Astrology:Sun Into Aries – Spring is Here! 3/20/11

Spring has sprung! On March 20, 2011 the Sun moved into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – fiery Aries (7:21PM Eastern / 4:21PM Pacific). The Sun has transited all 12 signs and is starting the cycle anew.  On this day, we also celebrate the Vernal Equinox – Spring is here with new chances to bloom!

This Fire sign’s impulsive, physical high energy can be used to springboard those ideas and projects you’ve been contemplating all winter. With the lucky planet Jupiter transiting Aries until June 4, 2011, the universe will support you. Just don’t go into a “bigger is better” thing (which is a favorite Jupiter approach to life). Moderation, which is often a struggle for risk taking Aries, would work well now.  With unpredictable, non conformist Uranus also visiting – sitting for 7 more years – wildness can result. (Remember, Aries is ruled by the warrior planet Mars)

Mercury is in Aries too until May 15, 2011.  Communication may have more quickness, edge and bite – you’ll be great in debates?  Since the planet will be Retrograde 3/30 – 4/23, re think/ review any temptation for verbal assaults, even if you’re right. No need to wound.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Aries, but the rest of us will still feel the feisty influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Fire sign appears in our chart.

*Aries = Gemstone: Garnet / Power Color: Red, fiery colors (of course)

FYI – March 20th is also designated as “International Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration of the ancient art of Astrology. (Cupcakes will be served!)

Astrology: Virgo Full Moon for this Weekend!

The Moon will be in the health and service oriented Earth sign Virgo on Friday March 18th – but wait, there’s more. It’s that time again! The Moon (Virgo) is opposite the Sun (Pisces) – that means “Full Moon” on  Saturday March 19th (2:10PM Eastern / 11:10AM Pacific).

The Full phase’s “handle it”  energy will last for several days. With practical Virgo, it is all about the details, so you will be supported as you complete and finalize whatever you’re working on. Put that diet and exercise regimen in place.

A few hours later, there will be a Lunar shift to Air sign Libra for the rest of the weekend. Be gracious, be charming, socialize – but, you don’t have to agree to everything. Stand your ground if you must. Enjoy the weekend.


Erin go Braugh!

DVD Corner: About That Girl and Her Tattoo…

I kept noticing this “Tattoo” book on the local paperback best seller list for the past year or so and  I got curiouser and curiouser.

So, I cheated and watched “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” on DVD first and then read the books – yes, plural. I was so hooked on the main characters and their adventures that  reading the whole trilogy by Swedish writer Stieg Larson was the only option.  Had such a great time! (All 3 are now available on DVD)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl Who Played with Fire

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

The books are cleverly dense with detail, suspense, intrigue and double dealing. The screen writer was selective in what was included in the subsequent movies, but they are well done (I think  “Tattoo” was the best).  I love a mystery – who disappeared, who was betrayed, who covered up. The 2 main characters, fearless,  antisocial “Lisbeth Salander”, fiercely brought to life by Noomi Rapace and investigative journalist “Michael Blomkvist”, played by Michael Nyqvist, were great, but I must say that everyone was.  Directed by Niels Arden Oplev, they did a super job.

The action takes place in Sweden – I marvel at the similarities and the differences to American life. A conspiracy is a conspiracy, politics is politics, muckraking is muckraking regardless of the language.  The methods to uncover evil machinations are now global with the blanket use of the internet. Hacking has never seemed so exciting. A warning – some scenes are violent, but, they do give some insight as to why our “Girl” behaves as she does.

Of course I’m sorry Mr. Larson passed away in 2004, especially since after reading the final book and watching the DVD (“The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest”), I got the distinct impression that our non-heroine/heroine, Ms Salander, was not finished – there was more to do, more to reveal and dig up, more people to disturb. Sigh… (Hope that didn’t sound too callous?)

I don’t know why, but there is an American remake planned with David Fincher as Director (He did Social Network), David Craig (the most recent actor to play James Bond) and relative newcomer Rooney Mara as the tattooed girl.  It better be good!

FYI: I’m getting a Tat for my next birthday – something tiny and therefore, not too painful (but I’ll feel a little fierce 😎 )


Astrology: Gemini Moon For the Weekend – 3/11/11

Beginning March 11, Friday and Saturday finds us in the throes of a chatty, variety loving Gemini Moon. As with all Air signs, it can be fun for us and/or just busy.  Your choice. 

Early Sunday, the Moon moves into the sign it rules – Cancer. This sensitive, emotional Water sign is about caring and nurturing.

Communication heavy Gemini Moon on Friday and Saturday followed by intense feelings Cancer Moon on Sunday and Monday – be flexible.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Astrology: New Moon in Creative Pisces for the Weekend 3/4/11

Pisces intuition and creativity are powerful with the New Moon in this emotional Water sign on Friday afternoon March 4th. Make use of this highly imaginative time and as always, “new” Lunar energy is good for “beginnings” of any kind. With both the Sun and the Moon in the same sign, focus and take advantage.

