Moving Planets – Saturn Retrograde in Virgo ‘til July 2010

Reminder: Saturn began its Retrograde journey in the sign of Libra on January 13, 2010. It has now backed its way into Virgo. Those born with their Sun or Rising signs in Virgo or have experienced a recent 30/60 year Saturn Return in this sign(the planet returns to the same place in your chart as at the time of birth every 30 years) may notice the effects.

This planet is about boundaries, “reality”, discipline, responsibility. Any light, easy, exuberance you were feeling before might be a little hard to find sometimes, but, you can get a lot done with Saturn’s “duty bound” attitude, it just isn’t always fun.  You can use the time to review the usual Virgo themes of health regimens and work habits.  The traits of practicality, analysis and service may be enhanced.

Saturn continues backward into Virgo until May 30, 2010, it will then stop and go forward again, over the same Virgo territory, not reaching Libra, the sign where it all started, until July 22.

Then it will be Libra’s turn to feel the effects of the planet for grownups.  Saturn in Libra (transit lasts until 2011) can change this relationship sign from an indecisive social coquette to a serious seeker of commitment.  Everything must still be lovely and beautiful for the Libran, but with an underlying base of steel mesh- focus, ambition.

Astrology: Gemini Moon 5/14 – Good Times!

We are up for another Gemini Moon this Friday and Saturday. A set of twins is the usual symbol for Gemini and the duality of the sign makes this the best time to do 2 things at once- scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and analyze. Just remember to breathe – everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed.

Have a peaceful, homey Sunday, when the Moon moves into the sign of Cancer.

Astrology: New Moon in Taurus May 13

The Moon moves into Taurus on Tuesday 5/12 and then becomes “new” on Thursday 5/13. The New Moon heralds beginnings and is a great time to initiate new projects, make changes.

A New Moon in Taurus, while the Sun is still in this 2nd sign of the Zodiac until May 20, highlights and intensifies Taurean themes- romance, creativity, obstinance. Thoughts can turn to being financially, physically secure and comfy. Re evaluate how you spend and save your money.  Beauty loving, food loving, “loving” Taurus can be attached to ideas and be resistant to change.

With Taurus determination, you can manage your cash and still be good to yourself and loved ones. Think about it.

Re:  General Taurus bull like traits – if you’re going to be “a stake in the ground” for an issue – make sure it matters to you (don’t just be stubborn about it)

Astrology: Pisces Moon Weekend

As you know, the Moon changes signs about every 2 ½ days. A good thing, since we react to the Moon’s energy as it gets flavored by the Zodiac sign of the day- keeps life interesting:)

Friday morning 5/7 starts a Pisces Moon stay. Look for emotion, creativity, escape urges and heightened intuition. Have fun and stay grounded. Don’t sign any contracts.

Sunday afternoon brings the Mars influenced Aries Moon. Just slide smoothly from the Pisces flower child to the Aries energy bar.  A great way to start the week!

Astrology: Moving Planets – Mercury is Still Retrograde!

We’re almost there, Mercury will stop going backward on Tuesday May 11 (it’s been Retrograde since April 18). Our communication planet will go Direct in earthy Taurus, and like those allergy medicine commercials – the fog will lift! You will notice that your thinking will become snappy again! You will know exactly when that bus is scheduled, no confusion about the restaurant location where you planned to meet your friends, your PC/iPhone/iPad/Mobile will love you again.

But, while Mercury continues to slide backward, keep alert, be careful of what you write, say, sign – check it again. We are almost there!

Astrology: Scorpio Full Moon April 28

Things might get a little intense. Scorpio, a passionate water sign, can be emotional and sensitive and the force of a Full Moon can distill all that power into a cauldron of “feelings”.  Don’t take everything personally. You don’t have to go into automatic revenge mode – wait a few days.  The comment or action that brought you to either anger or tears may not have been as evil as imagined. Regardless, it is not anything that can’t be handled. As Oprah says, “this too shall pass”.

BTW: A Sagittarius Moon begins Thursday evening – a definite change of pace. Take advantage of the optimistic atmosphere. Life is good – enjoy it!

So, have fun Friday and Saturday because Sunday morning will be Capricorn Moon’s turn to influence our subconscious: thoughts turn to business, responsibility, career. (Needless to say, they too are important parts of our multi-layered lives.)

Astrology: Virgo Moon Weekend- Get To Work!

Moon change:  we go from the sunny, “I” oriented Leo of the last few days into the dutiful, service, work oriented Virgo on Friday April 23.

Well, it may not be party time, but, we can be useful, focused and get lots accomplished.  Your mind will be sharp and no detail will be missed- which is a good thing since Mercury is Retrograde and all plans, communications, etc. should be checked twice anyway.

Just try not to be too fussy or critical- after all, it is the weekend:)

Astrology: The Sun! The Sun! Bursts Into Taurus Today

Bi Coastal – this year, the Sun changes signs PDT: April 19 at 9:30pm / EDT: April 20 12:32 AM

For the next few weeks we can tap into those Taurean traits of strength and determination so that we solidify and complete the projects started during the high energy of the Aries Sun.  Watch out for a tendency to be overcautious – don’t miss an opportunity out of fear. Security is attractive, especially in this financial climate, but, sometimes we have to give things a second look to see the advantage.

The “Bull” is Taurus’ symbol for a reason – stubborn, unwavering in beliefs, will hold on after others have let go of the tug rope, etc.  While Taureans are standing fast, they are also writing a little poetry for a loved one,  enjoying a gourmet meal in a romantic restaurant and checking the bill.

Taurus: Fixed Earth sign, ruled by Venus, traditional birth stone – Emerald

Astrology: Gemini Moon- Active Weekend!

Friday April 16 delivered us into the realm of the chatty, quicksilver, variety loving Gemini Moon.  This is a great time for anything to do with words – scrabble, writing – catching up on current events (gossiping?), traveling, etc. which should all result in having an entertaining weekend. Just don’t get too scattered trying to do two things at once.

This will last until early Monday when we move into sensitive, nurturing Cancer – time to take care of the home front. Bake something.

Astrology: Mercury Retrograde April 2010

Mercury, our communications planet, went Retrograde on April 18 and will go direct again on May 11, 2010. The backward movement will start and end in the sign of Taurus.

Since it occurs in this fixed, Earth sign, all the usual snafus and/or confusion attributed to a Mercury Retrograde period will have Taurean themes: money, possessions, what we value most. Are there investments, savings plans, IRAs, big expenses to take a look at? As always, retrogrades are good times to review, re invent, re think, (re balance that check book). Any communications about money – make sure the dollar amounts add up, contracts are clear, precise.

BTW: The Retrograde “re” suggestions– review, rewrite, etc – are not really for going backwards into the past but for changes, re evaluations for the future.