Chat & Nurture – Weekend Moon in Gemini, then Cancer

All day Friday, January 6, 2012, is about Gemini Moon influences: craving variety, being flexible, needing to communicate – such as talking and texting at the same time. Just pay attention to what you say or write, don’t get sloppy. (Remember that old saying about “loose lips”, etc) 

Saturday afternoon quiets down the restless energy as the Cancer Moon glides us toward calm and comfort. There will be nesting instincts with lots of sensitivity and emotion thrown in. (Don’t take anything personally.) There may also be nurturing and caring, which usually involves food. Share. Besides being a nice thing to do, it will also cut down on any overeating tendencies that might surface.

Enjoy the weekend!

Bold & Bouncy for the 2012 New Year Weekend – Aries Moon!

Saturday and Sunday, the New Year’s weekend, will have us guided by the feisty influences of an Aries Moon. Aries is a Fire sign, ruled by the warrior planet Mars and when the Moon transits this 1st sign of the Zodiac, we feel braver, more physical, more “up for anything”.  Depending upon what the “anything” is, it could be the best of times or the most precarious of times.

It’s great for the energy and action – you won’t want to sit around for too long. Take advantage of all this need for movement and do something exciting and different.  But make no rash moves, curb any “in your face”, “won’t back down” urges and enjoy celebrating the arrival of 2012 with champagne or sparkling water smiles. It’s all about the bubbles.

Happy New Year! = Love, Peace, Health, Joy, Prosperity


Weekend: Zesty Sag, New Moon in Practical Cap & Merry Xmas!

When the Moon changes Zodiac signs – Fire sparked Sagittarius, then Earth grounded Capricorn – be flexible because moods may vary for the next few days. Friday December 23, 2011 starts the holiday weekend with a joyous, upbeat Sag Moon.  Ruled by jolly, Jupiter, this sign impels you to share yourself and spread good tidings – you’ll be able to wrap and nog with the best of them. Cheers!

Early Saturday, the Lunar orb slips into Capricorn and about 5 hours later, the Moon will be “New” in that same practical, responsible sign. New Moons are always full of “beginning” possibilities, energizing us to start / create amazing things. Saturn, Capricorn’s planet ruler, can supply the pragmatism and discipline to go with this sign’s need to go forward and pursue a path to success. Even though the Moon will change signs again (Aquarius on Monday morning), “New” energy lasts for about 10 days giving us a chance to make some plans, formulate some strategies to be brilliant.

Merry Christmas!


Sun in Capricorn and Winter Solstice!

A serious Capricorn Sun arrives on December 21 (West Coast) / December 22 ( East Coast) along with the celebrated Winter Solstice. As the year’s end approaches, mixed in with all the festivities, it’s the perfect time to look at what we’ve accomplished in 2011 and make plans for 2012. I love that whole “what’s next?” questioning process. A New Year, a blank calendar, great things are possible!

Capricorn, 10th sign of the Zodiac is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn.  It is traditional, grounded, likes structures and boundaries and has striving ambition. Being a “boss” is not a burden.  Being in charge is welcome. Regardless of our birthday, we may all feel the influence of this sign and get a thrill directing traffic and  telling people what to do.  Fun for the boss, but maybe not so much for the employee? Remember to be careful with how you treat others, you can be authoritative with honey, rather than vinegar.

After all the excitement and activities of the holidays, there is no need to have an energy let down. Capricorn can keep us busy, accomplished and sensible. Re-goal yourself (I made this word up), tune up career moves, network in house, organize whatever needs to be shaped up. Make something happen. Just don’t get so bogged down that you become too rigid and/or too cautious.  Relax, remember that you have a sense of humor – use it.

*Capricorn = Gems: Obsidian, Onyx / Power color: Black, grays

Sun in Capricorn = 9:30PM Pacific 12/21/11 – 12:30 AM Eastern 12/22/11

BTW:  “The winter solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per WikiPedia)


Virgo & Libra Moon Weekend – Make Details Fun!

Take the opportunity on Friday and Saturday and use the Virgo Moon to get all practical, responsible, “detailish” and stuff. It may sound a little flat and unexciting but it doesn’t have to be. Think of it as preparation for the early morning arrival of the Libra Moon on Sunday December 18. We lose a bit of the pragmatism and reward ourselves with lots of charming conversation, partnership cooperation and sparkling social interactions– maybe a party?

