So, be that with those that you are taking care of and feeding – new recipes to fill tummies without heaviness? new ways to keep friends and family hydrated and cool? (Invent a slushy flavor combination! )

Cancer New Moon July 15, 2015 – 9:24 PM EDT / 6:24 PM PDT


Summertime, Summertime – Sun in Cancer 6/21/15

astrology_chartwheel 2“Summer’s here and the time is right for dancin’ in the streets”. The Sun takes beach umbrellas, flip flops and lemonade into the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac. Along with the Cancer Sun, comes the Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) – our longest day of the year. This Water sign tends to be emotional, moody, restless and sensitive, but regardless, friends and family (real or created), will be an important focus. Your own personal Sun sign might be different, but, you can still take advantage of some of Cancer’s influences.

Don’t let your antennae wilt in the summer heat. Heightened awareness can provide useful information about people, places, things. Feel what you feel, pay attention to your instincts and if feeling a little blue, don’t over indulge hoping that it will make things better. Change the scenery and the mood will probably change too eventually. Know what is best for you – with both food and people. As kind and sympathetic Cancer’s “homey” energy reigns, use it – enjoy the love along with the ice cream.

Mars will be transiting Cancer from 6/25/15 to 8/9/15. Needless to say, the aggressive, straight ahead “Warrior” planet, is not comfortable in non confrontational, side stepping Cancer, but the nurturing impulse could get fierce! Watch grouchiness. If questioned or asked to explain, don’t assume that it’s an attack – people may just want to know more.

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts

*Sun in 1st degree of Cancer, June 21, 2015 – 12:38 PM EDT / 9:39 AM PDT Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere

Hey! The year is already half over – what are you going to create during the rest of 2015?

(Next up, Leo Sun 7/22/15)


Cancer Full Moon – It’s About Home!

The first Full Moon of the year occurs on Sunday, January 04, 2015 in the  sensitive, family and home focused Water sign of Cancer. As a “New” Moon is best for beginning projects- starting something new, implementation of ideas – the “Full” phase (Moon opposes the Sun in the sky, as it  “wanes” on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters) is optimum for the finalization of projects, clearing up messes, etc. Finishing touches are best done during the last 2 weeks of Moon quarters. The cycle begins again at the next New Moon phase – January 20.  Astro Moon Full

When Cancer is involved, completing old business may have something to do with where you live – cleaning out the old, giving space to the new. Gather and give away anything no longer useful or positive in your space; whether it be things, feelings or conversations. It’s a good time to tie up any loose ends of DIY projects that just keep hanging on.

Full Moon January 4, 2015 – 11:53PM Est / 8:53 PM PST

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Mercury Retrograde 6/7/14 – Here We Go Again!

Retrograde Mercury strikes again on June 7, 2014, the 2nd of the year. It begins in Water sign Cancer – emotions, family, friends, the past. Then on 6/17, the planet backs into the Air sign it rules, Gemini, until 7/1 when Mercury, planet of communication, short trips, siblings, goes Direct. We can deal, we can handle, we will survive it! Again.

Astro Planet Glyphs 2Can you imagine any communication snafus occurring between you and family members during the 3 weeks of the retrograde? Of course you can – so, the cautions are the same as always during a backward Mercury. Watch what you say or write. Be clear and precise, try not to leave room for mis interpretation. Hurt feelings, confusion can really be done without, especially with those closest to you. Keep things simple and uncomplicated as you live your life (it never stops regardless of whether a planet goes backward or forward). Complications and “hot messes” can arise all by themselves.

However, life is still great. We can get thru just as we’ve done in the past – prepare and pay attention. Back up your stuff. Get your facts, along with your ducks, in a row – verify, verify, verify. Use Retrograde time to do “re” things – review, reread, re evaluate, regroup, re charge.

*Mercury Retrograde: June 7, 2014: 7:57AM EDT / 4:57AM PDT


Saturday & Sunday Moon In Cancer

Astro New Moon CrescentMay 3 and 4, 2014 could be a weekend of emotional mood swings, creativity and/or over the top hospitality as the Moon settles into the nurturing Water sign it rules = Cancer. We may experience feelings of sensitivity and vulnerability, but don’t use it as an excuse to indulge in some emotional over eating.

Rather than looking for hurt feelings – your own or anyone else’s – be proactive. Unleash the inner artist and you can always cook, set a pretty table. It’s the perfect outlet for all that “nurture” driven energy. Decide to make family, friends, and yourself comfortable and happy. You’ll enjoy it.

Have a fulfilling weekend!

Weekend Moon: Gemini & Cancer!

Astro New Moon CrescentStart your weekend early on Friday March 7, 2014. A Mercury ruled Gemini Moon can make us chatty and social. We will be compelled to communicate – some way, somehow, it can be fun for us and/or just busy – or both. With dual faceted Air sign Gemini, variety rules. 

In time for Sunday brunch, the Lunar orb moves into the Water sign it rules – Cancer. Be prepared to dial it back a bit. The 4th sign of the Zodiac, sensitive, often moody and emotional, is about protecting and nurturing. Making sure friends, family and strays are well fed. (It might be calming after all the Gemini twitting, emailing and FBing.)

Have a wonderful weekend!