Astrology: Reminder – Venus Still Retrograde Until 11/18/10

Venus, the planet of love (and finances), ruler of both Taurus and Libra, began its backward move in the sky on Thursday October 8, 2010 while in Scorpio.

Making note of Venus Retrograde can be useful since this planet only goes backward every year and a half (unlike Mercury which is at least 3 times per year) – we pay attention. How does it affect us? As always, it depends specifically on the individual chart, but the influence will be felt by all.

Venus rules the 2nd House in the Astrology chart: what we value/how we really feel about money, love and relationships, possessions. Retrograde motion can cause confusion and uncertainty so this is always a good opportunity to review, realign, re evaluate, reconsider and with Venus it’s no different.

Look over finances (What budget?) re think contracts, think about THE relationship, (Is it a love that will last forever? Do you want it to? Has the intensity changed? Do you need to re assure someone about your undying…?). By the time Venus goes forward again on November 18, in its home sign of Libra, some questions will be answered, a course of action will be clearer, etc.

Just hold off taking action during the actual Retrograde period if you can. Venus going Direct will lend its support to your decisions.  For instance: A- Do you really want to buy that?  B- A wedding date after November 18 may lessen any “Bridezilla/Groomzilla” happenings 🙂

Astrology: Moving Planets – Lots of Activity in Taurus!

The sign of Taurus will be hosting 2 high powered planets- Venus and Mercury- for several weeks at the end of March/beginning of April, 2010. Planet transits vary in length adding energy to a sign and can impact the individual wherever it falls in their chart. Taurus is a very dependable, practical sign that respects money, hates debt, loves beauty and comfort.  To paraphrase a line from my favorite musical “Westside Story” – “Who knows…Somethin’s coming and it’s gonna be great”.

Venus rules the sign of Taurus and glides in on Wednesday March 31 until April 25, 2010.  Often referred to as the planet of love, Venus is all about relationships and is very comfortable in this sign. Think peace, love, good food and budget talks with a significant other?  (Or, a close family member.)

Mercury, the usually speedy communications planet, moves into Taurus on April 2 until June 10, 2010. During this time frame, the planet will slow its pace and go retrograde on 4/18 – it will stop going backward and go direct again on 5/11/10.  Earthy, grounded Taurus will bring weight to the quick, “chatty Kathy” Mercury. Use this time to think things through – to change your mind if need be.

BTW:  Taurus rules the 2nd House in the Astrology chart – It is the House of possessions, money (what we do with it/how we feel about it), what we think is “valuable”.