Great Weekend = Gemini Moon, Cancer Moon

Start the weekend on Friday September 7th and experience 2 days of a variety loving Gemini Moon. Ruled by the planet Mercury, we will be compelled to communicate – some way, somehow. This versatile Air sign may mean leisurely networking, or active socializing, it can be fun for us and/or just busy – or both. With dual faceted Gemini, the need for flexibility rules. 

In time for Sunday brunch, the Lunar orb moves into it’s sign ruler – watery Cancer. Be prepared to dial it back a bit. The 4th sign of the Zodiac, sensitive, often moody and emotional,  is about protecting and nurturing. (It might be calming after all the Gemini twitting, emailing, voice mailing and FBing of the previous few days 🙂 )



New Moon in Loquacious Gemini 6/19/12

Yes, I could have just used the word “Chatty”, however, Tuesday’s New Moon, with start up, initiating energy, will be in Communication focused Gemini. Since expansive Jupiter is also transiting, it will certainly spur us on to share thoughts, feelings, stories at length regardless of who might want to listen. Short and sweet works best sometimes. And remember, silence is a form of communication too 😉



Earthy Taurus / Airy Gemini – Weekend Moon

Friday June 15, 2012 graces us with a Taurus Moon all day. Venus rules this sensuous yet finance concerned Earth sign. You may choose to either tackle that bank statement or, indulge yourself, and partner, with delicious, chocolate dipped strawberries. Remember, not all things are either/or. “AND” can often work very well too 🙂

With the Sun currently in Gemini, the Saturday night switch to a Moon in the same Air sign will stimulate those traits for which this Mercury ruled sign is known. Its duality (the Twins?) can make us clever and versatile and also a little flighty and distracted. Go and chat someone up, but, think before you speak (or push “send” on that email or text).  

Taurus and Gemini Moons can lead us toward a social weekend: delicious food, entertaining conversation, high or low brow literary pursuits.



Weekend Moon Moods – Variety!

With Friday’s Aquarius Moon, June 8, 2012, use the rebellious, independent feelings that this Uranus ruled, unpredictable Air sign creates to explore new places, new things, new people, new ways of thinking. This 11th sign of the Zodiac, though aloof and intellectual, is naturally group focused and concerned with contributing to the community. Get involved.

On Saturday and Sunday, the Moon will be in sensitive, impressionable, Water sign Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Neptune ruled Pisces is dreamy and imaginative. People will tend to be more caring, compassionate and creative.

This can be a diverse, yet productive weekend!


Weekend Moon: Libra Charm, Scorpio Focus

The Moon will do a social dance into the gracious Air sign Libra early Friday afternoon February 10, 2012.  The weekend will be all about partnerships/ relationships because the 7th sign of the Zodiac fosters not only beauty and creativity, due to the influence of its planet ruler Venus, but also seeks a natural balance in the universe – harmony with people and harmony in the home. There is a lot to be said for using beautiful things and peaceful surroundings to lift spirits and ease the settling of any disputes. Charm is NOT a weakness.

By Sunday afternoon the mood changes as the Moon slides into serious, sensual, secretive, stubborn, Scorpio (I ran out of “s”s). Ruled by powerful Pluto, this Water sign’s focus and determination can lead to uncovering mysteries, peeling back layers, etc. Deep.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Here Comes the Sun * Aquarius, 1/20/12 – Be Original!

The symbol for the 11th sign of the Zodiac is the “Water Bearer”, don’t be confused, Aquarius is definitely an Air sign ruled by the unpredictable, unconventional, undeniably radical Uranus. It’s all about independence, resentment for all “ties that bind”, sudden changes of direction and thinking “outside of the box”.  What a way to start the New Year!

Aquarians tend to be more intellectual than emotional, with a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio).  This determination often shows up when it involves tackling group issues. Their concern for others is authentic – they care, they are involved and they persevere to find resolutions to problems that touch the community. Contributing to the universe is a given.

Take advantage of this energy regardless of your own Zodiac sign. Fill in some of that blank 2012 calendar with plans for purposeful action  – find a cause, volunteer, organize a neighborhood, leave a place better than you how found it. Enjoy people, support them, inspire and whip them into shape! Make a difference.

Risking, being on the edge, or ledge, is often part of the Aquarian way of being in the world – sounds intense, but it’s done with humor. Their essence is great to spread around especially when there are important, life changing concerns to address. If you’re intent upon enrolling people into saving the world, you might as well have fun doing it.

