Moon In Feisty, Fire Sign Aries This Weekend!

The Moon will be in aggressive, high octane Aries Saturday and Sunday, 7/11 and 7/12/20. When the Lunar orb is in the 1st sign of the Zodiac, which is ruled by warrior planet Mars, we feel braver, more physical, and more “up for anything”. Depending upon what that “anything” is, could be the best of times or the most precarious of times.

Aries = energy and you probably won’t want to sit around for too long in one place. Take advantage of the urge for action and movement – do something exciting, do something different, do something positive. Keep cool, keep the peace, keep the flame thrower in the closet.

Take care of yourselves.

FYI ~ Mercury finally ends Retrograde and goes “Direct” on 7/12. (Phones and laptops should start working seamlessly again)  😉 It may take a few days. Continue to pay attention to the details.

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