Astrology: Double Whammy in Aries!

Aries New Moon on April 14th – while the Sun shines in that same fiery sign (until 4/20). Expect some volatile, combustible, impulsive happenings.  Beware of rash moves and acting/speaking without thinking, but do take advantage of all that good aggressive Aries physicality. Go for it!

*BTWBy April 15th, Tax Day, the quick moving Moon will be in the stubborn, money sign of Taurus.  Don’t wait until the last minute – Mercury, also in Taurus, is slowing down and will go retrograde on Saturday 4/17. As it prepares its backward trek, it might cause some confusion in the finance department.  Early prep and early mailing is best. (Just sayin’…)

Astrology: Pisces Moon This Weekend

On Friday evening April 9th, the moon gentles its way into sensitive, creative Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real.  A Pisces Moon may have you looking for an escape to another world, but stay grounded this weekend.  (You can hold on until the Moon moves into its next sign.) Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any promises or sad stories.

Early Monday morning, April 12th, we are thrust into the in your face, high energy, high octane 2 ½ days of an Aries Moon. Stand up for yourself, but be nice.

Astrology: Moon into Business-Like Capricorn

The Moon changes signs about every 2 1/2 days . Out of the peppy Fire sign Sagittarius – next stop the serious, organized Earth sign Capricorn.  You can use the new energy to focus, accomplish, complete and be in charge!

Next, the Moon will move into the innovative, free spirit Air sign of Aquarius in the early morning of Wednesday 4/7/10. Expect the unexpected.

Astrology: Sag Moon – Good Times!

Perk up! The Moon has moved out of brooding, intense Scorpio and into optimistic, upbeat Sagittarius.  We always feel a lift in spirits after this transition. Thoughts turn to travel and adventure – fun.  But, go easy on the chocolate bunny treats.

(We’ll get back to business on Sunday evening with the Moon shift into responsible, Capricorn.)

Happy Easter!

Astrology: Moving Planets – Lots of Activity in Taurus!

The sign of Taurus will be hosting 2 high powered planets- Venus and Mercury- for several weeks at the end of March/beginning of April, 2010. Planet transits vary in length adding energy to a sign and can impact the individual wherever it falls in their chart. Taurus is a very dependable, practical sign that respects money, hates debt, loves beauty and comfort.  To paraphrase a line from my favorite musical “Westside Story” – “Who knows…Somethin’s coming and it’s gonna be great”.

Venus rules the sign of Taurus and glides in on Wednesday March 31 until April 25, 2010.  Often referred to as the planet of love, Venus is all about relationships and is very comfortable in this sign. Think peace, love, good food and budget talks with a significant other?  (Or, a close family member.)

Mercury, the usually speedy communications planet, moves into Taurus on April 2 until June 10, 2010. During this time frame, the planet will slow its pace and go retrograde on 4/18 – it will stop going backward and go direct again on 5/11/10.  Earthy, grounded Taurus will bring weight to the quick, “chatty Kathy” Mercury. Use this time to think things through – to change your mind if need be.

BTW:  Taurus rules the 2nd House in the Astrology chart – It is the House of possessions, money (what we do with it/how we feel about it), what we think is “valuable”.

Astrology: Last Stages of the Pisces Sun

The Sun moves out of the 12th, final Sun sign of the Zodiac, Pisces.  The Sun has transited all 12 signs and is ready to start the cycle anew in Aries, the 1st sign.  This is a great opportunity for us to finish up any odds and ends so that we go forward into high energy Aries with a clean slate. The Spring Equinox brings a new astrological year with new chances to shine.

Astrology: Spring Equinox- Sun into Aries

Reminder! March 20th is the beginning of the Vernal Equinox – Spring is here. At  10:32am  PDT -1:32pm EDT, the Sun moves into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – Aries.

This is a great time for beginnings, start ups, what to plant, etc – all that  Aries impulsive, physical, high energy can be used to snow board off that cliff of ideas and projects you’ve been contemplating all winter. The universe will support you.

Mars went direct on 3/10, there was a New Moon on 3/15 and Mercury moves out of  fuzzy Pisces into volatile Aries today,  3/17, (communication should be sharper, but watch for arguments – be nice). We should keep our eyes open for opportunities. Pay attention to our urges to “act” – especially, action with purpose, not just because we’re bored. Even with excellent timing, we still need to remember to “focus”.  Aries is also the father of rushing, risk taking and scattered energies.  Think a project through and complete it. At the end of the day, as you sit exhausted, you’ll have a feel good moment and be able to check – “done”. What’s next?

FYI – March 20th is also the designated as “International  Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration around the world of the ancient art of Astrology.  (I will be serving ice cream and cake)

Astrology: New Moon on 3/15/10

On 3/15/10, the Moon is new in the dreamy, imaginative sign of Pisces- create something!

Both the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign therefore, the time of a new Moon is great for new ideas and implementing new projects.  The moon will change signs, but the effects of this “new” energy can last for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter.

BTW: The Moon changes signs every 2 – 2/12 days.  It moves next, on Tues 3/16, into the sign of snap/crackle/pop Aries. Initiate change and take care of any high energy, physical projects that need to get done.

Astrology: Moving Planets

Wednesday March 10th is a busy day –”planetarily” speaking.

The Moon is currently in the ambitious, business focused Earth sign of Capricorn until 1:59 pm PST Wednesday.  Ruled by Saturn, a Capricorn Moon can be a time of very deliberate movement.  That sluggishness, coupled with the Retrograde Mars, might give a feeling of walking in molasses when it comes to any career plans.  However, the Moon only stays in a sign for 2 to 2 ½ days. It will move into the innovative, unrestrained Air sign of Aquarius by the evening of the 3/10.

As mentioned a few weeks ago, the volatile planet Mars (in the Fire sign of Leo), retrograde since December, will reverse and go forward on the same day.  But, before a planet can reverse, it must slow down to a standstill.  As it does that, the planet’s themes/characteristics are enhanced.  Look out for hot tempered issues, rash judgments, impatience as it starts its direct motion. Things will really speed up as we get to the weekend and the New Moon. Get something started!

Astrology: Moving Planets – Mars Direct

Mars springs forward again on 3/10/10.  The fiery planet went retrograde in December 2009 and you may have noticed that plans/projects either slowed down or just never got off the ground.  Well, the kid is back – almost. Still in the Fire sign of Leo, Mars goes direct on the 10th but won’t really hit full stride for a few days. Patience.

With Mars on all cylinders,  this is a great time to start something . (Especially, after the New Moon phase begins on 3/15!)  Certain aspects of life and personality will be energized – passion, determination, ambition, creativity, expansiveness – big confidence/big plans. Depending upon where Mars appears in your chart, all this can lead to not only exciting, fun times, but, also volatility, temperament.  Before you put on the “you wanna piece of me” face and go into a combat stance, ask yourself if the situation really warrants an over the top response.

Enjoy, make things happen – just remember that moderation is not a bad thing.