Celebrate * Gemini Sun 5/21/15

On Thursday May 21, 2015, the Sun bounces into the fun, flirty, focus challenged, flexible, flighty third sign of the Zodiac. The natural versatility of Gemini, with its willingness to adapt, keeps the wrinkles, both mental and physical, at bay. While under its influence, we will feel encouraged, regardless of birth sign, to teach, learn, meet and greet, read and write, chat too much/gossip too much and try to be in two places at once (that Castor/Pollux, “twins” thing). And don’t forget travel, whether it be real or arm chair, the search for greener grass will be enticing.

astrology_chartwheel 2Our social interaction becomes even more important as planet ruler Mercury, (communications, education, short journeys) transits Gemini until 7/8/15. Also, warrior planet Mars (force, impatience, leadership) visits until 6/25/15. This Air sign’s tendency towards smart ass cleverness is legendary – so watch any urges to indulge in snarky, aggressive verbal or twitter smack downs regardless of how amusing you think they might be. (Then you have to spend time retracting, erasing, apologizing…)

This can be such a good time, but also exhausting. Rather than rush around feeling overwhelmed or scattered, hit the pause button occasionally, re focus, complete tasks that need to be finished, then go on to the next. Half done is half accomplished.

*Gemini Sun: May 21, 2015 – 4:45 AM EDT / 1:45 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands



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