Astrology: Thanksgiving and Weekend Moon – Food, Glorious Food!

This is a short work week for most, so I’m starting the weekend a little early.  On Thursday November 25th, the Happy Thanksgiving Day Moon is in its own food, family, nurture Water sign of Cancer – perfect.  Be full, comfy and share.  Don’t forget to be “thankful”.

Later that evening, the Moon shifts to generous, fun loving, attention getting Leo.  Friday and Saturday will give you time to smile, savor leftovers, show off a little, have fun.

Early morning on Sunday, the Virgo Moon brings us back to basics with health and work focus – conscious eating habits, duty, getting things done. We are ready for the work week.

Have a wonderful Holiday!

Astrology: Sagittarius Sun – Think Large!

The Sun prances into Sagittarius on Monday 11/22 – 2:15AM PST/ 5:15AM EST. Let’s all enjoy this sign’s feelings of luck, optimism and adventure. It makes me think of my favorite line from “Jaws” – “we’re going to need a bigger boat.” We just don’t have enough space for all the goodies anticipated when there is a Sag Sun.

With this Fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, planet of “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes- we need to aim for controlled excess. There is this underlying sense of “can’t miss”, the million dollar deal is done, everything is great! This can lead to an arrogance that can cost ya.

Be happy, be an “of course” for abundance, reach for the good things, learn something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sags love a good laugh but they are also deep and can see what others don’t) but, just be aware of the edges – over confidence can send you too far. It can be expensive and/or embarrassing.

But hey, have a gooood time!

Sagittarius: Gem = Citrine, Sodalite / Power color: Lilac, Mauve

(My theme for a Sag Sun: “Momma always told me not to look into the eyes of the Sun, but Momma, that’s where the fun is” (“Blinded by the Light” Bruce Springsteen)

(Re: “prances” – One of the symbols for Sagittarius is the Centaur with the bow and arrow)

(BTW- Regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage of the vibrations of whatever sign the Sun is transiting.)

Astrology: Taurus Full Moon for Weekend 11/19/10

Weekend Moon in Taurus starts Friday and this Venus ruled Earth sign’s power is intensified during the full Moon phase early Sunday.  As always with a “Full”, it is a good time to finish what you’ve started.  With the grounded Taurus influence, it makes sense to complete  any money dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – comfort, both financial and physical, is prime.

Later on Sunday, the always moving Moon reaches busy Gemini. This Air sign pushes communication of all kinds.  Read, chat, tweet – probably all at the same time.

Have a satisfying weekend!

Astrology: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune* Moving Planets- Busy November!

Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Jupiter are busy changing signs, changing direction -from Retrograde (backwards) to Direct (forwards) – and thereby changing planet relationships/connections in our Astrology charts. As always, changing lanes just means paying attention. Never a dull…!

*Communications planet Mercury moved into Sagittarius on 11/8 (Mars is already there). We should notice a sharpening of thought, a quickness of new ideas, an alertness to new opportunities. Take advantage of the possibility of the adventure factor in both thought and deed.

*Imaginative planet Neptune went Direct in Aquarius 11/6.  Compassion, giving of self, sensitivity, creativity are traits of this slow moving planet but we must be clear to always distinguish illusion from real. Feelings, reaching out to others – admirable, but, don’t be taken in. And, face what ever it is, escapism will just delay goals.

*Lucky planet Jupiter goes Direct on 11/18 in Pisces. Jupiter lives up to its size, it is the largest of our planets and generates “large” thinking. Bigger is better, optimism blossoms, abundance is a “why not”. Expansion, movement for stalled projects will be noticed, especially as Jupiter reaches  full of energy Aries in late January 2011. This can be fun, watch extravagance.

*Romance/ Finance planet Venus goes Direct in its own sign of Libra on 11/18. Relationships, contracts, money decisions were reviewed hopefully during the Retrograde period and now we are ready to take action on any decisions made. (Finally, marriages are good to go!)

*Warrior planet Mars, already in Sagittarius since 10/27 – gives energy along with the sharpness of Mercury to this already active, bright sign. Adventure, risk taking, cleverness, discussions – can be fun times while getting things done. Watch what you say – be kind.

All the above will affect us differently, how strongly we are influenced depends on the individual chart. As always, it’s all good.

Astrology: Weekend Moon in Aquarius 11/12/10

The unpredictable, rebellious Aquarius Moon might give us some surprises this weekend.  If that makes you nervous, think of the fun you can have.  Just avoid the radical and think thru any extreme plans that might cross your mind.

