Michael Jackson

“This Is It” is the documentary released in DVD that captured the final days of the “King of Pop” as he prepared for a concert tour in 2009. I’ll be honest, I began to watch with some hesitation – Is this going to be a sad, tragic documentary about a frail former super star? (I didn’t really want to see that.) But happily, no worries.

“This Is It” is a joyous celebration of the pop entertainer’s talent and hard work.  This compilation of rehearsal footage includes a lot of the songs and dance moves we all know and love and as the show is rehearsed and shaped, we also get to see the attention to detail, the professionalism that was Michael Jackson. He was totally present and engaged. Nothing was too small to go over until it was right. He loved it all.

It becomes obvious why MJ was not “famous” just for wearing gem encrusted gloves –  his fans loved him because he so obviously cared about them. He wanted his audience to be entertained. He wanted them to say “Wow” and they did.

Michael Jackson, R.I.P. (Still hard to believe)

Astrology: Full Capricorn Moon With Lunar Eclipse!

On Friday evening 6/25/10, the Moon moved into authoritarian Capricorn for the entire weekend.  And today, Saturday 6/26, the Moon not only becomes “Full”, but there will also be a “Lunar Eclipse”.

I still insist that Full Moons are not the Universes way of giving us an excuse to act out/ freak out, however, a Lunar Eclipse can be intense. All that emotional Moon energy is amped to a higher level.

Since Saturn ruled Capricorn needs to be businesslike and in charge, don’t go overboard during this time. Be nice to your employees, decide on what you want to get done, what you want to accomplish and stick to it. No need to go into “Myth of Sisyphus” mode. Don’t take all the duties of the world on your shoulders. You don’t have to sign off on everything. Loosen up, stop grinding your teeth, the world is not ending (at least not this weekend).

By Monday morning the Moon will be in innovative, unpredictable Aquarius. (Unplanned events are favored.)

Full Moon: Happens when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs (Sun/ Cancer – Moon/Capricorn)

Lunar Eclipse:  “A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the earth such that the earth blocks the sun’s rays from striking the moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, there is always a full moon the night of a lunar eclipse.” Per Wikipedia

Astrology: Summer Solstice Means Cancer Sun

On 6/21/10, the Sun takes beach umbrella and flip flops into the Moon ruled sign of Cancer. Along with the Cancer Sun comes the longest day of the year – Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere).

This Water sign is emotional, sensitive, concerned with family, moody, restless, a powerful nurturer – they will take care.  And especially, if they love you, they will feed you.

Cancers may overeat when unhappy. Be hard to get to know – they will hide in their shells. Need to be needed – even if those tended to are not the best for them.

(I think Cancers make good actors – all that deep, vibrating emotion, sensitivity, reacting. Can be released by acting out their secret selves on stage.)

For all other signs, while this Moon and Cancer energy reigns, take advantage of all the ‘home” energy, pay attention to your instincts, enjoy the love.

*Cancer: Gem – Emerald / Power colors: silver, pale gray

Astrology: Another Weekend, Another Virgo/Libra Split!

The Moon in Virgo on Friday June 18th just might add oomph to the influences being felt from this Mercury ruled sign.  Since Mars and Saturn are already lined up in the steady, efficient, “let’s get real” Earth sign, an addition of Moon energy gives an uptick to Virgo concerns on health, nutrition, work. (Are there things that need to be looked at/worked on? Take care of it now.)

Early Saturday morning, June 19th, we go into partnership loving, luxury loving, understanding-both-sides- now loving Libra!  I think Libra weekends just ooze charm, cooperation, social interactions– a party?

Have a great weekend! (On Monday we’ll get back to serious with the Scorpio Moon)

Lura * Music of Cape Verde

Lura sings the music of Cape Verde, an island off the west coast of Africa which declared independence from Portugal in 1975.

Singing both in Portuguese, and in the language of her small country, she mixes some of the musical traditions, like “Morna”, with a more contemporary, urban sound.  Different from the better known tragic, emotional Portuguese “Fado” songs, the music from the Cape Verde interior catches you up in its smooth, jazz-like rhythms.

“Di Kopu ku Alma” (Of Body & Soul)

Astrology: About That Gemini Moon This Weekend…

On Friday June11, the Moon will be in Gemini – it becomes “New” on Saturday the 12th.  The Moon is considered new when the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign and this time is great for new ideas and implementing new projects.

Air sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is considered the communication sign, and that is the area of life that will be enhanced – lots a talk, lots a writing (tweeting?), etc. BTW: Mercury will also be in Gemini at this time until 6/25/10 –  the themes of this “twinner” Sun sign are reinforced!  What can you create out of this?

