Reminder * It’s Mercury Retrograde ‘Til 9/5/17

It started in Earth sign Virgo on 8/12/17 and reverses into Fiery Leo where it will go Direct on 9/5/17. The possibility of communication snafus are increased because Mercury is in one of the signs it rules, Virgo (the other is Gemini). When the planet transits the detail focused 6th sign of the Zodiac, its concerns are amped – analyze, write, speak, teach, work, diet, service. With the added mischief of “Retrograde”, misunderstandings, slips of the tongue or pen, (Freudian or otherwise), can occur.

However, chaos is not inevitable. We can mitigate potential missed and mixed messages by jumping all over the details. Little things can impact larger things big time. Back up, fine tune your gadgets, computers and phones. Project initiation / creation would be best delayed if possible – if not, be meticulous, pay attention.

Remember my usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde – see it as an opportunity to review, reconsider, re-think, revise. However, note that as we do this, we are not going backwards into the past, we are pro actively making any needed changes, re evaluations for the future – a good thing.

*Mercury Retrograde: 8/12/17 – 9:01 PM EDT / 6:01 PM PDT

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.


Full Moon in Aquarius 8/7/17 * Radical Change?


The revolution may be televised or not – but there will certainly be unusual, unconventional activity as we encounter not only a Full Moon, in freedom loving, group focused Aquarius, but also a Lunar Eclipse. A stubborn, independent cause infused sign, it is all about “We / Us” rather than “I / Me”. 

The humanitarian, 11th sign of the Zodiac encourages spontaneous change, community activism, group fun with a purpose and just contribution in general. Before jumping to the front lines, pause and reflect – is the issue real for you, or is the response automatic / knee jerk.  “No Justice, No Peace” – (Love it)

Just a reminder – a ”Full” Moon phase packs power and can give our thoughts clarity. It starts the “waning” or decreasing period, on its way to the 3rd and 4th Moon quarters. This can be a great time to gather and tally results or confront the useless. Clean up old projects, get rid of outmoded thought patterns and attitudes in order to clear the way for the “New” Moon in about 2 weeks.

*Aquarius Full Moon: 8/7/17 – 2:11 PM EDT * 11:11 AM PDT

** Lunar Eclipse:  It’s power increases the possibility of positive change manifesting over the next few months.



Sun Is So Bright, We Gotta Wear Shades!

We welcome the Sun King Leo on Saturday, July 22, 2017. Don’t be surprised if there are sudden, unexplained cravings for sparklers, sequins and confetti. Just go with it. The Sun rules the 5th sign of the Zodiac and you can tell. We’ll feel strong, upbeat, magnanimous, a bit more dramatic and drawn to the spotlight regardless of our actual Astrology sign. Leo doesn’t get shyness. We are urged to seek attention, to be colorfully creative and to cheerfully accomplish goals. As the Sun settles into this regal Fire sign, expect to have some fun for the duration of its stay.

Verbal and written interactions become livelier and sharper due to Communication planet Mercury’s Leo transit from 7/6 to 7/26/17. Remember to share the conversation, let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you.

Adding to the energy will be aggressive “Warrior” Mars transiting Leo, 7/21 til 9/4/17. Being overly confident and perhaps impatient for attention, might lead to taking risks just to be first in front of the camera – real or imaginary. This could make us sloppy and reckless. Check the parachute before attempting the longest free fall airplane drop in the Guinness Book of Records. (Verify the distance between drop height & ground) Preen for the close up once safely on land.

Basking in a Leo Sun can be a good time. Enjoy!

Sun into Leo: July 22, 2017 * 11:16 AM EDT / 8:16 AM PDT

*Gemstone – Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)

 (Next up – Virgo Sun  8/22/17)



Moon in High Octane Aries This Weekend!

The Moon will be in rambunctious Aries from Friday afternoon, 7/14, until Sunday night, 7/16/17.  When the Lunar orb transits the 1st sign of the Zodiac, which is ruled by warrior planet Mars, we feel braver and more physical, more “up for anything”. Depending upon what the “anything” is, it could be the best of times or the most precarious of times.

Aries = energy and you probably won’t want to sit around for too long in one place. Take advantage of the urge for action and movement – do something exciting, do something different.

However, keep cool, keep the peace, keep the flame thrower in the closet. But, still have a dynamic weekend!



19th Annual Harlem Book Fair!

On Saturday, 7/15/17, there will be spoken word events, over 200 exhibit booths, music, panel discussions and children’s activities will be on hand at the Harlem Book Fair. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday in the city.

“The vision of the Harlem Book Fair is to partner with local
and national leadership organizations under the banner of literacy
awareness, affirming HBF as the nation’s largest African American
literary event celebrating family literacy, community empowerment,
and community cooperation. “


19th Annual Harlem Book Fair

Saturday, July 15, 2017 – 10 AM – 6 PM


515 Lenox Avenue, West 135th Street,, NYC

Full Moon In “Get It Done” Capricorn This Weekend!

The earthy, Saturn ruled, 10th sign of the Zodiac is about ambition, authority, duty. Capricorn leans towards long term goals, managing a career, creating success (whatever that means to you) and reaching for the top. Are your personal actions and business strategies producing results?

