Mercury Retrograde 3/12/12 Reminder!

Just another heads up – early today, 3:49am EDT / 12:49am PDT, planet Mercury began its Retrograde motion in Fire sign Aries (it appears to move backward in the sky). Snafus lurk behind transportation, technical, and communication corners. But, the confusion does not have to be inevitable. We can mitigate the potential mess by paying attention to details.

As mentioned in last week’s post, get travel plans and information updated and confirmed, back up files, make sure all those little electronic gadgets are working, etc. and be positive. Rather than think of Mercury Retrograde as a disaster, use the 3 weeks of its backward trek as an opportunity to re evaluate and /or re process. When the planet goes forward again, new plans will have the clarity and energy needed to get off the ground.

Mercury Retrograde: March 12th through April 4th


Mercury Retrograde March 12 – Pause and Refresh

It’s time for those “re” words again – rethink, rework, revisit, revitalize, reduce (not physically). The 1st Mercury Retrograde for 2012 will be upon us on Monday, March 12 in fiery Aries. Take time to go over details while communications planet Mercury goes backwards in the sky. Project initiation/creation would be best delayed, if possible, until it goes Direct again in Water sign Pisces on 4/4 – if not, be meticulous, be careful, “review”.

Let us prepare early. Get travel plans and information updated and confirmed, back up files, make sure all those little electronic gadgets are working, etc. However, be positive. Rather than think of Mercury Retrograde as a disaster, use the 3 weeks of its backward trek as an opportunity to re evaluate and /or re process. When the planet goes forward again, new plans will have the power and energy needed to get off the ground.

But waiting, thinking things through, dealing with the details, may be easier said than done. Mars ruled Aries is a naturally impatient spark plug urging us to jump off that ledge or send verbal shocks to the universe just because – it’ll be sooooo exciting. This is not such a good time for Aries rashness and risk.  If you must walk on the wild side, look before you leap, take a breath before you speak (It can still be fun).

Life will continue to happen. We will get through it!


FYI – Mercury Retrograde in Aries:

3/12/12 (3:49am EDT / 12:49am PDT)

Backwards into Pisces on 3/23/12 (9:22am EDT / 6:23am PDT)

Stops and then  goes Direct in Pisces on 4/4/12 (5:11am EDT/ 3:11am PDT).

Mercury will reach Aries again on 4/16/12 (6:42pm EDT / 3:42PM PDT).


Weekend Moon in Pisces, Then Aries – Sweet, Then Tart!

On Friday, 12/2, we will be experiencing the effects of a sensitive, creative Pisces Moon. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by anything questionable. Pisces, 12th sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by the dreamy planet Neptune. While the Moon is in this Water sign, there may be a drift toward escape to other worlds, but hold on, stay grounded – the mood, along with the Lunar orb’s sign, will change on Saturday evening.

The Moon marches into the physical, aggressive sign of Aries. (Think “Action figure”.)  This Fire sign is ruled by the planet Mars – the unofficial patron saint of warriors. Even though Arian Moon days are best for action rather than mental endeavors, they’re still a good time to initiate, take charge. However, remember to power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they are in the presence of a verbal buzz saw, but by all means, take advantage of the energy.

Have a marvelous weekend!


Astrology: Harvest Full Moon in Pisces 9/12/11

Get a grip. Monday’s early morning Full Moon in sensitive, emotional Water sign Pisces is wonderful for creativity and connecting with others, but sometimes not so much for staying grounded in what is actually happening.  Be as imaginative, caring and compassionate as you wish, but strive for clarity, from  yourself and others, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self.

Overnight, the Moon jumps into volatile, action oriented Fire sign Aries. The energy may be different with the sign change, but “Full” traits are still in effect for the next few weeks. Clean up any leftovers (I don’t mean just food). Complete and tidy up any projects hanging around so that the way is clear for the “New” Moon on 9/27, a time of beginnings.

FYI: A Harvest Moon is whichever Full Moon occurs closest to the Autumnal Equinox (before or after).

