After Leo’s seemingly relentless ferment, the Sun moved into reliable, responsible Virgo on Tuesday August 22, 2017. The 6th sign of the Zodiac is about work, health matters and service. But don’t think being conscientious has to mean “dull”. With quick witted Mercury as its planet ruler, Virgo cleverness can liven up situations unexpectedly.
Don’t drift into over analyzing, getting wrapped up in too many details. Being over critical and picky, not “seeing the forest for the trees”, suffering bouts of “paralysis analysis” will just get in the way and slow you down from making improvements, organizing messes, both large and small, and just experiencing a general grounding. Do Virgo things – be useful, bring calm & order, be a contribution.
Retrograde Mercury is in Virgo until 9/1/17. It backs into Leo where it will reverse motion and go Direct on 9/5/17. Mercury will re enter the sign it rules on 9/10/17 and remains until 9/30/17. Things speed up, communication will get snappier. Also, good time to implement a good diet / exercise regimen. Feeling better helps you work better.
*Gemstones: Carnelian, Blue Sapphire * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)
**Virgo Sun: August 22, 2017 – 6:21 PM EDT / 3:21 PM PDT