12 Astrology Signs – Which One Is Mine????

Some people may get confused about their Astrology birth sign because they were born on the edges of a Sun sign’s duration – 28, 30, or 31 days, at the very beginning or at the very end of the Solar stay.

Aries: March 21-April 19

Taurus: April 20-May 21

Gemini: May 22-June 20

Cancer: June 21-July 22

Leo: July 23- Aug 22

Virgo: Aug 23-Sept 22

Libra: Sept 23-Oct 22

Scorpio: Oct 23-Nov 21

Sagittarius: Nov 22-Dec 21

Capricorn: Dec 22-Jan 19

Aquarius: Jan 20-Feb 18

Pisces: Feb 19-March 20

Just to add to the fun, the start / end dates of a Sun Sign’s duration may “calendar travel” from year to year. The Astrological sign changeover can be anywhere from the 18th to the 23rd of the month. The Earth’s rotation actually determines the start dates of a sign – not the Sun. The dates can vary depending on when a leap year occurs.

Regardless of date of birth, you have a Sun Sign (only 1!). If you were born on a Zodiac sign transition day, you just need to have complete birth info – specific time/place/date- to really find out which one is yours.

The Sun Sign is the light reflecting the self.  How we behave when our backs are to the wall, pressed, fight or flight situations, etc. As complex people, we radiate several lights – perhaps just not all at the same time.

~ * ~ As the world turns ~ * ~

The Sun flows from one Zodiac sign to another. Since the Earth wobbles, it takes slightly more than 365 days — actually 365 + 1/4 days. Because of this, our calendars must be adjusted to compensate for this difference.



The Scorpio Sun arrives on Saturday October 23rd (8:35AM EDT/ 5:35AM PDT

Planets ~The Power In The Astrology Chart! ~


I call them the “Big 10”. Yes, there are only 8 “planets” (Pluto was classified as a “planet” again in January 2018″ after being labeled  “dwarf” in 2006), but the 2 luminaries – Sun and Moon – are always included when discussing Astrology.

Planets are the spark plugs in an Astrology chart. They each have a job to do as they energize the many facets of an individual’s personality and life. In addition, a planet is said to have “rulership” of a particular sign (it will be at its happiest and most potent energy when transiting there – fully expressed).

The Planets are listed below along with their Zodiac sign rulerships and duties:

Sun * Leo: Life force, self expression

Moon * Cancer: Emotions, sub conscious, nurturing

Mercury * Gemini and Virgo: Communication (when Mercury goes retrograde, we need to watch what we say and write), transportation, education

Venus * Taurus and Libra: Love, beauty and how we view/value ourselves and money

Mars * Aries: Action, conflict, sexuality

Jupiter * Sagittarius: Expansion, recreation, philosophy

Saturn * Capricorn:  Discipline, boundaries, authority

Uranus * Aquarius: Change, the unconventional, extremes

Neptune * Pisces: Spirituality, dreams, illusion

Pluto * Scorpio: Unconscious, breaking down and rebuilding, secrets

The location of a planet in a birth chart – its House placement, its Astrology Sign – can influence how we act / respond in particular areas of our lives as they currently transit and move around our chart today. 


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The Astrology Sign & The Body Part It Rules!

Astro Body Parts 2We know that our Sun Signs have their colors, their birth stones and their personality traits. But, wait – there’s more!

According to traditional Astrology, a Zodiac sign also has jurisdiction over a particular part of the anatomy:

Aries:  Head / Face (“Head strong”)

Taurus:  Neck (A sore throat can really be a problem for a truth talking Bull)

Gemini:   Hands, arms (“Twins” people talk with their hands a lot)

Cancer:  Breasts (Of course the nurturer)

Leo:  Heart (…of a lion!)

Virgo:  Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)

Libra:  Kidneys (Balancing the body fluids)

Scorpio:  Reproductive system (No more needs to be said)

Sagittarius:  Hips, liver (Sag’s symbol is always a centaur with a wine pouch?)

Capricorn:  Skeletal structure (bones, bones, bones…)

Aquarius: Legs (Support for all those spontaneous moves)

Pisces:  Feet (Pedicures are a good thing)

The ancients thought that those parts of the body ruled by your Sun Sign were particularly sensitive and vulnerable.  Perhaps. But I do think we need to take care of them regardless and listen when they speak and tell us something is out of whack.

Treat our body parts well, and they will be kind to us in return.

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Zodiac Signs ~Traits, Elements, Types!

We are NOT one dimensional – we have Astrological layers! There are 12 signs of the Zodiac. In addition to the characteristics that are assigned to a Sun sign, each will also have traits of one of 4 Elements – Air, Fire, Water, Earth and exhibit the behaviors of one of 3 personality types (modes) – Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable.

The attributes that are associated with these Elements and Modes add depth to the personality of our Sun sign and therefore, depth to us.