Early Sunday, November 13, will bring a more warm and fuzzy feel with the arrival of the Pisces Moon. This water sign is creative, dreamy and sensitive, so be sure to hold on to reality – however,  this might be a great time to write, make music, paint .

Have a super weekend!

Astrology: Scorpio New Moon for the Weekend 11/5/10

On Friday November 5th, the Scorpio New Moon arrived at 9:52 PM Pacific Time and 12:52AM  Eastern Time on Saturday November 6th . Scorpio weekend vibes are intense since both the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. (That’s what makes the Moon “New”)

“New” is great for beginnings, initiating plans. “New” in Water sign Scorpio gives us the fire power to be focused, persistent and determined. This is serious.  Take advantage, go for the goal – just remember to smile sometimes.

Early morning on Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon changes the mood for us. A bit more upbeat, a bit more optimistic, a bit more adventurous – you may want to do something different with that extra hour gained when Standard Time arrives?

*Remember that when Daylight Savings Time ends, we “Fall Back” an hour Sunday 11/7 at 2AM.

Retired– 1 Year Anniversary November 2010!

It has been 12 months since I retired. The year went so quickly, its amazing.

My internal clock still wakes me before 6am. I’m still getting lists by email and snail recommending the best places to spend my later years or the best place to invest my 401K (Ha!).

Life still happens (along with all the challenges that it involves), but I’ve found that being unscripted has lots of advantages and I’ve had great fun.

I still agree with Piaf, “Non, Je ne regrette rien “.

I am so grateful.

Astrology: Reminder – Venus Still Retrograde Until 11/18/10

Venus, the planet of love (and finances), ruler of both Taurus and Libra, began its backward move in the sky on Thursday October 8, 2010 while in Scorpio.

Making note of Venus Retrograde can be useful since this planet only goes backward every year and a half (unlike Mercury which is at least 3 times per year) – we pay attention. How does it affect us? As always, it depends specifically on the individual chart, but the influence will be felt by all.

Venus rules the 2nd House in the Astrology chart: what we value/how we really feel about money, love and relationships, possessions. Retrograde motion can cause confusion and uncertainty so this is always a good opportunity to review, realign, re evaluate, reconsider and with Venus it’s no different.

Look over finances (What budget?) re think contracts, think about THE relationship, (Is it a love that will last forever? Do you want it to? Has the intensity changed? Do you need to re assure someone about your undying…?). By the time Venus goes forward again on November 18, in its home sign of Libra, some questions will be answered, a course of action will be clearer, etc.

Just hold off taking action during the actual Retrograde period if you can. Venus going Direct will lend its support to your decisions.  For instance: A- Do you really want to buy that?  B- A wedding date after November 18 may lessen any “Bridezilla/Groomzilla” happenings 🙂

Astrology: Unpredictable Aquarius Moon This Weekend, 10/15/10

The Friday morning October 15th Moon gives us an opportunity to let go of convention, do some “out of the box” thinking, focus on the welfare of others and be a little rebellious.

Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio) and is ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, sudden changes of direction, etc. Relax, go with the flow. Give more attention to another Aquarian trait which is contributing to the universe in some way.  Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern.

Prepare for the unexpected. Not a bad way to spend a weekend- be spontaneous, share yourself. Enjoy!

FYI :  Moon will shift Sunday night into imaginative Pisces- art, music, creativity – but keep it real.

Astrology: Sun into Virgo – Bi Coastal Split

Earth sign Virgo gets a chance at the Sun on 2 different dates, depending on where you are – Sunday 8/22 10:27PM PDT and Monday 8/23 1:27AM EDT. Whether it is your birth sign or not, we will feel the effects of this practical, hardworking, Mercury ruled 6th sign of the Zodiac until 9/22/10.

But, (there is always one of those) remember that Mercury, planet of communication – speaking/writing, etc – will be retrograde in Virgo from 8/20 to 9/12 and some of those natural Virgo traits like, attention to detail, glorification of service, may be blunted. Don’t get frustrated and grab on to the other traits of this sign – super critical, worrying for the sake of… If you can stay away from the classic “analyze/paralyze” thing, you can make strides in organization, focusing on job advances (if that’s what you want), financial plans, etc.

Smile, it will be okay. Just do what Virgos are always good at regardless – lending aid and assistance. Making schedules, making plans, improving things, finding a good health/exercise regimen. Contribute!