Mercury Retrograde (Ooops?) in Detail Loving Virgo, 8/30/16

Astrology Mercury Retrograde 2

*Alert!  Communication planet Mercury, which rules both Air Gemini and Earth Virgo, will go reverse on Tuesday August 30, 2016. It went backwards in the other Earth signs earlier this year, (Taurus in April and Capricorn in January). What does that mean to us? General Earth sign attributes, stability, responsibility, practicality may be impacted, especially interactions with others – writing, speaking, teaching, etc. Stay grounded and pay attention to contracts negotiations, deadlines, missed and mixed messages. Gadgets, computers, phones may become uncooperative but “fixes” could be unreliable too. If it can wait, repair, replace after Mercury goes Direct, 9/21 PDT & 9/22 EDT still in Virgo.

Of course, we still gotta show up, life will go on, there are chores and plans that must be dealt with regardless of what Mercury is doing. Retrograde chaos is not inevitable. We can mitigate potential misunderstandings by “sweating to the small stuff”, checking things twice, details, details, details. My usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde: see it as an opportunity to review, reconsider, re-think, revisit. As we do this, we’re not going backwards into the past, we are pro actively making any needed changes, re evaluations for the future – a good thing.

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde: 8/30/16 – 9:04 AM EDT / 6:04 AM PDT



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