Elements: (Triplicities)

Air: Analytical, social, cerebral – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Water: Emotion, sensitive, artistic – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Fire: Enthusiasm, energy, volatile – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth: Dependable, practical, hardworking – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Modes or Type: (Quadruplicities)

Cardinal: Initiators, leaders – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn (Notice that they follow the Equinox/Solstice seasonal changes in North America)

Fixed: Focused, stubborn – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Mutable: Flexible, changeable – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Sun Signs:

AriesMarch 21- April 19 * Cardinal / Fire

TaurusApril 20-May 20 * Fixed / Earth

Gemini:   May 20-June 20 * Mutable /Air

CancerJune 21-July 22 * Cardinal / Water

LeoJuly 23- Aug 22 * Fixed / Fire

VirgoAug 23-Sept 22 * Mutable / Earth

LibraSept 23-Oct 22 * Cardinal / Air

ScorpioOct 23-Nov 21 * Fixed / Water

SagittariusNov 22-Dec 21 * Mutable / Fire

CapricornDec 22-Jan 19 * Cardinal / Earth

Aquarius: Jan 20-Feb 18 * Fixed / Air 

Pisces: Feb 19-March 20 * Mutable / Water 

Zodiac signs, along with their Elements and Modes, can contribute to how we operate, how we respond and often how we get along with one another.

Air signs are usually most compatible with Fire and Earth are most compatible with Water.

But, as always – it’s all good.

 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


The Zodiac: Valentine’s Day Central?

hearts-Valentine’s Day ~ Tuesday, February 14, 2023, doesn’t  have to be about flowers and candy. (Although it really is nice to give & receive.) It can also be about acknowledging delightful partnerships, a special someone, a “match”.

Remember that after work party, bar pick up line from  years ago – “Hey, what’s your sign?”. It didn’t always result in a “you complete me” hookup, but,  it’s a great question if looking for “interesting” company. Astrology signs are grouped from Aries to Pisces – all 12 have a partner. Does it mean that the sign opposite yours is your “soul mate” – not necessarily, but, there may be undeniable heat, attraction and fun.

Astro Pairs 2

Sun Signs are listed below with their direct opposites in the Zodiac. Either you will find spending time with the other sign tangy and energizing or the relationship may need compromise and patience, but, generally, consider them the other side of your coin, another piece of the “couple” puzzle:

Aries: March 21-April 19 (Energetic, Impulsive) and

Libra: Sept 23-Oct 22 (Charming, Social)


Taurus: April 20-May 21 (Solid, Responsible, Patient) and

Scorpio: Oct 23-Nov 21 (Intense, Deep Connections)


Gemini: May 22-June 20 (Logical, Communicative, Versatile) and

Sagittarius: Nov 22-Dec 21 (Adventurous, Enthusiastic, Optimistic)


Cancer: June 21-July 22 (Family Oriented, Emotional) and

Capricorn: Dec 22-Jan 19 (Traditional, Disciplined, Ambitious)


Leo: July 23- Aug 22 (Pride, Fun Loving, Generous) and

Aquarius: Jan 20-Feb 18 (Unpredictable, Freedom loving)


Virgo: Aug 23-Sept 22 (Analytical, Service/Work Focused) and

Pisces: Feb 19-March 20: (Dreamer, Sensitive)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

May there be lots of XOXOs for you & your partner, regardless of Sun Sign.

Champagne & Chocolates for everyone!

(My “Disclaimer”  ~  Of course there are other factors that create great couples, but, I thought I would give romance an Astrological slant!)







Sun Signs & Their Elements, Modes…

There are 12 signs of the Zodiac. In addition to the characteristics that have been assigned to the Sun sign, each will also have traits of one of 4 Elements – Air, Fire, Water, Earth and exhibit the behaviors of one of 3 Modes or types –  Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable. These traits and behaviors add depth to the personality of a Zodiac sign. We are not one dimensional – we have Astrological layers!

Elements: (Triplicities)

Air: Analytical, communicative, cerebral- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Water: Emotional, sensitive, artistic – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Fire: Enthusiastic, energetic, volatile – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth: Dependable, practical, material – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


Modes or Type: (Quadriplicities)

Cardinal: Initiators, leaders – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn (Notice that they follow the Equinox/Solstice seasonal changes in North America)

Fixed: Focused, stubborn – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Mutable: Flexible, changeable – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

A Sun sign along with its Element and Mode can contribute to how we operate, how we respond and often how we get along with one another.

FYI: Air signs are most compatible with Fire signs and Earth signs are most compatible with Water signs. But, as always – it’s all good.

Time for the Youthful, Versatile Gemini Sun 5/20/12!