You can take action on any genius scenarios that come to you in your dreams when the Moon pops into aggressive Aries on Saturday evening and remains until Tuesday morning.  Activity, impulse, passion, all traits of this Fire sign, might compel you to manifest some ideas that came to you  during one of those Piscean dream sequences – whether sleeping or awake.

Have a great, creative weekend!

Astrology: Moon in Sagittarius and Capricorn for This Weekend

Friday 2/25, will be a Sagittarius Moon day with all the upbeat possibilities it implies.  Take a short trip, spread a little cheer or have a deep and philosophical conversation about something (an often forgotten Sag trait).

An atmospheric change comes along on Saturday, with the Capricorn Moon arriving at 2:32 PM Eastern / 11:32 AM Pacific. Lasting until Monday evening, our thoughts become more deliberate and concerned with ambition, status, financial stability, etc. Take care of business – OK.

Have a delightfully productive Weekend!

Astrology: Libra Moon Great for Holiday Monday!

Monday February 21, is not only the start of our week, but it’s also Presidents Day. Regardless of whether you have the 3 day weekend, or it’s just another work day for you, the Libra Moon, even though at the end of its 2 day stay, still gives us the inclination to meet and greet, perk up relationships of all kinds, be friendly.

Libra, an Air sign, is the partnership maven of the Zodiac. Ruled by the lovely planet Venus, the desire for peaceful interaction will be with us all day.  Go for it. Make an overture, close a gap, perk up a romance – can’t hurt.

Have a fantastic week!

Astrology: Sun into Dreamy Pisces February 18, 2011

On Friday 2/18, the 12th sign of the Zodiac got its turn to be in the Sun. Solar energy entered the Water sign Pisces –  creative, intuitive, emotional – at 7:25PM Eastern/4:25PM Pacific making the next few weeks a good time to innovate… something.

Imagination and feelings, Piscean characteristics, are heightened –  great for anyone associated with the arts. Ideas for new music, new dance, new writing might push to the surface faster than usual. The unconscious is very important with this Neptune ruled sign. Pay attention to your dreams as you stay grounded and stay connected. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or try to escape. Be steady, be productive.

Spread that Pisces compassion and kindness among family and friends. Don’t be surprised that sympathy/empathy  are readily on tap – offer assistance where it is genuinely needed.

And to make it even more fun,  planets transiting a sign add additional energy to the mix:  Mercury may sharpen Pisces communication during its visit 2/22 to 3/10, watch Mars volatility 2/23 to 4/2 and remain stable with unpredictable Uranus -which ends its long stay on 3/12 (since 2003).  All 3 planets in Pisces plus the Sun is a powerful presence.  Make the most of it.

As always those most affected have the Sun or Ascendant in Pisces and for the rest of us, it depends on where Pisces appears in the birth chart.

*Pisces = Gemstone: Amethyst / Power color: Purple

Astrology: Leo Full Moon,Then Weekend Moon in Virgo & Libra

Friday February 18, 2011 provides early morning mood changes. (Just in case I haven’t been clear in my weekend update Astrology posts, my premise is that as the Moon changes signs, so do our moods, our energy and often how we act/react in the day to day.) The Moon will be in “Full” power at 3:36AM Eastern/12:26AM Pacific in generous, ”let’s have fun” Fire sign Leo. A Full Moon phase is good for wrapping things up, finishing what began at the time of the New Moon. The effects will last for a few days even as the Lunar orb changes to the next sign.

About an hour later the same day, the Moon moves into service oriented, practical Virgo – from upbeat Leo to the conscientious, discriminating Earth sign – we can handle it. Take advantage of the Full phase’s continued influence by using this Mercury ruled sign’s cleverness and penchant for detail. You can get stuff done.

And finally, early on Sunday 4:39AM Eastern/1:39AM Pacific, way before Brunch time, a Libra Moon makes us social, agreeable and decorous. Have people over or meet someplace nice, make both yourself and your home attractive. There is a lot to be said for beautiful things to lift spirits and ease the settling of any disputes.

Be flexible, go with the flow, have a varied Weekend!

(BTW- the Sun doesn’t move into Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, until Friday evening 2/18 – which is why the Moon is Full in Leo while the Sun is exactly opposite in Aquarius in the morning. When the luminaries are opposite each other – the Moon is “Full”)

Astrology: A Gemini Moon Weekend 2/11 – Busy!

Friday afternoon February 11 brings us to a Gemini Moon weekend. The options are endless- chatting, reading, socializing, taking a class.

We will have 2 and 1/2 days of this Mercury ruled Air sign’s communication focused vibrations. Good time to learn, teach, share what you know.

However, try to hold off on the gossip, it can come back to bite you. If the temptation for verbal mischief is too great, play scrabble.

Have a fabulous weekend!