On Saturday night, the Moon glides into nurturing, family oriented Cancer – remember that even though the Sun sign has changed, the effects of the “new” energy will still show up for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter.  Perhaps Cancer things, like home/family, will get a boost. (Pick something from your old DIY list to start? New cupcake recipe? Set up new behavior protocol for the kids?)

Regardless of the sign – this weekend is a good time to make plans concrete. All “new” things are highlighted and begging for action to be taken. Start something!

Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!

With Denzel, Viola and a terrific cast, August Wilson’s “Fences” is BRILLIANT!

The action takes place during the 1950’s in the usual location for Wilson’s plays, the Hill District of Pittsburgh, where many southern blacks migrated to settle and find work.  It’s tale of former baseball player Troy Maxon’s lost dreams and how that loss effected his life and those that surrounded it is still relevant and powerful today. This current production has been nominated for several Tony‘s, Best Revival of a Play, Lead Actor for Mr Washington and Lead Actress for Ms Davis.

As I have posted several times, August Wilson, (1945-2005) is one of my favorite playwrights. His plays speak to the varied layers and stages of the human condition which I think makes his work so emotionally available to all. He wrote a play for every decade of the last century to chronicle how black people dealt with their hopes and dreams – deferred or not.  How changes in daily life, and in the world, are met with humor, determination and courage by everyday folks is a universal theme and not just for people of color. “Change” and all that it creates and/or destroys affects everyone.

I’ll be watching and rooting for this very satisfying play by one of my favorite playwrights.

FYI – The original production of “Fences” won the Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize in 1985.
The image below is a poster from 1985 – starring James Earl Jones and Mary Alice (I love them too)    

Astrology: Moving Planets- Mars into Virgo

A few weeks ago I discussed Saturn’s Retrograde movement into the Earth sign Virgo. On May 30th this planet of discipline and boundaries went direct and remains in Virgo until July 22, 2010.

Just to make sure we don’t get bored, Mars, our fiery red planet, has joined Saturn and will keep company for awhile. (It moves into Libra on July 30, 2010).

Saturn is about responsibility, practicality – Mars is all about action, impulsiveness and heat. While Saturn can be comfortable in Virgo and reinforce that sign’s natural tendency toward detail, analysis, and helping others –  “I “oriented Mars is constricted and might act up, get aggressive,  and overly critical, speak too harshly.

However, our feisty planet will pick up the pace and things will be accomplished. Just try to use the energy and not paralyze yourself by getting caught in any push/pull between resistant Saturn and combustible Mars.

How much you notice this planet activity depends upon where Virgo appears in your chart – Virgo Sun, Virgo Rising, etc.

Astrology: The Moon This Weekend 6/4/10

On Friday June 4th, the Moon is in the emotional water sign of Pisces until Saturday evening.  Dreamy, fuzzy, sensitive – focus may be difficult. Don’t take on the troubles of the world. (Good news for artists – great time for creativity and imagination.)

The Moon slips into fiery “let’s get physical” Aries late on the evening of June 5 and remains until Monday.  There will probably be lots of activity, lots of energy – make no rash moves, be nice and have fun!

Astrology: Moving Planets – Jupiter into Aries June 5, 2010

Jupiter, ruler of the fun loving, philosophical Sagittarius, changes Sun signs on Saturday June 5.

Well, well, well, we are in for some fireworks for the next few months!  Jupiter, the Lucky planet, wants and is ready for “more” of anything (think excess). Aries is the 1st sign of the Zodiac and “first” is what it wants to be in everything. With Mars as ruler, this Fire sign’s energy is based on aggression, impulse and “let’s start something, NOW!”.  With big Jupiter egging it all on, restraint may be a challenge.

And, let’s not forget that revolutionary Uranus, (electric, unpredictable, considered by some the higher octave of Mercury) popped into Aries on May 27, 2010. The addition of Jupiter will just make life even more interesting.

Jupiter (big plans), Uranus (expect the unexpected) in Aries (volatility) can lead to all kinds of achievement – inventions, scientific breakthroughs- and the urge to be in charge/take control.

Depending upon where Aries is placed in your chart, you might feel that you’re being given a hot foot, or you keep hearing a voice in your head yelling “get up!’, “get up!’. Pay attention.

BTW: Uranus, an outer planet, is usually associated with “groups” rather than the individual, will do a back and forth movement in 2010 – it goes retrograde back into Pisces in August and forward again into Aries in December, where it will remain until 2018.

Jupiter stays in Aries for about 1 year.