Moon: Aries, Full, Harvest = Powerful, 10/5/17

This month the Full Moon, called a “Harvest Moon” due to the season, is in the 1st sign of the Zodiac. As always with Fire sign Aries, make sure you have something physical to do to burn off all that excess energy. Reign in any aggressive urges, think before you act. Ruled by “Warrior” planet Mars, its combustible, aggressive, spark plug traits may be influenced by transiting Uranus, the unpredictable planet of change and revolution. (It remains until May 2018.)

Use the next few weeks to finish up old projects, clean up messes (physical, personal?) that you have been ignoring lately. Initiate, take charge, go first – just don’t do that “throw out the baby with the bath water” thing. Think it through and get it done.

* Harvest Full Moon in Aries 10/5/17 * 2:40 PM EDT / 11:40 AM PDT

**The first Full Moon after the Autumn Equinox is always labeled a “Harvest Moon” (9/22/17 – Sun moved into Libra)

During a “Full” phase, the luminaries are exactly opposite each other. The Aries  Moon is fully lit by the Libra Sun. (Beautiful, dramatic, nothing to fear.)


Aries Full Moon Oct 15th & 16th – No Fangs, No Fears!

astro-full-moon-brightOctober 15th and 16th (West / East) delivers a brilliant, Full Moon in Aries, the 1st sign of the Zodiac. Ruled by “Warrior” planet Mars, combustible, aggressive, spark plug Aries’ usual “in your face” posture may be influenced by transiting Uranus, the unpredictable planet of change and revolution. (It remains until May 2018.) Remember, you can be radical, honest and direct, rather than just loud and angry.

Do the suggested Full Moon things – finish up old projects, clarify any fuzzy ideas that are hanging around. Use the extra Aries energy to get things done. By clearing out useless stuff, you create space for the new. However, this forceful Fire sign can be a little over the top sometimes. Don’t torch everything while trying to weed out the old, think things through before the ashes start to pile too high.

Full Moon in Aries 10/15/16 – Pacific 9:23 PM * 10/16/16 – Eastern 12:23AM

**During a “Full” phase, the luminaries are exactly opposite each other. The Aries  Moon is fully lit by the Libra Sun – beautiful. No werewolves allowed  😈 




Aries New Moon This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentOn Saturday April 18, 2015, the “New Moon” provides us with a great time to initiate projects and make changes. The Sun has been in Aries, the 1st sign of the Zodiac, since 3/20 and with both luminaries in this assertive, often rambunctious Fire sign, expect some volatile, combustible happenings. Beware of rash moves and acting/speaking without thinking, but since the sign is ruled by active, energetic planet Mars, you can take advantage of all that good aggressive physicality. Go for it! (But, keep the flame thrower in the closet.)

“New” energy will last a few weeks – even as the sign changes to solid,  earthy Taurus. (Full Moon May 3, 2015- best time to complete what you started.)

*Aries New Moon: 2:57PM EDT – 11:57AM PDT



Moon in High Octane Aries This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentFrom Saturday morning, January 24, 2015, until early Monday, the Moon will be in feisty Fire sign Aries. When the Lunar orb transits the 1st sign of the Zodiac, which is ruled by warrior planet Mars, we feel braver and more physical, more “up for anything”. Depending upon what the “anything” is, it could be the best of times or the most precarious of times.

Aries is great for energy and adventure. You won’t want to sit around for too long in one place. Take advantage of the urge for action and movement – do something exciting, do something different. However, make no rash moves, curb any “in your face”, “won’t back down” reactions. Power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they’re in the presence of a bulldozer. Have fun and be nice.

Have a dynamic weekend!

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Aries Full Moon 10/8/14 – Hold On…

Astro Moon total Lunar Eclipse Blood MoonThis month’s Full Moon, a total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon), is in Fire sign Aries. The 1st sign of the Zodiac is ruled by “Warrior” planet Mars. Combustible, physical and aggressive, this sign’s usual “in your face” traits will be intensified by the power of a “Full” phase and also by unpredictable transiting Uranus.  Even though currently retrograde, until 12/21/14, it still can be full of surprises and urges for revolution.

Do the suggested Full Moon things – finish up old projects, clarify any fuzzy ideas that keep hanging around (remember Mercury is Retrograde now, so this is a good time to review). Use the extra Aries energy and take action. By clearing out useless stuff, you create space for the “new” ideas, things, spaces, people. However, forceful Aries can be a little over the top sometimes. Don’t torch everything while trying to weed out the old, think things through before the ashes start to float around.

