A New Moon on Friday December 11, 2015 could set us up to enjoy more days of retail therapy. Festive spirits and holiday energy are there to be tapped into. Actually, when the Lunar orb is “New” it’s a great time to launch, create, kick-off, and / or start something regardless of the season. Sagittarius’ good nature and love of adventure are tweaked while both luminaries are in this upbeat Fire sign. We feel lucky, optimistic and of course will find the greatest bargain, the perfect gift, the bestest tree. Or, you can hang out with family and friends – socializing works.
With a Sagittarius Moon, taking chances, taking risks can seem very attractive and stimulating. An enthusiastic “we can-do-anything” frame of mind is a definite trait of this Jupiter, the lucky planet, ruled Fire sign. However, no matter how great the scheme sounds, you still must stay grounded enough to get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). But, it’s nice to know that the universe and lunar energy are on your side.
*New Moon December 11, 2015 – 5:29 AM EST / 2:29 AM PST
FYI = “New Moon” energy lasts for approximately 10 days.