Full Moon on Monday September 12, 5:27AM Eastern / 2:27AM Pacific


Astrology: Weekend – Combustible Aries Moon Switches to Grounded Taurus

If you need to get something done, start and end early on Friday June 24, 2011. The fiery, energetic, aggressive influences of Mars ruled Aries will last until 6:07 PM Eastern/ 3:07 Pacific and then the Moon goes Void of Course until Saturday afternoon. All those “lets go get’em” vibes can lose clarity and focus which can lead to lots of action, but very little finish. Wait, if you can, until the Lunar orb moves into the next sign – Taurus, 4:53PM Eastern/ 1:53PM Pacific on June 25th.

Lasting until Monday morning, the practical, stubborn Taurus Moon can assist in completing what Aries started. This Earth sign is ruled by the lovely Venus – that old saying about catching more with honey, than vinegar (something like that) can be quite effective when finalizing a deal, cajoling a signature, nailing down a commitment. Be gracious while accomplishing. Charm works!

Have a great weekend!

FYI:  “Void of Course” or VC or VOC –     As I’ve mentioned in this space before, “Void of Course” – means that the Moon position creates no aspects (relationships/connections) to the Sun or planets while on its way into the next sign.  A Moon without “aspects”, can be a time of vagueness and doubt.  The consensus among Astrologers is to “not start anything”.  Finishing projects that began before the “VC” can be handled and completed, but avoid initiating during this uncertain time.

Astrology: Reminder! Mercury Still Retrograde Until 4/23

Just so we don’t get all sloppy with the details of  life and forget that attention must continue be paid.  Remember that the first Mercury Retrograde of 2011 happened on Wednesday March 30, in the first sign of the Zodiac – Aries (4:48PM Eastern / 1:48PM Pacific).

Fiery Aries (impulsive, can’t wait) vs Mercury Retrograde (indecision) – can you see where I’m going with this? We may not be too comfortable with this “Yes / No”, “NOW! / Later” situation.  Even with a starter engine Fire sign, the communications planet going backward can still cause a slow down and create snafus, confusion, missed details, etc.

This is not such a good time for Aries rashness and risk. Rather than initiate anything new, review and revisit ideas, revitalize old projects, re invent an approach until Mercury goes Direct on 4/23/11.  (If you must begin something important, check everything twice, make sure verbal and written communication is clear – and especially make sure you are clear on your intentions.)

Regardless of frustration, be nice (put down the flame thrower).  This isn’t terrible.  Life continues. We will manage.  Stay grounded.

F.Y.I. – Next Mercury Retrograde will be 8/2 – 8/26

Astrology: April 2011 * Aries – So Many Planets, So Little…

Wow, there will be days in April that Aries (Fire Sign, ruled by the Warrior planet Mars, 1st sign of the Zodiac) will be playing host to 5 planets plus the Sun. Potent, powerful, persuasive, passionate, potentially combustible energy can result. (I ran out of “P” words to convey how “in your face” this could be.)

Aries is about aggression, physical energy, impatience, temperament, action – all this can be used to make great things happen– now!  But, in addition to accomplishment, there can also be risk and rush leading to hurt feelings and messy, scattered results. (Arrogance can always come back to bite ya somewhere/somehow?)

Aries and:

Jupiter* 2/23 – 6/5/11, Called the Lucky planet – feelings of good fortune, sure bets, may hide some risks and lull you into taking lots of chances.

Mercury* 3/10 – 5/16/11 (Retrograde period 3/30 – 4/23), Sharp communication, can be snide, angry, remember – a verbal assault is still an “assault”.

Uranus* 3/12/11 – 2018,  Slow moving outer planet will remain for 7 years.  Unpredictable, rebellious, often “change” for change sake,  resenting any restraints, rules-  don’t let desire to be “free” cloud common sense.

Sun* 3/20 – 4/20/11, Enthusiastic, energetic, buoyant, “I”

Mars* 4/2 – 5/11/11, (Planet ruler of Aries) Intensifies combative qualities and self confidence – fiestiness works, but, don’t underestimate a situation or an opponent.

Venus* 4/21 – 5/15/11, Planet of love and beauty in the same neighborhood as the testosterone charged planet Mars = Sparks!

So, short and sweet, it boils down to the following: Use this time of powerful drive and emotion to your advantage without creating grenade like debris.  And, focus. Dial back on ego and think of the contribution you are to others – magnified, energized.

