The “Full” phase of the Moon intensifies the characteristics of the Astrology sign it’s in. When the Moon is Full in Watery Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, expect: emotion, creativity, hazy reality. Friday August 31, 2012, is the 2nd Full Moon for this month. A rare occurrence, it only happens every 2 years or so – it’s referred to as “Blue”. (You know that expression – “once in a blue Moon”.)
However, back to Pisces – stay focused, be discerning. If things seem a little vague, you may want to delay any decision making or signing of documents. Your imagination will be stoked, therefore, this can be a great time for the arts. Use the heightened sensitivity to enjoy beautiful things. Spread some Pisces kindness among family and friends. Smile at nice looking strangers. (This is where that “discerning” thing comes in handy)
Aggressive, Fiery, Aries Moon for Sunday and Monday’s Labor Day. Be active, be curious, be lively, but stay out of mischief.
Have a marvelous Holiday!
FYI: Previous Full Moon was August 1, in Aquarius