On Friday, November 16, 2018, Mercury will go Retrograde for the final time this year in the adventure loving, optimistic Fire sign of Sagittarius. The planet of communications, transportation, education, health, medical treatments, business negotiations and of course technical gadgets, will appear to reverse motion in the sky – often corresponding to things seeming to go a little backward on earth. Hold on, we can do this.
Anticipate, anticipate, anticipate – snafus, avoidable travel delays, wrong destinations, tempermental tech situations, and Email, Twitter & FB miscommunications. Back up your stuff, pause before hitting “send”, read that contract again before signing. Pay attention to the details. It just takes a little extra time. (Beats the embarrassment of your “reply all” shade fest flying out into the universe)
My usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde: Take time to review, reconsider, re-think, revisit. See it as an opportunity to make adjustments and corrections where needed.
*Mercury Retrograde: 11/16 8:33 PM PST – 5:33 PM EST (‘til 12/6/18)
**BTW: The planet ruler of Gemini & Virgo will be Retrograde 3 times in 2019:
~March 16th 2019 – March 26th 2019
~July 9th 2019 – July 30th 2019
~November 1st 2019 – November 18th 2019
FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, but due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.