“New” Moon in Leo on Friday – both the Sun and the Moon are in the generous, colorful sign of Leo. With the Sun as ruler, this Fire sign is all about joyous confidence. New Moons are best for creativity and beginnings.
Use the flirty, creative vibrations natural to Leo and start a project, enroll a special someone in your life, do an awesome presentation – charm and fortune are in abundance. Depending on where Leo falls in your chart, it may take some effort, but the “possibilities are endless” as they say. Prepare, plot, plan – go for it.
FYI: New Moon 11:54AM Eastern/ 8:54AM Pacific Friday August 17, 2012…then Virgo Moon in the evening, spotlight on health and work.
This initiating energy lasts for approx 10 days, even as the Lunar orb changes Zodiac signs. The Moon sign can just highlight what part of your life may be most in focus.