Astrology:Friday the 13th, But Still a Libra Moon Weekend!

On Friday 8/13, the Moon is in the balanced Air sign of Libra. Those 2 Yin/Yang planets, Venus and Mars, are also visiting this sign of partnerships. Couples of all kinds (business? romantic?) should be cloaked in a spirit of cooperation – a “can’t we all just get along?”  sort of spirit.

With this 7th sign of the Zodiac, the urge to beautify and socialize, enhanced by its ruler Venus, will be present and the warrior planet Mars will add energy and sizzle – nice.

On Saturday evening the Moon will move into intense, moody Scorpio. You will “feel” things. Emotions can run deep. No patience for the superficial.

BTW: I have found that Friday the 13th is usually lucky for me. (I don’t think it had to do with it being a payday or anything?) Regardless of where you’re at, have a great weekend, take advantage and use whatever good forces you can. (The Moon jumps into joyous, jubilant Sagittarius by Tuesday.)

Astrology: About That Leo New Moon

“New Moon” in Leo happened on Monday August 9 – both the Sun and the Moon are in the generous, royal sign of Leo. With the Sun as ruler, this Fire sign is all about joyous, confidence (like our President Obama!).

New Moons are best for creativity, fun and beginnings. If you have a project to start, someone that you need to enroll in your life, a presentation to make – charm and fortune are amped up. Depending on where Leo falls in your chart and due to other current planet happenings, it may take some effort, but the “possibilities are endless” as they say. Prepare, plot, plan – go for it. You will feel the effects for several days.

Next up – a Tuesday afternoon Virgo Moon, which brings a focus on health and work.

Astrology: Cancer Moon Weekend- Get Comfy!

Call home – Friday afternoon, 8/6, has the Moon moving into its own sign of Cancer. This water sign gets us all in the mood for family, food and anywhere we are hanging our hats this weekend. This can be a loving, nurturing time.

The Moon = emotions, with sensitivity and vulnerability heightened. Don’t go looking for hurt feelings – yours or anyone else’s.  (This will pass, so there is no need to over eat.)

Domesticity has its merits – make family, friends, yourself comfortable and happy if you can. You’ll enjoy it.

BTW: Energy change on Sunday afternoon when the Moon struts into the regal sign of Leo and goes “New” on Monday 8/9.

Astrology: Moon in Aries – Snap, Crackle, Pop Weekend

On the afternoon of Friday 7/30, the Moon will march into the physical, aggressive sign of Aries. (Think “Action figure”.)  This Fire sign is ruled by the planet Mars – the unofficial patron saint of warriors.  Arian Moons are great for movement rather than mental activity, but still a good time to initiate, take charge- just think it thru and go for it.

Power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they are in the presence of a bulldozer, but by all means, take advantage of the energy – get crackin’, do something different, conquer new territories, etc., etc. (Just be nice!)

Astrology: Full Moon in Aquarius 7/25/10

A Full Moon glows in the 11th sign of Aquarius on Sunday July 25th, at 6:37PM EDT/ 3:37PM PDT. (The Leo Sun is opposite the Aquarius Moon = Full Moon.)

We will feel the influences of friendly, unconventional Aquarius more intensely than a usual 2½ day Moon transit. A stubborn, people oriented, cause infused sign, it is about the “We/Us” rather than the “I/Me”.

This Air sign is ruled by unpredictable, freedom loving, change craving Uranus.  Intellectual rather than emotional, the concern for others that is part of the Aquarian personality is authentic and matter of fact. Volunteer, find a cause, leave a place better than you found it.

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, at “Full” phase, the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, it is a good time to clean up and finish old projects. (The best time to create, start new things is from the beginning of a “New Moon” phase thru the 2nd quarter – “waxing”.)

Astrology: Capricorn Moon Weekend – Boss Somebody!

Early Friday morning, July 23rd, until Saturday, we will be under the influence of the Earthly Capricorn Moon.