  • Full Moon Aries– October 8, 2014: 6:51AM EDT / 3:51AM PDT

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Moon in Aries, Then Taurus – Crackle & Practicality

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lBeginning on Friday May 23, 2014, the Moon vibrates in energetic Fire sign Aries for most of the weekend. As always with Aries, ruled by “warrior planet” Mars, make sure you have something physical to do. All this sign’s energy can make it a fun time, but just reign in any aggressive urges, think before you act. Power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they are in the presence of a bulldozer, but by all means, take advantage of the action.

The mood will change on Sunday afternoon as the lunar orb shifts into solid, steady, Earth sign Taurus through Monday. Thoughts can turn to security – financial and physical. Keep re evaluating how you spend and save your money. Even though, beauty loving, food loving, “loving” Venus ruled Taurus can be attached to ideas and be resistant to change, try to be flexible. Obstinacy may limit new ideas and opportunities.

Have a safe Memorial Day – take time to remember.


Feisty Aries Moon Weekend!

Beginning on Saturday morning April 26, 2014, extra oomph and extra buzz are just some of the possibilities as a result of the Aries Moon. Got something to do, something to start, something to face???Tap into this Fire sign’s high energy. Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

Moderate the combustion – that whole “catching more flies with honey” thing. Go with the hammer in the velvet glove approach. Personally, I think super things can happen while the Lunar orb is in Mars ruled Aries, as long as feet stay on the ground. Erratic Uranus is transiting and unexpected things can happen. Keep cockiness to a minimum. (Is that even possible with Aries? Well, try.)

Atmosphere calms as the Moon moves into practical Taurus on Monday morning, just in time for beginning of the week duties.

No matter what you do, seize the opportunity and have a fun weekend!


Aries New Moon On Sunday!

Astro New Moon CrescentWe start off the weekend under the influence of the Pisces Moon. Sensitive, mystical, Neptune ruled, Water sign Pisces highlights our caring and empathetic side while also awakening any escapist tendencies under the surface. Stay grounded, make note of any dreams that can be used in the creative process and be kind and compassionate. (But remember, if a story, a promise, a gift seems too good to be true – it probably is) Stay real. Next up, energetic Aries!

A New Moon is usually a great time to create and initiate things, but as the Lunar orb jumps into Aries on 3/29/14, results may seem slow in coming.. You’ve got things to do and you want to do them FAST. (Which is the usual Aries speed of choice) However, it will sometimes feel like you’re slogging thru molasses or there is a bottleneck at the starting gate– too many people at the front of the line trying to get their things done just as quickly. Mars, the Aries ruler warrior planet, is in Retrograde. This occurs only every 2 years and it can show up as restraints, blocked flows, etc. Be aware, focus, watch the temper and be nice, even when patience is wearing thin. Projects can be successful even when in “slow” mode.

*Aries New Moon 3/30/14: 2:45PM Eastern  / 11:45AM Pacific

** Mars Retrograde: 3/1/14 thru 5/19/14

Regardless of what you do, enjoy the weekend!


New Moon in Pisces This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentPisces intuition and creativity powers up, in a gentle way, with the New Moon on Friday evening 2/28/14 EST and Saturday morning 3/1/14 PST. The Sun is also in this sensitive Water sign and when both luminaries are together, the Moon phase is “New”. This type of Lunar energy is good for starts and beginnings of any kind. So, take the time to plug into your spirituality and inner conversations. Listen, take notes and make use of this dreamy, imaginative time. Go deep. Create something new!

The moon will change signs, into snap/crackle/pop Fire sign Aries, early on Sunday, but the “New” energy can last for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter. Activity, impulse, and passion might compel you to manifest some ideas that came to you during one of those Piscean dream sequences – whether sleeping or awake.

*New Moon – 11:59PM 2/28 Eastern – 2:59AM 3/1 Pacific


Creative, Hazy Pisces Weekend Moon

Astro New Moon CrescentOn Saturday morning, January 4, 2014, the Moon floats into Water sign Pisces for the weekend. Sensitive and impressionable, we may experience vibrant dreams, imaginings, relaxing of boundaries and cravings to escape. Generally, this can all be fine – great for creativity, but not so much if reality loses anchor.

Neptune, planet ruler of this 12th Zodiac sign, can infuse us with feelings of vulnerability and compassion, blur life’s edges and fog what is genuine.  Do remain grounded and sober. If there is something important to be done, get a grip, focus and handle it, but if it can wait, hold off until things are clearer, less vague.

 (Monday brings a total shift – an energetic, forceful, impulsive Aries Moon.)