It Ain’t Over Til That Lady Sings!

We still have a few more weeks until Retrograde Mercury, fleet footed planet of communication, travel, etc., goes forward again on December 13, 2011. We can get thru this people! When the planet started its final backward movement of the year on November 25 in Sagittarius, you may have noticed little breakdowns, little snafus, little misunderstandings. Often the severity of the mishap just had to do with how much attention was being paid to what was being said or done. My suggestion is to focus and continue to check all lists, plans and directions a few times, just in case.  

Remember, the Sun moved into the 9th sign of the Zodiac on 11/22, so the Sagittarian traits of learning, travel, education, adventure and risk taking are pushed to the forefront. As mentioned in a previous post, this season can be terrific fun and Mercury is appropriately in the sign ruled by big Jupiter, the planet of “more”.  Everything sparkles, spirits are high – the abundance of festivities can be outrageous (in a good way). But, with all the excitement, all the busyness, it will be easy to overlook some details.

As always, where Mercury appears in the individual chart determines what part of life is most affected by the planet’s Retrograde motion, but regardless, being careful and mindful of pitfalls is a good thing for all of us.

Try to delay major plans if you can for about 2 more weeks. Yes, life doesn’t stop. If you have something pressing to take care of, handle it – but don’t rush. Examine it before your sign it.

FYI: Mercury Retrograde started November 23, 2011 (11:21 PM Pacific) / November 24, 2011 (2:21 AM Eastern) = Ends the evening of December 13, 2011 .

Next Mercury Retrograde, March 12, 2012


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