Astrology: Weekend Moon in Creative Pisces 2/4/11

On Friday February 4, 2011, the Moon is in creative, intuitive Pisces. The 12th sign of the Zodiac is ruled by sensitive, impressionable Neptune.  Keep escapist moves to a minimum.  Focus on what is true.

The mood will change by Sunday afternoon when the Moon settles into Mars ruled, high energy Aries for 2 ½ days. Use this Fire sign’s natural combustion to start the week in a non combative good way.

Have an art and music filled Weekend!

Gong Hay Fat ChoiHappy Lunar New Year!

Astrology: Moving Planet – Lucky Jupiter in Aries

It’s baaack!  Jupiter, the luck and abundance planet went forward into Fire sign Aries on 1/22/11. It was in this aggressive, impulsive sign for a few months in 2010 and then went Retrograde into watery Pisces. It turned around entering Aries again and will remain until 6/4/11.

Jupiter wants and is ready for “more” of anything (think excess). Aries, ruled by Mars, is the 1st sign of the Zodiac and “first” is what it wants to be in everything. Speculation, feelings of good fortune can get out of hand. Restraint may be hard to come by.

Jupiter (big plans),  Aries (volatility) can lead to all kinds of risks, but also achievement. Some “Of course it will work! it can’t fail” ideas work out very well.

Although this is especially significant for those with an Aries Sun or Ascendant, the impact and influence of Jupiter’s placement for everyone else depends upon where (what House) it is transiting now and where it was placed in a chart at the time of birth.

Astrology: Moving Planets – Jupiter into Aries June 5, 2010

Jupiter, ruler of the fun loving, philosophical Sagittarius, changes Sun signs on Saturday June 5.

Well, well, well, we are in for some fireworks for the next few months!  Jupiter, the Lucky planet, wants and is ready for “more” of anything (think excess). Aries is the 1st sign of the Zodiac and “first” is what it wants to be in everything. With Mars as ruler, this Fire sign’s energy is based on aggression, impulse and “let’s start something, NOW!”.  With big Jupiter egging it all on, restraint may be a challenge.

And, let’s not forget that revolutionary Uranus, (electric, unpredictable, considered by some the higher octave of Mercury) popped into Aries on May 27, 2010. The addition of Jupiter will just make life even more interesting.

Jupiter (big plans), Uranus (expect the unexpected) in Aries (volatility) can lead to all kinds of achievement – inventions, scientific breakthroughs- and the urge to be in charge/take control.

Depending upon where Aries is placed in your chart, you might feel that you’re being given a hot foot, or you keep hearing a voice in your head yelling “get up!’, “get up!’. Pay attention.

BTW: Uranus, an outer planet, is usually associated with “groups” rather than the individual, will do a back and forth movement in 2010 – it goes retrograde back into Pisces in August and forward again into Aries in December, where it will remain until 2018.

Jupiter stays in Aries for about 1 year.

Astrology: Pisces Moon Weekend

As you know, the Moon changes signs about every 2 ½ days. A good thing, since we react to the Moon’s energy as it gets flavored by the Zodiac sign of the day- keeps life interesting:)

Friday morning 5/7 starts a Pisces Moon stay. Look for emotion, creativity, escape urges and heightened intuition. Have fun and stay grounded. Don’t sign any contracts.

Sunday afternoon brings the Mars influenced Aries Moon. Just slide smoothly from the Pisces flower child to the Aries energy bar.  A great way to start the week!

Astrology: Pisces Moon This Weekend

On Friday evening April 9th, the moon gentles its way into sensitive, creative Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real.  A Pisces Moon may have you looking for an escape to another world, but stay grounded this weekend.  (You can hold on until the Moon moves into its next sign.) Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any promises or sad stories.

Early Monday morning, April 12th, we are thrust into the in your face, high energy, high octane 2 ½ days of an Aries Moon. Stand up for yourself, but be nice.

Astrology: Last Stages of the Pisces Sun

The Sun moves out of the 12th, final Sun sign of the Zodiac, Pisces.  The Sun has transited all 12 signs and is ready to start the cycle anew in Aries, the 1st sign.  This is a great opportunity for us to finish up any odds and ends so that we go forward into high energy Aries with a clean slate. The Spring Equinox brings a new astrological year with new chances to shine.

Astrology: New Moon on 3/15/10

On 3/15/10, the Moon is new in the dreamy, imaginative sign of Pisces- create something!

Both the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign therefore, the time of a new Moon is great for new ideas and implementing new projects.  The moon will change signs, but the effects of this “new” energy can last for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter.

BTW: The Moon changes signs every 2 – 2/12 days.  It moves next, on Tues 3/16, into the sign of snap/crackle/pop Aries. Initiate change and take care of any high energy, physical projects that need to get done.