Unpredictable Aquarius Moon This Weekend, 9/26/20

Very early Saturday morning, September 26, 2020, the Moon moves into community focused Air sign Aquarius for the entire weekend. Be prepared for the unexpected. This 11th sign of the Zodiac can be rebellious and unpredictable. Ruled by radical planet Uranus, Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio) and loves freedom and independence.

We have an opportunity to let go of convention, do some “out of the box” thinking while focusing on the welfare of others.

Make it the best Aquarius weekend that you can!

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Independent, Unconventional Aquarius Moon This Weekend

On Friday night, March 29, 2019, (until Sunday evening) an Aquarius Moon will give power and possibilities to our group actions this weekend. The Uranus ruled Air sign wants us involved with humanitarian issues. So, contribute to the universe in some way, make a difference. Be part of a team.

Regardless of what’s going on, it will speak to the Aquarian need for independence – the love of the radical and the different. Prepare for the unexpected. Be spontaneous, share yourself.




Aquarius Moon This Weekend – Think “Unexpected”

Astro New Moon CrescentIf preparing for the unexpected makes you nervous, just think of the fun you can have. Beginning Saturday, 10/12/13, the Aquarius Moon gives us an opportunity to let go of convention, do some “out of the box” thinking, focus on the welfare of others and be a little rebellious.

Air sign Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio) and is ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, sudden changes of direction, etc. Relax, go with the flow. Give more attention to another Aquarian trait which is contributing to the universe in some way.  Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern. Not a bad way to spend a weekend – be spontaneous, share yourself.
