Glorious Sun into Joyous Sagittarius 11/22/11

Okay, let the fun times begin!  When the Sun is in fiery Sagittarius, we can all enjoy this sign’s feelings of luck, optimism and adventure. Ruled by expansive Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, we just don’t have enough space for all the goodies anticipated when there is a Sag Sun. That’s just the way it is. Everything is “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes. There is this underlying sense of “can’t miss”, the million dollar deal is done, it’s all great! Remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to enjoy the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” are not and will cost ya.  Aim for controlled excess.

So, put yourself among people, have a travel adventure, teach or take a class, revel in the abundance of the season. Be happy, be an “of course” for excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sagittarians love a good laugh but they are also deep and love to ponder the universe) but, just be aware of the edges – over confidence can send you too far. It can be expensive and/or embarrassing. Have a good time – but, don’t overdo.

Sun moves into Sagittarius, the 9th sign of the Zodiac, on Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 8:08AM Pacific / 11:08AM Eastern.

*Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Gem = Citrine, Sodalite / Power color: Lilac, Mauve


Virgo Moon Weekend 11/18/11– About Those Details…

From Friday afternoon, November 18, until Sunday afternoon, we are under the influence of the earthy, discriminating, detail oriented, practical Virgo Moon. Ruled by analytical Mercury, you may notice an inclination to critically focus on details, no matter how small – which might be an irritant to others, but things will get done! (Remember to delegate.) Just watch what you say and how you say it. No need to sear anyone with your critiques.

There are increased feelings of responsibility, duty and service. Catalogue the CD collection, clean closets , write those “to do” lists for next week, re caulk the bath tub, volunteer – work hard, be industrious, offer assistance.

Generally considered a mild mannered sign, Virgo will be spiced up for the next 6 months as the warrior planet Mars settles in for a visit and stir things up. Be picky if you must, but it is the weekend – have some fun.  


Busy Weekend Gemini Moon 11/11/11

Friday afternoon, November 11, 2011 gives us a weekend of this Mercury ruled Air sign’s communication focused energy. As an example of its dual nature,  a set of twins is the usual symbol for Gemini.  So, we can interpret that as a chance to manage two things at once successfully – scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and write. Just remember to breathe – everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed.

Try to hold off on the gossip, it can come back to bite you. If the temptation for verbal mischief is too great, see a movie, take a class. Instead of snark, be clever, be smart, be entertaining – with a Gemini Moon, the options are endless !

11/11/11 is Veterans Day. Remember to thank them all.


Full Moon in Affectionate Taurus 11/10/11

Feeling beautiful, stubborn and material? It might be the vibrations of the upcoming Taurus Full Moon on Thursday 11/10/11. This is a fixed, finance focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, luxury loving planet Venus.

Whatever vibes are out there can all be put to good use. As always with a “Full”, its a good time to finish what you’ve startedWith the grounded Taurus influence, it makes sense to complete any money dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – beauty, comfort and safety.

What do you value most? What do you need to do to have that in your life, always?


Astrology: Weekend Moon in Pisces & Aries 11/4/11

On Friday November 4th, the Moon is in the emotional water sign of Pisces, meaning – dreamy, fuzzy, sensitive.  Focus may be difficult. Don’t take on the troubles of the world. Good news for artists – great time for creativity and imagination. 

The Moon then jumps into fiery “let’s get physical” Aries on Sunday, meaning – lots of activity, lots of energy.  Dial back on impetuousness,(if you can), make no rash moves, but do something. You’ll be up for it.

Regardless of which way you choose to go this weekend, enjoy it!

FYI: Standard Time returns 2AM Sunday morning! Turn clocks back an hour (Fall back)

Moon in Sag and Cap for the Weekend 10/28/11

Perk up on Friday morning, 10/28/11 with the Sagittarius Moon. Perfect timing – we will bounce off that Fire sign energy until Sunday and be in the mood to find that perfect Halloween costume, take a short trip, spread a little cheer and have a deep and philosophical conversation about something (an often forgotten Sag trait). Be ready for it all.

On Sunday, the Capricorn Moon turns our thoughts to our ambitions, status, financial stability, etc. This business focused Earth sign wants us to do just that – take care of business. We can do that. OK!

Get your “Boo” on and have a great weekend!



Astrology: Intense Scorpio New Moon October 26, 2011

The Sun moved into Water sign Scorpio on Sunday 10/23/11 and on Wednesday, 10/26/11, it will be the New Moon’s turn. Since both the Sun and the Lunar orb are in the same sign, (which is what makes the Moon phase “New”), all the emotional, sensitive vibes of this 8th sign of the Zodiac are powered up, intensified – think feelings, changing moods.

“New” is great for beginnings, initiating plans, starting something. “New” in Scorpio, ruled by transformational planet Pluto, gives us the depth to be focused, persistent and determined. This is serious. (Sort of a “take no prisoners” way of being?)

For the next few days, take advantage of the added energy, go for the goal – just remember to smile sometimes.



Scorpio Sun 10/23/11 – Seductive, Sensual, Sizzling!

The Scorpio Sun can infuse us with passion and focus to get projects accomplished, snare that love interest and drill down thru any mysteries that need to be solved. (Think “determination”) Due to the characteristic sensitivity and emotionality of Water signs, Scorpio’s power will not be served distant and cold – there will be drama, there will be depth. Scorpio heat arrived on Sunday October 23, 2:30PM Eastern / 11:30AM Pacific. 

Scorpio is our 8th sign of the Zodiac. It brings intensity and deep feeling. With its traditional planet ruler Mars, energy and aggression, its co ruler Pluto, power and transformation, any superficial skimming of the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. Save the relationship “lite” for another time. Note that this deep and real stuff can lead to all sorts of “feelings” that you may not be prepared to confront. So, pay attention, you may get all wrapped up in the emotion and possible acting out scenarios and then discover that the resulting “overwhelm” does not quite match the situation. Nothing wrong with using an internal pause button to give us a chance to think, rather than just react.

We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power and focus. But also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere. Save any overflowing angst and/or grudges for another day – it may dissipate as the mood changes.

Scorpio:  Gemstone – Topaz / Power color – Deep, dark shades of red


Astrology: Leo and Virgo Mixed Moon Moods This Weekend 10/21/11

Upbeat and dramatic, Friday’s Leo Moon, October 21, 2011, can be a fun kickoff to the weekend. This Fire sign always offers fun, creative possibilities. Be kind and generous in spirit, have a good time.

Saturday and Sunday changes our energy a little when the Moon moves into Earthy Virgo. Its traits of practicality and responsibility will give focus to doing what is needed. Take care of loose ends, pay attention to the details, handle your business – accomplishment is exciting and makes you feel proud 😀

Make it a weekend to remember!