Astrology: A Nurturing, Royal Weekend – Moon in Cancer & Leo 6/3/11

Early on Friday June 3rd, the Moon floats into Cancer  – the Water sign it rules. There will be sensitivity and emotion, but also the possibility of good home cooking. (Not a bad mix.) Downplay any moodiness and let Cancer’s kind, mothering instincts invite those you are fond of to share the healthy and tasty things in the fridge. All this sharingness will last until late Saturday night.

Just in time for Sunday brunch, the Moon takes a regal bow in Fire sign Leo (always a time for theatrics and fun). This sign is ruled by the Sun, so dress up. Take advantage of all those golden “royal” feelings and show off a little.  Be noticed, attention will be paid. You deserve it. Spread around the other Leo good stuff  too, like generosity and creativity – have a good time.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Moon into Cancer 6/3/11 – 4:36AM Eastern/ 1:36AM Pacific

Moon into Leo 6/5/11 – 11:03AM Eastern / 8:03AM Pacific

Astrology: Awesome Sun & Moon Power in Gemini June 1, 2011

Not only is there a New Moon, but a Solar Eclipse also happens in Gemini on Wednesday June 1 (Sun entered Gemini on May 20).  With the 2 potent luminaries in this sign of the twins, its duality makes this the best time to do 2 things at once- scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and analyze. The versatility and quickness of this Mercury ruled Air Sign is enhanced. Just remember to breathe – everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed.

Communication can be powerful, so watch yours and everyone else’s. Is there something that needs to be said, or something that you need to hear? Pay attention – information can have muscle. Messages given and received can be truly helpful. Don’t miss out by being too wrapped up in the chatter.


a) Solar Eclipse/New Moon – 5:03PM Eastern/ 2:03 PM Pacific – Wednesday June 1.

b) The Moon is considered “new” when both the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign  – generally a great time for new ideas and implementing new projects.

Astrology: The Moon is “New” in Taurus 5/2 and 5/3/11

The Taurus New Moon arrives at 11:51PM Pacific on Monday May 2nd and 2:51AM Eastern on Tuesday May 3rd (3 hour time zone difference). A “New Moon” heralds beginnings and is a great time to initiate projects, make changes. The Sun has been in this second sign of the Zodiac since 4/20.  With both luminaries in this practical, determined Venus ruled Earth sign, Taurean themes are highlighted and intensified – romance, beauty, creativity, finances.  Time for a new love, a new project, a new budget?

You can be loving and creative while managing your cash. Re evaluate how you spend and save your money. Financial stability may allow you to still indulge yourself and your loved ones when you want without causing a budgetary crisis. Bull-like resistance to change, classic Taurus stubbornness, may not work now – contemplate a new way of doing things when needed.

Astrology: Feisty Aries Moon Weekend 4/29/11

An extra oomph, an extra buzz are just some of the possibilities as a result of the Aries Moon transit beginning on Friday April 29, 1:33PM Eastern/ 10:33AM Pacific.  Got something to do, something to start, something to face???Tap into the Fire sign’s energy. Aggressive planet ruler Mars is still visiting this peppy sign, along with Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury – powerful. Hmmmmm.

Hold the combustion unless absolutely necessary. Strive for the hammer in the velvet glove approach. Personally, I think super things can happen as long as feet stay on the ground. Keep cockiness to a minimum. (Is that even possible? Well, try.)

Atmosphere calms as the Lunar orb moves into practical Taurus late Sunday evening revving up for Monday’s New Moon in this Earth sign.

No matter what you do, seize the opportunity and have a fun weekend!

Astrology: Weekend Moon – Capricorn, Then Aquarius, Variety!

Early Friday April 22 gives us a business focused, responsible Capricorn Moon. The urge to be in charge, the urge to get things accomplished, the urge to work hard – all with the deliberate movement of this Earth sign.

An Aquarius Moon on Sunday ends the weekend on an unpredictable, but upbeat note. This Air sign is into group activities, volunteering, service to and/or organizing others. Contribution is always a good thing – gives a great start to the week ahead.

If you can, use the energy of the Zodiac sign the Moon is visiting on a particular  day:

Saturn ruled Earthy Capricorn – Authority, ambition, organized

Uranus ruled Airy Aquarius – Friendly, innovative, comfortable in groups with a cause

Regardless, deliver your best self as always, have a super weekend!

BTW- Mercury finally goes Direct on 4/23. This forward motion for the communication planet, after the 3 week Retrograde situation, may show up with solutions for stalled projects, the unlocking of writer’s blocks, a miraculous self repair for computers, smart phones, etc? Ah, life is smooth again! (Well, as much as it can be)

Astrology: Determined Taurus Sun Arrives 4/20/11

The Sun slips into Taurus early on Wednesday April 20, 6:18AM Eastern/ 3:18AM Pacific. Second in line, but the first Earth sign of the zodiac, it is ruled by the sensual love and beauty planet Venus. However, it is also definitely practical in nature when it comes to finances due to an affinity for security. There is comfort to be found in beauty, music and art, but perhaps knowing where the money is too will give feelings of stability in unpredictable times.

The “Bull” is Taurus’ symbol for a reason – stubborn, unwavering in beliefs, will hold on after others have let go of the tug rope, etc.  For the next few weeks we can tap into these traits of strength and perseverance so that we solidify and complete the projects started during the high energy of the previous Aries Sun.

