For the Weekend: Earthy Taurus/ Airy Gemini!

On Friday August 15, 2014, we are treated to a sensuous yet security concerned Taurus Moon. This fixed Earth sign may have us trying to make choices – either tackling that bank statement or indulging, with your partner, in delicious, chocolate dipped strawberries. Remember, not all things are either/or. “AND” can often work very well too 🙂

Sunday afternoon, the Moon enters Gemini and remains until Tuesday evening.Astro moon-waning-crescent-l The chatty, quicksilver, variety loving traits of this Mercury ruled Air sign is great for scrabble, catching up on current events (gossiping?), traveling, communication of all kinds. Gemini’s duality (the Twins) can make us clever and versatile and also a little flighty and distracted. Go and chat someone up, but, think before you speak (or push “send” on that email or text).

Taurus and Gemini Moons can mean a very social weekend: delicious food, entertaining conversation, high or low brow literary pursuits, etc. Whichever way you lean, have a great time!


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