*Aquarius = Gem: Blue Tiger’s Eye / Power color: Ultramarine blue / Planet Ruler : Uranus

Sun into Aquarius – Friday January 20, 2012, 11:10 am Eastern/ 8:10 am Pacific



Busy Weekend Gemini Moon 11/11/11

Friday afternoon, November 11, 2011 gives us a weekend of this Mercury ruled Air sign’s communication focused energy. As an example of its dual nature,  a set of twins is the usual symbol for Gemini.  So, we can interpret that as a chance to manage two things at once successfully – scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and write. Just remember to breathe – everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed.

Try to hold off on the gossip, it can come back to bite you. If the temptation for verbal mischief is too great, see a movie, take a class. Instead of snark, be clever, be smart, be entertaining – with a Gemini Moon, the options are endless !

11/11/11 is Veterans Day. Remember to thank them all.


Astrology: Weekend Moon – Solid Taurus/Flighty Gemini 10/14/11

Friday October 14, 2011 is Taurus Moon all day. Venus rules this sensuous yet finance concerned Earth sign along with our current Sun – Airy, beauty loving Libra. Choices to be made? Either tackling that bank statement, or indulging yourself with delicious, chocolate dipped strawberries. Remember, not all things are either/or. “AND” can often work very well too 🙂

Early Saturday, we are gifted with the Moon in Gemini until Monday afternoon. The chatty, quicksilver, variety loving traits of this Air sign makes it a great time for scrabble, catching up on current events (gossiping?), traveling, communication of all kinds. Connect with people.

Have a super weekend!


Astrology: New Moon in Relationship Focused Libra 9/27/11

As I mentioned when the Sun entered the 7th sign of the Zodiac back on 9/23 – the Libra New Moon occurs early in the morning of Tuesday 9/27 and there will be 5 planets residing in this Air sign – Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Sun and Moon. This could be an amazing time full of charming interactions, relationship building and sparkling creativity.  

“New” happens each month when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. It is a great time for beginnings of any kind.  Lovely planet ruler Venus, remains until 10/8/11, encouraging and powering up all Libra traits. “New” in this social sign can mean new:  friends, relationships, partners, contracts, etc. (Blind date? Speed networking/business card exchange party?) Regardless of what, there will be smiles and cooperation.

Saturn, planet of hard work and limitations, will be in Libra until October 2012. Are there fixes, adjustments to be done with those that are held close or at a distance?  Saturn may constrict some of the natural Libra relaxed ease with people, but it can also give strength and focus – not to give in to an opposing point of view just to be agreeable. Making decisions can be faster than usual.


Astrology: Sun into Social Libra 9/23/11 – Fall is Here!

The Fall / Autumnal Equinox arrives the same day as the Sun saunters into Libra on Friday September 23, 2011. Relationships of all types are now in the forefront – family, friends, marriages, business partners. It’s fun to be with people, to chat, flirt, laugh. The 7th sign of the Zodiac, ruled by Venus, loves beautiful things, wants to be in the midst of music, art and charm filled situations  – wants all the good stuff to warm and lift the spirits. My suggestion for anything Libran is always: meet some fun folks for brunch!

Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising sign, Libra will still cast a glow of congeniality. It’s all about socializing, networking, getting along. There will be cooperation – great time to ask for a raise? build a group of volunteers?

If you have any plans for Tuesday 9/27 – it  should be a stellar day. By the time the Libra New Moon occurs early in the morning, there will be 5 planets residing in this Air sign – Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Sun and Moon (The Lunar orb in its “New” phase makes it even more potent). Libra’s traits should be powered up and enhanced. Not necessarily a “Kumbiyah” moment – but certainly one in which the joy and solidarity of partnership can be embraced by all of us.

Saturn, the task master, the teacher of life lessons (I still refer to it as the Castor Oil of planets), will be in Libra until October 2012. Is there work to be done with those that are held close or at a distance? Are we going to pretend to be “surprised” if a hitch in a relationship shows up, or will we admit that we saw “it” coming? Saturn can reveal, make us look. Tough scrutiny will give an opportunity to get back on track – a good thing. A situation may get healthier, after taking the medicine, regardless of how awful the taste.

The Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making decisions. Seeking harmony by trying to be “fair” can sometimes lead to appearing wishy-washy. Using the “Pros/Cons” list method for making decisions can just string the selection process out. Be aware that important action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice. Don’t hesitate to show your spine when needed (some may be surprised when Libra’s inner tensile strength is revealed), you’ll still be loved!

Libra – Gemstone: Adventurine * Power colors: Blues and violets

FYI : Sun into Libra 9/23 at 5:05AM Eastern / 2:05 AM Pacific. (Next up – Scorpio, 10/23)

The Scale is Libra’s Zodiac symbol. (All other signs are either people or animals)