Jupiter, ruler of the fun loving, philosophical Sagittarius, changes Sun signs on Saturday June 5. 
Well, well, well, we are in for some fireworks for the next few months! Jupiter, the Lucky planet, wants and is ready for “more” of anything (think excess). Aries is the 1st sign of the Zodiac and “first” is what it wants to be in everything. With Mars as ruler, this Fire sign’s energy is based on aggression, impulse and “let’s start something, NOW!”. With big Jupiter egging it all on, restraint may be a challenge.
And, let’s not forget that revolutionary Uranus, (electric, unpredictable, considered by some the higher octave of Mercury) popped into Aries on May 27, 2010. The addition of Jupiter will just make life even more interesting.
Jupiter (big plans), Uranus (expect the unexpected) in Aries (volatility) can lead to all kinds of achievement – inventions, scientific breakthroughs- and the urge to be in charge/take control.
Depending upon where Aries is placed in your chart, you might feel that you’re being given a hot foot, or you keep hearing a voice in your head yelling “get up!’, “get up!’. Pay attention.
BTW: Uranus, an outer planet, is usually associated with “groups” rather than the individual, will do a back and forth movement in 2010 – it goes retrograde back into Pisces in August and forward again into Aries in December, where it will remain until 2018.
Jupiter stays in Aries for about 1 year.