If feeling the need to change and / or move forward, take the time to figure out a path to handle what is necessary. We can use Capricorn’s Full Moon energy to finalize and complete projects, activate plans that can move you closer to what we want.

*Capricorn Full Moon: 12:07 AM EDT 7/9/17 – 9:07 PM PDT 7/08/17

Summertime and the “Livin’ is Easy” * Cancer Sun!

The Sun moving into 4th sign of the Zodiac Cancer, on 6/20 PDT and 6/21 EDT,  also means the arrival of the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. The sensitive, emotional, Moon ruled Water sign may evoke moodiness, but regardless, friends and family will always be an important focus. Your own personal Sun sign might be different, but, you can still take advantage of some of Cancer’s influences.

Don’t let your antennae wilt in the summer heat. Heightened awareness can provide useful information about people, places, things. Feel what you feel, pay attention to your instincts and if feeling a little blue, don’t over indulge hoping that extra scoop of hot fudge or butterscotch on the banana split will make things better. Change the scenery and change the mood. Know what is best for you – with both food and people.

Mars will be visiting Cancer from 6/5 to 7/21/17. Needless to say, the aggressive, straight ahead “Warrior” planet, is not comfortable in non confrontational, side stepping Cancer, but the nurturing impulse could get fierce! Watch grouchiness. If questioned or asked to explain, don’t assume that it’s an attack – people may just want to know more.

Communication planet Mercury transits Cancer from 6/21 until 7/05/17 – don’t be surprised if interactions are more emotionally revealing than usual. That can show up in what you write or speak, especially with family & friends.

As Cancer’s protective and sympathetic “homey” energy reigns, use it – enjoy the love along with the frozen yogurt. Whatever you do, make your Summer as great as you can!

Sun in 1st degree of Cancer = 2017 Summer Solstice:

June 20, 2017, Tues. – 9:24 PM PDT / June 21, Weds. 12.24 AM EDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts

Hey! The year is already half over – what are you going to do during the rest of 2017? Still plenty of time to create some great stuff!

Gemini Sun 5/20/17 – Let The Multi Tasking Begin!

The Sun shines in versatile, curious, Air sign Gemini on Saturday, May 20, 2017 and it will give us the urge to chat up all who pass our way. Mercury, the communication planet, rules the 3rd sign of the Zodiac and regardless of whether you tweet, Facebook, mobile or have an old fashioned face-to-face, it wants us to interact in order to add variety to life and just generally perk things up. Gemini has the “twins” as its Astrology symbol (think Castor/Pollux) and we will want to  double the fun regardless of our actual birth sign – needing to be in 2 places at once, doing 2 things at the same time. Duality rules.

Transiting planets add spice to the Gemini Sun. Aggressive, warrior Mars (4/21 – 6/5) and quick, clever information maven Mercury (6/7 – 6/21).  Learn something new, meet and greet, read and write, chat too much/gossip too much. Hit the pause button occasionally. Collect your thoughts, watch what you say (Gemini verbal cleverness is legendary, just don’t be verbally careless), re focus, complete tasks that need to be finished, then go on to the next.

Gemini Sun:  May 20, 2017 – 4:31 PM EDT / 1:31 PM PDT

Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands

(Deepak Chopra said: “Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”. Perfect for a Gemini Sun Transit.)



Scorpio Full Moon – Go Passionate, Go Deep!

Life is always a bit more intense when the Moon is in Scorpio and when this luminary is at its “Full” phase in this emotional Water sign, power and passion can go off the charts. The Scorpio Full Moon arrives on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. All that energy can be distilled into a cauldron of “feelings”. Tuck in all exposed nerves. Don’t take everything personally. Be gentle as you rock someone’s world – intentionally or not.

A Full Moon is a good time to gauge what needs to be finalized and completed in the next few weeks. Use Scorpio’s focus and determination to figure out what to keep and what to throw away (meaning – discard whatever is no longer useful.) Letting go is not necessarily giving up.

Scorpio also pushes us to pay attention to any money matters that may involve others. Are there any financial issues that need to be cleared or settled– taxes, business ventures? Does anyone owe you anything? Time to collect?

*Scorpio Full Moon: May 10, 2017 – 5:42 PM EDT / 2:42 PM PDT

Scorpio Moon illuminated opposite Taurus Sun. Beautiful !




Libra Moon & Cinco de Mayo Weekend!

This weekend is a great excuse to enjoy Cinco de Mayo celebrations with your beverage of choice (I love Margaritas). On Friday May 5, even though the Moon is in stable, grounded Virgo, a good time can still be had if so inclined (in a responsible way of course :lol:) . Saturday and Sunday belongs to relationship focused Libra.

The Moon will charm and class us up while in the lovely and amiable 7th sign of the Zodiac. This social butterfly Air sign, ruled by elegant, romantic, beautifying Venus, seeks balance, harmony and cooperation while urging us to express our artistic talent, share ourselves with people and just generally expect and accept good times.

Have a spirited weekend!

Think brunch, cocktails…

BTW: “Cinco de Mayo—or the fifth of May—is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867)”. (Per Wkipedia)

In certain parts of the country, like California where I live, Cinco de Mayo, is a great reason (or excuse) for a gathering.