The Sun moves into the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac– imaginative, impressionable, intuitive Pisces on Saturday, February 18, 2017. It’s a compassionate Water sign ruled by outer planet Neptune. If too much “feeling” sends you off course, focus on the tasks in front of you to stay grounded and connected to reality. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or evade life. Stay steady, stay productive, stay connected.
Mystical Neptune, transiting Pisces until 2025, has a reputation for clouding the waters, fading boundaries and fostering escapism, but, all these things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination. Innovations regarding music, dance and theater will probably bubble to the surface faster than usual. The subconscious can be a treasure trove of ideas now. Keep paper and pencil handy, jot down your dreams. Listen to your inner voice – the positive one.
Sun into Pisces: Feb. 18, 2017 – 6:32 PM PST / 3:32 PM EST
* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet