“Fela!” * Loved It!

This might be a totally “African Diaspora” type of thing, but you know how your shoulders start to go up and down whenever you hear drums? Well, imagine an entire audience bouncing their shoulders in time with the music/drums of” Fela!”

I like to get to my theater seat early and watch the audience come in- I’m nosy and I enjoy it. But, there was an extra bonus this time because while we think we’re waiting for the seats to fill and the play to start, this musical has already begun – there is a great band that plays Afrobeat rhythms nonstop until the official “curtain up” moment.  By setting the tone and mood this way, the audience is prepared for a rousing, exciting, powerful, fun experience.

The story introduces us to Nigerian musician and activist Fela Anikulapo Kuti, 1938-1997, as he plays his last show, full of music, dancing and Nigerian political commentary, at his club, “da Shrine”. The funny and sad, exciting and tragic events unfold to the pulsating, layered sounds of the Afrobeat music Fela made popular in the 70’s.  The play was a terrific emotional roller coaster ride and I was wiped by the time the lights went up. (I just love it when I am totally engaged and invested in what’s going on- love it, love it, love it.)

“Fela!” was wonderful. I will see it again.

BTW: – “Fela!” has been nominated for tons of Tony Awards including, Best Musical, Best Lead (Sahr Ngaujah), Best featured (Lilias White), Best Director/Best Choreographer (Bill T. Jones – he’s a genius!) I predict lots of wins!

Astrology: Sagittarius Full Moon 5/27

During a Full Moon, the luminaries are exactly opposite each other. The Moon is fully lit by the Sun. Dramatic, but nothing to fear (however, there is a new “Wolfman” film with Benicio Del Toro as the blood thirsty werewolf- but it’s just a movie 🙂

The Moon is in upbeat, bigger is better,” let’s have an adventure” Sagittarius. This is a good thing – we can have fun as we prepare for the holiday weekend.

A “Full” phase, 3rd quarter Moon, is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of what ideas/efforts were begun at the time of the New Moon.  With Sag, we have energy, a sense that “of course good things can happen” and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. (The Moon will continue to wane, decrease in size, until we see the Moon in its “crescent” view.)

On Saturday 5/29, the Moon will march into the next sign, Capricorn, and remain there until Monday.  You might notice a definite attitude/ atmosphere change. The 10th sign of the Zodiac has a duty, responsibility, authoritarian focus.  Maybe not many laughs, but things will get done!  (BTW: Earth sign Capricorn Moon is a good time to plant.)

Enjoy your Holiday!

Astrology: Moving Planets – Uranus into Aries, May 2010

Uranus is moving into the fire sign of Aries on May 27th 2010, (9:48pm EDT/ 6:48pm PDT) after a 7 year stay in the imaginative, sensitive water sign of Pisces.  Unpredictable Uranus in the sign of high energy, combustible Aries can lead to dynamic changes, (such as advances in Science, technology – computers will be faster, the “next new thing” will be developed and immediately go “viral”). Think “electric”.

Uranus will do a back and forth movement in 2010 – it goes retrograde back into Pisces 7/5/10 and forward again into Aries 12/5/10. This volatile, unpredictable planet remains in the 1st sign of the Zodiac until 2018.

It takes 84 years for this outer planet to complete the Zodiac cycle spending approximately 7 years in each of the 12 signs.  Since it is so far away from earth, the thought is that whatever effects this planet has will be on the world, rather than being felt in individual day to day life.

Radical change, discoveries, dismantling of traditions, out with the old/in with the new – blame it on Uranus. This could be fun?

BTW: Jupiter, another outer planet, moves into Aries on June 6, 2010. Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is associated with joyously going “large”. Jupiter’s big plans, big deals coupled with Uranus’ eccentricities can lead to interesting times.

(However, as always, life continues, we will be alert and we will deal- it won’t be dull)

Astrology: The Moon – Virgo Friday / Libra Saturday

Most people love a 4 day week, so, I like to begin my Moon sign information on Fridays as a start to the weekend.

On Friday 5/21, the Moon will be finishing up its stay in the industrious work and detail sign of Virgo (good way to finish all the odds and ends of the week).

On Saturday evening, the Moon moves into luxury loving Libra and remains there until Monday. You can fill the bulk of the weekend with silk and cashmere quality events if you want- people, conversation, pretty things.

Be kind, charming and socialize!

Astrology: Sun into Gemini – Land of Multi-Tasking!

On Thursday May 20, the Sun enters the 3rd sign of the Zodiac – Gemini.  This Air sign is ruled by the communications planet Mercury. Geminis are known for their cleverness, flexibility, adaptability and love of change.  Light hearted, “younger than springtime”, a Gemini usually will not look/act their age for most of their lives. (Not childish, but youthfully engaging:)

While the Sun is in this sign, writing, reading, conversation, quick weekend getaways, a “lets do something/lets learn something” type of energy can influence everyone regardless of where they are on the astrology calendar. It can be fun!