As always, the depth of the affects of all this depends upon where Aries and those transiting planets appear in the birth chart.

Brace yourself. Let the “Tilt-a-Whirl” begin! (Wasn’t it the movie “All About Eve” where Bette Davis says her “Bumpy night” line? ) Well Ok! We’re ready! Could be fun!

Astrology: Moon Shenanigans For This Weekend 4/1/11

My usual routine on Thursdays is to give my opinion about the possible energy created around us based solely upon the weekend Moon’s Zodiac sign placements. I enjoy doing it and it’s a way to prepare to take advantage of any atmospheric vibes that are out there.  However, due to a rare 2 day“ Void of Course”  Moon,  which starts on Thursday March 31, I have no opinion to give for Friday – April Fool’s Day (Hmmmm).

The Moon, in the final degrees of Water sign Pisces, is Void of Course – meaning that it creates no aspects (relationships/connections) to the Sun or planets while on its way into the next sign.  This usually lasts from a few minutes to a few hours and needless to say, a 48 hour VC is rare. It lasts from 9:43AM Eastern / 6:43AM Pacific Thursday until Saturday morning April 2 at 7:16AM Eastern / 4:16AM Pacific when the Lunar orb finally settles into Aries.

A Moon without “aspects”, can be a time of vagueness and doubt.  The consensus among Astrologers is to “not start anything”.  Finishing projects that began before the “VC” can be handled and completed, but avoid initiating during this uncertain time.

Vibrations change on Saturday morning when things start to perk with the  potent early morning moves of both the Moon and Mars into Aries. In addition, Sunday April 3rd gives us a “New Moon” phase in this same aggressive Fire sign. Use its Martian energy to jump start projects, new beginnings, new ideas – implement, implement, implement!

Short version of the above: Finish up old stuff on Thursday/Friday and start new stuff from Sunday’s New Moon until the Moon’s First Quarter phase April 11.

And, not to pile it on, remember that Mercury is Retrograde in Aries until April 23. If you must sign or commit – review and verify forms of communication, techie stuff, etc.  (It never stops, life is just so full!)

Keep breathing. Enjoy your weekend!

Astrology:Sun Into Aries – Spring is Here! 3/20/11

Spring has sprung! On March 20, 2011 the Sun moved into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – fiery Aries (7:21PM Eastern / 4:21PM Pacific). The Sun has transited all 12 signs and is starting the cycle anew.  On this day, we also celebrate the Vernal Equinox – Spring is here with new chances to bloom!

This Fire sign’s impulsive, physical high energy can be used to springboard those ideas and projects you’ve been contemplating all winter. With the lucky planet Jupiter transiting Aries until June 4, 2011, the universe will support you. Just don’t go into a “bigger is better” thing (which is a favorite Jupiter approach to life). Moderation, which is often a struggle for risk taking Aries, would work well now.  With unpredictable, non conformist Uranus also visiting – sitting for 7 more years – wildness can result. (Remember, Aries is ruled by the warrior planet Mars)

Mercury is in Aries too until May 15, 2011.  Communication may have more quickness, edge and bite – you’ll be great in debates?  Since the planet will be Retrograde 3/30 – 4/23, re think/ review any temptation for verbal assaults, even if you’re right. No need to wound.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Aries, but the rest of us will still feel the feisty influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Fire sign appears in our chart.

*Aries = Gemstone: Garnet / Power Color: Red, fiery colors (of course)

FYI – March 20th is also designated as “International Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration of the ancient art of Astrology. (Cupcakes will be served!)

Astrology: New Moon in Creative Pisces for the Weekend 3/4/11

Pisces intuition and creativity are powerful with the New Moon in this emotional Water sign on Friday afternoon March 4th. Make use of this highly imaginative time and as always, “new” Lunar energy is good for “beginnings” of any kind. With both the Sun and the Moon in the same sign, focus and take advantage.

You can take action on any genius scenarios that come to you in your dreams when the Moon pops into aggressive Aries on Saturday evening and remains until Tuesday morning.  Activity, impulse, passion, all traits of this Fire sign, might compel you to manifest some ideas that came to you  during one of those Piscean dream sequences – whether sleeping or awake.

Have a great, creative weekend!