But, stay conscious, know when to let go of the rope. Sometime ya just gotta stop being the “stake” and shift to flexible. Beware of being rigid and overcautious – don’t miss out on an opportunity out of fear. Be practical, yet brave.  What a combo – Yay!

*Taurus (April 20-May 21) = Gem Stone: Rose Quartz / Power color: Soft rose-pink



Astrology: Charming Full Moon in Libra This Weekend

Weekend energy begins with the Friday April 15th Moon in practical, earthy Virgo and then lightens up later as social Libra castes its influence. There will even be a Full Moon in this relationship focused Air sign on Sunday April 17th, 10:44PM Eastern/ 7:44PM Pacific.

As I’ve mentioned in this space before, a ”Full” Moon phase packs power and can give our thoughts clarity. It starts the “waning” or decreasing, of the Lunar orb, a good time to gather results or confront the useless – clean up old projects, get rid of outmoded thought patterns and  attitudes in order to clear the way for the “new”.

Libra Moons can make us cooperative, social with an urge to beautify both ourselves and our surroundings. Good. It will help us tune out/tone down any negative, angry voices out there (or, in our heads).  Charm and beauty – always good antidotes.

Have a lovely, gracious weekend!


Astrology: Reminder! Mercury Still Retrograde Until 4/23

Just so we don’t get all sloppy with the details of  life and forget that attention must continue be paid.  Remember that the first Mercury Retrograde of 2011 happened on Wednesday March 30, in the first sign of the Zodiac – Aries (4:48PM Eastern / 1:48PM Pacific).

Fiery Aries (impulsive, can’t wait) vs Mercury Retrograde (indecision) – can you see where I’m going with this? We may not be too comfortable with this “Yes / No”, “NOW! / Later” situation.  Even with a starter engine Fire sign, the communications planet going backward can still cause a slow down and create snafus, confusion, missed details, etc.

This is not such a good time for Aries rashness and risk. Rather than initiate anything new, review and revisit ideas, revitalize old projects, re invent an approach until Mercury goes Direct on 4/23/11.  (If you must begin something important, check everything twice, make sure verbal and written communication is clear – and especially make sure you are clear on your intentions.)

Regardless of frustration, be nice (put down the flame thrower).  This isn’t terrible.  Life continues. We will manage.  Stay grounded.

F.Y.I. – Next Mercury Retrograde will be 8/2 – 8/26

Astrology: Weekend Moon in Gemini and Cancer 4/8/11 – Mixed Moods

The Friday morning Gemini Moon is just in time for leisurely networking or active socializing, or both – with dual faceted Gemini, variety reigns. This Air sign is ruled by the current Retrograde planet Mercury and we should be reminded to watch the details as we balance and sort how to spend time. My favorite example: “meet me in Paris” – Is it the one in Texas or France?  (I don’t know why this always makes me laugh 🙂

Things slow down in the evening until the Moon moves into Cancer, the Water sign that it rules, on Saturday afternoon and remains thru Monday morning. Rather than restless energy, there will be nesting instincts with some sensitivity and emotion thrown in. Caring and food can be major components.

It’s all good. Have a super weekend!

Astrology: April 2011 * Aries – So Many Planets, So Little…

Wow, there will be days in April that Aries (Fire Sign, ruled by the Warrior planet Mars, 1st sign of the Zodiac) will be playing host to 5 planets plus the Sun. Potent, powerful, persuasive, passionate, potentially combustible energy can result. (I ran out of “P” words to convey how “in your face” this could be.)

Aries is about aggression, physical energy, impatience, temperament, action – all this can be used to make great things happen– now!  But, in addition to accomplishment, there can also be risk and rush leading to hurt feelings and messy, scattered results. (Arrogance can always come back to bite ya somewhere/somehow?)

Aries and:

Jupiter* 2/23 – 6/5/11, Called the Lucky planet – feelings of good fortune, sure bets, may hide some risks and lull you into taking lots of chances.

Mercury* 3/10 – 5/16/11 (Retrograde period 3/30 – 4/23), Sharp communication, can be snide, angry, remember – a verbal assault is still an “assault”.

Uranus* 3/12/11 – 2018,  Slow moving outer planet will remain for 7 years.  Unpredictable, rebellious, often “change” for change sake,  resenting any restraints, rules-  don’t let desire to be “free” cloud common sense.

Sun* 3/20 – 4/20/11, Enthusiastic, energetic, buoyant, “I”

Mars* 4/2 – 5/11/11, (Planet ruler of Aries) Intensifies combative qualities and self confidence – fiestiness works, but, don’t underestimate a situation or an opponent.

Venus* 4/21 – 5/15/11, Planet of love and beauty in the same neighborhood as the testosterone charged planet Mars = Sparks!

So, short and sweet, it boils down to the following: Use this time of powerful drive and emotion to your advantage without creating grenade like debris.  And, focus. Dial back on ego and think of the contribution you are to others – magnified, energized.

As always, the depth of the affects of all this depends upon where Aries and those transiting planets appear in the birth chart.

Brace yourself. Let the “Tilt-a-Whirl” begin! (Wasn’t it the movie “All About Eve” where Bette Davis says her “Bumpy night” line? ) Well Ok! We’re ready! Could be fun!