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing) use the serious, authoritarian and focused Capricorn energy to accomplish, complete and be in charge.

Get ready for the arrival of the unpredictable Aquarius Full Moon on Sunday 7/25!

Astrology: A Leo Sun 7/22!

Good day Sunshine as we all experience a little bit of Leo for the next few weeks. In 2010, the Sun moves into Leo on Thursday July 22 at 6:21PM EDT/ 3:21PM PDT

Leo’s are generous, dramatic (great actors), attention seeking, creative and full of a lion’s pride – really fun folks. (Leo = Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah’s couch declaring his love – not for Oprah – a “look at me” moment)

“Regal” is the key word when that lucky old Sun, ruler of Leo, shines and heats the talent, self confidence, fun and romance factors of your life. We should be active, upbeat, and magnanimous. You don’t have to give everyone you meet diamonds or tip $100s to the hot dog vendor, just ooze that Leo charm and you will be looked at, admired, loved.

BTW: Mercury, the communications planet, will also be in Leo at this time. Great opportunity to speak, write, present with the Sun’s grace. This can be a joyful, full of yourself time!

Leo:  Color = Gold (of course) * Rules= Heart * Gem= Tiger’s Eye

Astrology: Moving Planets – Saturn into Libra Again

Saturn will finally reach Libra again on 7/21/10. This planet went retrograde into Virgo in January and reversed course in May. It has inched its way forward back into the 7th sign of the Zodiac.

Discovered in 1610 by Galileo, I think of Saturn sometimes as the Castor Oil of the planet world.  Ancient Astrologers considered it a malefic, but recently, a more  positive spin, such as a bringer of life lessons, responsibility, etc. , has been attributed to it–like medicine that tastes awful, but does you good, eventually. (Ugh)

It is now the Libran’s turn, Birth Signs and Ascendants, to experience the planet for grownups.  Saturn (transit lasts until 2011) can change this gracious, relationship sign from an indecisive, social coquette to a serious seeker of commitment.  Everything must still be lovely and beautiful, partnerships will be highlighted, but with an underlying base of steel mesh, focus, ambition.

This is about boundaries, “reality”, discipline, karma. Yes, there is a heaviness as it transits a sign, but you can get a lot done with Saturn’s “duty bound” attitude, it just isn’t always fun.

BTW: If you have experienced a recent 30/60 year Saturn Return in Libra (the planet returns to the same place in your chart as at the time of birth every 30 years) you may notice the effects too.

Astrology: A People Friendly Libra Moon Weekend

Friday morning 7/16, the Moon does a social dance into partnership prone, harmony loving, artistic Libra.

The 7th sign of the Zodiac fosters good feelings, people activities, beauty and creativity. Seeking harmony with others and harmony for the home are all traits of the Libra vibe. These are good things! Invite a few folks to lunch?

By Sunday 7/18, the Moon will slide into serious, secretive, stubborn, Scorpio – intense (I ran out of “S”s). Use all that heat and power to your advantage. Be aware of the tendency to be easily wounded – hold the grudge for 5 minutes max, then move on.  By the time the perky Sagittarius Moon bounces in on Monday, you will have forgotten the drama anyway.

Astrology: Holiday Aries Moon – Firecrackers For Sure!

The long 4th of July Weekend begins with the Moon in sensitive, highly imaginative Pisces. Stay as grounded as you can, drill down and focus so that you can get your holiday preparations done before the Moon snaps into Aries early Saturday morning July 3rd.

The effects of the Aries Fire sign energy will be felt until Monday. Great time for activities, verbal sparring, and kinetic movement.  Use the physicality/ jettison any anger that might be lurking.  A reminder that “bigger is better“Jupiter and unpredictable Uranus are still sitting in Aries, which just adds to the power surge. A cautionary shout out for extremes and spontaneous combustion.  Stick to sparklers, leave the grenades. (Stay safe/ stay calm.)

Happy Holiday!