Just be careful of trying to do too many things at once, wanting to be in 2 places at once, etc. There are some things that need to be paid attention to so that there is completion, especially on important projects or when something has been promised. Half done is half accomplished.

Gemini:  May 20 – June 20 * Duality rocks, variety rocks, double is always more

*Symbol – Twins/ Castor & Pollux  *Gemstone – Pearl, Agate  * Color – Yellow *Body – hands

Spike’s “Do The Right Thing”

Last year, the 20 year anniversary of Spike Lee’s terrific film, “Do The Right Thing”, was celebrated with a special 2 disc DVD package containing extra footage, interviews, and new commentary by the director. 

Director Lee has made so many films since 1989, but, “Do” is his most celebrated film so far – it came in # 96 in the 2007 American Film Institute list of the 100 best movies of all time. The movie tells the story of a hot day in Brooklyn’s Bed’Stuy, when pent up anger, and resentment combust into violence in a matter of minutes.

The stellar cast includes Spike Lee, Danny Aiello, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Giancarlo Esposito, Bill Nunn, John Turturro, Rosie Perez, Martin Lawrence (film debuts for both Rosie and Martin).

Do the Right Thing” (20th Anniversary Edition)

Moving Planets – Saturn Retrograde in Virgo ‘til July 2010

Reminder: Saturn began its Retrograde journey in the sign of Libra on January 13, 2010. It has now backed its way into Virgo. Those born with their Sun or Rising signs in Virgo or have experienced a recent 30/60 year Saturn Return in this sign(the planet returns to the same place in your chart as at the time of birth every 30 years) may notice the effects.

This planet is about boundaries, “reality”, discipline, responsibility. Any light, easy, exuberance you were feeling before might be a little hard to find sometimes, but, you can get a lot done with Saturn’s “duty bound” attitude, it just isn’t always fun.  You can use the time to review the usual Virgo themes of health regimens and work habits.  The traits of practicality, analysis and service may be enhanced.

Saturn continues backward into Virgo until May 30, 2010, it will then stop and go forward again, over the same Virgo territory, not reaching Libra, the sign where it all started, until July 22.

Then it will be Libra’s turn to feel the effects of the planet for grownups.  Saturn in Libra (transit lasts until 2011) can change this relationship sign from an indecisive social coquette to a serious seeker of commitment.  Everything must still be lovely and beautiful for the Libran, but with an underlying base of steel mesh- focus, ambition.

Astrology: Gemini Moon 5/14 – Good Times!

We are up for another Gemini Moon this Friday and Saturday. A set of twins is the usual symbol for Gemini and the duality of the sign makes this the best time to do 2 things at once- scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and analyze. Just remember to breathe – everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed.

Have a peaceful, homey Sunday, when the Moon moves into the sign of Cancer.

Without Papers: “Dirty, Pretty Things”

dirtyprettythings“Dirty Pretty Things” (2004 DVD) is a movie that explores how “invisibles” get over/get by in a hostile environment. Illegal immigrants often perform work that nobody else wants to do, but are not really seen. Jobs are done without creating attention or much notice being paid – which works well for those who live in a foreign country without “papers”.

Directed by Stephen Frears, the film, with the help of a great cast- Chiwetel Ejiofor, Audrey Tautou, and Sofie Okendo – tells a story of men and women so desperate to find a better life far away from their home, that poverty and humiliation is endured day after day. Everyone has at least 2 jobs if they’re lucky and manage without sleep. Their situations are precarious and they can be easily exploited. But, this is not a PBS documentary. There is humor, charm and suspense. The 2 likable lead characters, a Nigerian Taxi driver and a Turkish hotel maid, cleverly interrupt a black market scheme to harvest body parts for profit.

I found myself rooting for them to get over/get by – so that all their trials and tribulations were worth it. “Dirty Pretty Things” – I enjoyed the movie!

Astrology: New Moon in Taurus May 13

The Moon moves into Taurus on Tuesday 5/12 and then becomes “new” on Thursday 5/13. The New Moon heralds beginnings and is a great time to initiate new projects, make changes.

A New Moon in Taurus, while the Sun is still in this 2nd sign of the Zodiac until May 20, highlights and intensifies Taurean themes- romance, creativity, obstinance. Thoughts can turn to being financially, physically secure and comfy. Re evaluate how you spend and save your money.  Beauty loving, food loving, “loving” Taurus can be attached to ideas and be resistant to change.

With Taurus determination, you can manage your cash and still be good to yourself and loved ones. Think about it.

Re:  General Taurus bull like traits – if you’re going to be “a stake in the ground” for an issue – make sure it matters to you (don’t just be stubborn about it)