Astrology: Weekend Moon in Leo Friday Night 10/29/10

Friday night we are treated to a Leo Moon and all its goodies. The weekend can be full of fun, largesse, a little bit of showing off and lots of regal generosity of spirit.

This Fire sign is ruled by the Sun so a need for theatrics can rule – just remember that it’s not all about you.

A Virgo Sunday night Moon sets us up for work on Monday – practical, conscientious and ready to tackle the details.  All good.

Have a great weekend!

Astrology: Reminder – Venus Still Retrograde Until 11/18/10

Venus, the planet of love (and finances), ruler of both Taurus and Libra, began its backward move in the sky on Thursday October 8, 2010 while in Scorpio.

Making note of Venus Retrograde can be useful since this planet only goes backward every year and a half (unlike Mercury which is at least 3 times per year) – we pay attention. How does it affect us? As always, it depends specifically on the individual chart, but the influence will be felt by all.

Venus rules the 2nd House in the Astrology chart: what we value/how we really feel about money, love and relationships, possessions. Retrograde motion can cause confusion and uncertainty so this is always a good opportunity to review, realign, re evaluate, reconsider and with Venus it’s no different.

Look over finances (What budget?) re think contracts, think about THE relationship, (Is it a love that will last forever? Do you want it to? Has the intensity changed? Do you need to re assure someone about your undying…?). By the time Venus goes forward again on November 18, in its home sign of Libra, some questions will be answered, a course of action will be clearer, etc.

Just hold off taking action during the actual Retrograde period if you can. Venus going Direct will lend its support to your decisions.  For instance: A- Do you really want to buy that?  B- A wedding date after November 18 may lessen any “Bridezilla/Groomzilla” happenings 🙂

Astrology: Varied Weekend * Aries and Taurus

Full Moon again in the sign of Aries on Friday October 22. On September 23, the Full Aries Harvest Moon announced the Fall Equinox. Since the Sun is still in Libra (and a Full phase occurs whenever the Sun is opposite the Moon), we have another Full Moon in the first Fire sign of the Zodiac. It will carry pretty much the same punch as it did last month. Ruled by aggressive Mars, all that in your face Aries energy, when used with your smarts, can really power thru obstacles.

Then as the Taurus Moon arrives late Friday night, comfort, stability and beauty tone down the vibrations.  This Venus ruled Earth sign will influence us for the rest of the weekend. Taurus leads us towards good food, luxurious thoughts. Good things.

Have a lovely weekend!

FYI: Sun goes intense in Scorpio on Saturday 10/23 – 8:35 AM EDT/5:35AM PDT

Astrology: Sun Powers into Scorpio 10/23/10

The Scorpio Sun arrives on Saturday October 23rd (8:35AM EDT/ 5:35AM PDT) and can infuse us with passion and force to get projects accomplished, capture that love interest and drill down thru any mysteries that need to be solved. (Think “determination”)

Due to the characteristic sensitivity and emotionality of Water signs, Scorpio’s power will not be served distant and cold – there will be drama.

Scorpio our 8th sign of the Zodiac brings intensity, energy and depths of feeling.  Since warrior planet Mars, its traditional planet ruler (co-ruler is Pluto), is transiting Scorpio until 10/28 the power is really amped.  Any superficial skimming of the surface, in conversation or action,  just won’t do – if there are mysteries to be solved, secrets to be uncovered, this is a great time to do it. Time for a reveal?

However, as always – pay attention, you may get all wrapped in all the emotion and acting out and then discover that the “overwhelm” does not quite match the situation.

Laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.  Save any overflowing aggression and/or grudges for another day. It will all probably dissipate as the mood changes.

Scorpio:  Gemstone – Topaz / Power color – Deep, dark shades of red

Astrology: Weekend Moon in Scorpio 10/8/10

The Friday October 8th Scorpio Moon follows the New Moon that occurred  in Libra on the 7th.  The Moon will take residence in this emotional Water sign for 2 days. You will probably notice the difference. Rather than Libra-like easy social networking, there will be the need to connect on deeper levels with people– superficial pleasantries will not be acceptable or satisfying.

If feeling more exposed and sensitive, don’t allow any slights, real/imaginary, to cut too deeply. (Is it possible to spend too much time feeling wounded? You could be doing something else a bit more constructive?)

