On Wednesday in the West and then in the early morning of Thursday in the East, the Lunar orb is lit up and “Full” in Capricorn. (The Sun is in the opposite sign of Cancer.) The Zodiac sign that houses a Full Moon will have its traits and characteristics heightened for a few days.
The practical, earthy, Saturn ruled, 10th sign of the Zodiac is about ambition, authority, duty. Capricorn leans towards long term goals, managing a career, creating success (whatever that means to you) and reaching for the top. Are your personal actions and business strategies producing results?
Take the time to figure out a path to handle what is necessary. We can use Capricorn’s Full Moon energy to detail and finalize projects. Work to complete plans that move you closer to what you want.
*Capricorn Full Moon: 6/27. 9:53 PM (PDT) & 6/28. 12:53AM (EDT)