Welcome to “twins” Land.  Gemini is the 3rd sign of the Zodiac, representing duality (think Castor and Pollux).  This Air sign is all about flexibility, multi-tasking, being busy, needing change. Regardless of your birth sign, everyone should benefit from a boost of Gemini energy. Communication is key – chatting, tweeting, talking, writing. The social butterfly routine can be done with a good time being had by all.

Yes, the Sun will be in Gemini until June 20, but, there’s more! Lots of planet activity during this same time period intensifies Gemini traits and influences are powered up several notches:

*New Moon and Solar Eclipse Sunday afternoon May 20 – “New” always great for beginnings. The Eclipse can encourage us to take chances, risk.

*Venus, planet of beauty and romance, in Gemini since April 4, has softened language, encouraged creativity. Its Retrograde from May 16 to June 28 when it goes direct and then forward again to reach Cancer on August 8. That book you’re writing may slow down, but use downtime for research, rewrites, rethinking whether or not it really is a good idea to include details about that weird love affair from 10 years ago.

*Mercury, planet of Communication, rules Gemini and is therefore very comfortable there. The transit lasts from May 24 thru June 7 and during this time the cleverness and adaptability of Gemini, along with its critical and sarcastic talents rise to the surface. Everyone knows that Gemini is smart and sharp, no need for unprovoked take downs with verbal sparring or careless gossip.

*Jupiter, planet of opportunity, luck, excess, will sit in Gemini from June 12, 2012 until June 29, 2013. This planet can lift spirits, add to the joy of life and also make us reckless, taking multi-tasking to new levels. Gemini’s communication talents can be stretched to outrageous, bigger is better proportions. This can be very entertaining, but ground yourself, contain the scatter and nervous energy.

While the Sun is in Gemini, its writing, reading, conversation, quick weekend getaways, a “I’m bored  – let’s do something/learn something new and different,” energy abounds. Enjoy!

*Gemstone – Pearl or Agate * Color – Yellow * Body part – arms, hands

FYI = Sun into Gemini – 5/20/12   8:16am Pacific /11:16am Eastern

Solar Eclipse. New Moon- 5/20/12   4:47pm Pacific / 7:47pm Eastern


Weekend Moon: Friday Taurus, Sunday Gemini “New”!

May 18, 2012 could be a loving, luxurious Friday or a stubborn, determined one. When the Moon is in the Venus ruled, Fixed, Earth sign of Taurus, it’s all about sensuality, life’s beauty and pleasures, but it also brings forth the obstinate bull in us. Is there such a thing as inflexible love? Nobody wants to lose, give up/ give in, change direction. “Stickin-to-your-guns” works, until it doesn’t. Pay attention and accept when it stops. Regardless, surround yourself with good food, good people and good times.

On Sunday afternoon, May 20, the mood changes along with arrival of a Gemini New Moon. An initiative focused New Moon pushes us to “start” something. Since it’s in the 3rd sign of the Zodiac, ruled by Communication planet Mercury, whatever we start will probably be in some form of personal interaction – speaking, writing, etc. Launch an idea, a pitch, a book, an inquiry…

BTW:  A Moon is “New” when it’s in the same sign as the Sun. The Sun moves into Airy Gemini on the same day, May 20, 2012 – 8:20AM Pacific/ 11:19 am Eastern.

(A post celebrating the Gemini Sun will be up on Sunday)


Weekend Moon: Radical Aquarius, Then Dreamy Pisces

The unpredictable, rebellious, group focused Aquarius Moon on Friday May 11, 2012 might give us some surprises. If that makes you nervous this weekend, think of all the fun you might have. Just avoid the “off-the-wall” stuff and think thru any extreme plans that might cross your mind. 

Early Sunday, we will experience a more warm and fuzzy feeling with the arrival of the Pisces Moon. This water sign is dreamy, sensitive and imaginative, so be sure to hold on to reality. However, this might be a great time to get creative. (Try to remember and write down any ideas that float to the surface while dreaming.)

Have a great weekend!


Scorpio Full Moon – Go Passionate, Go Deep!

Beginning Friday evening, we will be under the influence of a powerful, determined Scorpio Moon. Things get even more intense this weekend as the Lunar orb goes into its “Full” phase on Saturday night, May 5, 2012.  The 8th sign of the Zodiac is a sensual, sensitive Water sign and the force of the Full Moon can distill all of its passion into a cauldron of “feelings”. Tuck in all exposed nerves. Pause before responding to slights or barbs, (real or imaginary). The comment or action that brought you to either anger or tears may not have been as snarky as imagined. Instead, use that Scorpio sizzle and passion to rock someone’s world in a delightful way. 

Scorpio pushes us to focus on money matters that may involve others. Are there any financial issues that need to be cleared or settled– taxes, business ventures? During a Full Moon, gauge what has been accomplished so far and move to finalize, complete tasks in the next few weeks. (Sort of a”what have I done?” and “what’s next”.)

Happy Cinco De Mayo!