Potent, powerful, persistent, and passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive and sensual. I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious Scorpio, 8th sign if the Zodiac. I’ve decided that it isn’t an either / or situation – all may apply to this water sign at some time or other. The Sun will heat and be heated by this fixed sign beginning on Friday October 22 PDT and on Saturday October 23, 2021 EDT.
Note that “deep” and “fierce” can lead to all sorts of “feelings” that you may not be prepared to confront. So, don’t be surprised if emotions occasionally go unchecked. Often, the resulting “overwhelm” will not quite match the situation. There is nothing wrong with using an internal pause button to give us a chance to think, rather than just react.
With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep for all of us.
A lot can be accomplished during a Scorpio Sun regardless of where it appears in your personal chart. Remember that even while being serious and authentic, laughter can still be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere. Save any overflowing angst and/or grudges for another day – it can dissipate as the mood changes.
*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)
~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/22/21 ~ 9:51 PM PDT – 10/23/21 ~ 12:51 AM EDT ~*~
Next – Upbeat Sagittarius!