However, as always, a Sagittarius Moon, the next sign in the Zodiac, is waiting to follow a Scorpio one. Life perks up with the Moon bouncing into Fire sign Sag on Sunday afternoon.  There may be this unexplained, underlying need for adventure. Don’t get too extreme or go toward excess -if you need a net, use it. (Nobody becomes a”Flying Wallenda” overnight.)

BTW: The Flying Wallendas is the name of a circus act and daredevil stunt performers, most known for performing highwire acts without a safety net.  (Per WiKiPedia)

Astrology: New Moon in Social Libra 10/7/10

Okay – start your engines, another New Moon phase occurs on Thursday October 7th. “New” happens each month when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. It is a great time for beginnings.

Our 2 Luminaries will be together in the Air sign Libra.  Libra traits are intensified and “New” in this social sign can mean new friends, relationships, partners, contracts, etc. (Blind date? Speed networking/business card exchange party?) Regardless of what, there will be charm and cooperation.

Saturn is currently spending a 2 year visit in Libra. This planet brings boundaries, discipline and structure.  It may constrict some of the natural Libra relaxed ease with people, but it can also give strength and focus – not  to give in to an opposing  point of view just to be agreeable.

For about the next 2 weeks, take advantage of the energy and meet someone, create something “New”.

Astrology: The Weekend Moon – Variety of Moods!

As you know, the Moon changes Astrology signs every 2 to 2 1/2 days. If you don’t like the Lunar energy one day, wait a few days for a possible change.  This weekend is no different.

All day Friday October 1st, (actually it moves in early on Thursday), the Moon is in its own homey, nurturing sign of Cancer. Expect “feelings” – sensitivity, vulnerability.

Saturday afternoon thru Sunday, the Moon will be in the upbeat, “Me” sign of Leo.  This Fire sign generates confidence, generosity of spirit – that whole regal thing. Enjoy it. Friends and family can just bask in the golden glow of each other – fun.

As always, have a super weekend. Cherish the time.

Astrology: Weekend! Moon in Aries,Then Taurus

On Friday 9/24 we feel the effects of the active, aggressive Aries Moon. As always, there are planetary happenings, depending upon the individual chart, that might make this sign’s warrior sentiments more intense – keep a lid on your temper. Leave the flamethrower in the closet. (Kind of hard to walk back that type of conflagration no matter how many times you say “sorry, my bad”.)

On Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday, the pace changes as the Moon moves into security minded, comfort loving Taurus.  Celebrate Fall / Indian Summer.  This new season is a good time to go over finances and watch the leaves change color.  Taurus – find the beauty, while watching your cash. Makes sense to me.

Have a great weekend!

Astrology: Shine on Harvest Moon!

This month’s Full Moon is in the Fire sign of Aries on Thursday 9/23. It is also this year’s Harvest Moon. (“Harvest” is any Full Moon that occurs closest to the Autumnal Equinox– which happened when the Sun glided into Libra on 9/22/10.) During this Full phase, the Libra Sun is directly opposite and lights the Aries Moon. Rather than the more familiar crescent shape, we see it round and beautiful.

The Moon is “waning” on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, making it a good time to finish up old projects, clean up messes that you have been staring at for the past few weeks. An Aries Moon is perfect for physical activity. Get it done! Once you clear out what has been hanging around, you will create space for the “new” – ideas, things, people, places. However, fiery Aries can be a little over the top with all that Mars energy. Don’t do that “throw out the baby with the bath water” thing. Think it through before letting go?

Astrology: Here Comes The Libra Sun 9/22/10

The Libra Sun arrives on Wednesday 9/22/10 (11:09 PM EDT / 8:09PM PDT) – bringer of the Autumnal Equinox, master/mistress of partnerships, lover of beautiful things, charmer connecting and fostering relationships, ruled by the lovely Venus. The Scale is this Air sign’s symbol. (BTW: All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals)

Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising sign, Libra will still cast a glow.  It’s all about socializing, networking, getting along. There will be cooperation! (Great time to ask for a raise? build a group of volunteers?)

With the influence of Venus, the good things in life – music, delicious food, beauty are used to warm and lift the spirits. My thought/ suggestion for anything Libran is always:  meet some fun folks for lunch!

Seeking harmony, the Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making decisions.  This is not a failing or  a weakness – seeking justice can be hard, determined work – however, using the Pros/Cons list method can just string the selection process out. Be aware that important action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice.

Libra – Gemstone: Adventurine * Power colors: Blues and violets