As the steady, efficient Earth sign, Virgo reminds us of the importance of health, nutrition and work – it will lend itself to a guilt free “what’s next”. Air sign Libra, ruled by luxuriating Venus, can be all about good food, pretty things and lovely people. Not bad.

Have a sensible and delicious weekend!

Gemini Weekend: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse – Words Rule!

The Moon is in the versatile 3rd sign of the Zodiac Gemini on Friday, however, its flexibility and people person traits are intensified early on Saturday December 10, 2011 due to the Moon’s Full phase and Eclipse in the same sign. Possibilities of clear, meaningful verbal / written exchanges with the Mercury ruled Air sign are always with us, but with “Full” and Eclipse energy, even more so. 

Lunar Eclipses often make us rush – giving us the urge to finish/completewhether the urgency is real or imagined.  Resist any push to be hyper or frazzled because Mercury is still Retrograde until December 13th, so finalizing plans or signing contracts having to do with travel, communications, education might benefit from close scrutiny and review, rather than rushing thru.

What do you need or want to say? What do you need or want to write?  With Gemini, words can always be clever, but now they can also be purposeful, powerful and precise. Take advantage.

Enjoy a fun, intentional weekend!


I love this quote from Deepak Chopra:

“Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”



It Ain’t Over Til That Lady Sings!

We still have a few more weeks until Retrograde Mercury, fleet footed planet of communication, travel, etc., goes forward again on December 13, 2011. We can get thru this people! When the planet started its final backward movement of the year on November 25 in Sagittarius, you may have noticed little breakdowns, little snafus, little misunderstandings. Often the severity of the mishap just had to do with how much attention was being paid to what was being said or done. My suggestion is to focus and continue to check all lists, plans and directions a few times, just in case.  

Remember, the Sun moved into the 9th sign of the Zodiac on 11/22, so the Sagittarian traits of learning, travel, education, adventure and risk taking are pushed to the forefront. As mentioned in a previous post, this season can be terrific fun and Mercury is appropriately in the sign ruled by big Jupiter, the planet of “more”.  Everything sparkles, spirits are high – the abundance of festivities can be outrageous (in a good way). But, with all the excitement, all the busyness, it will be easy to overlook some details.

As always, where Mercury appears in the individual chart determines what part of life is most affected by the planet’s Retrograde motion, but regardless, being careful and mindful of pitfalls is a good thing for all of us.

Try to delay major plans if you can for about 2 more weeks. Yes, life doesn’t stop. If you have something pressing to take care of, handle it – but don’t rush. Examine it before your sign it.

FYI: Mercury Retrograde started November 23, 2011 (11:21 PM Pacific) / November 24, 2011 (2:21 AM Eastern) = Ends the evening of December 13, 2011 .

Next Mercury Retrograde, March 12, 2012


Weekend Moon in Pisces, Then Aries – Sweet, Then Tart!

On Friday, 12/2, we will be experiencing the effects of a sensitive, creative Pisces Moon. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by anything questionable. Pisces, 12th sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by the dreamy planet Neptune. While the Moon is in this Water sign, there may be a drift toward escape to other worlds, but hold on, stay grounded – the mood, along with the Lunar orb’s sign, will change on Saturday evening.

The Moon marches into the physical, aggressive sign of Aries. (Think “Action figure”.)  This Fire sign is ruled by the planet Mars – the unofficial patron saint of warriors. Even though Arian Moon days are best for action rather than mental endeavors, they’re still a good time to initiate, take charge. However, remember to power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they are in the presence of a verbal buzz saw, but by all means, take advantage of the energy.

Have a marvelous weekend!


Sagittarius – Sun, New Moon, Eclipse, Venus, Mercury: Wow Weekend!

Friday November 25, 2011, with both a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, should be a fun day for a retail extravaganza. Not that you should have one, just that the spirit and energy will be there to support you. Actually, a “New Moon”–is a great time to launch, create, kick-off, start something. Power is amped up with Mercury, communication planet, Venus, the planet of love / beauty, and both luminaries all in perky Sag, can lead to lucky, optimistic times – find the greatest bargain, the perfect gift, the bestest tree, manifest a dream. Or, you can hang out with family and friends – socializing works.

From Saturday afternoon thru Monday, the mood changes as the Moon shifts to serious Earth sign Capricorn. Did you go overboard? Eat too much, spend too much?  Spoke too many “truths” at the dinner table? Don’t waste too much time on regrets. Since this Saturn ruled 10th sign of the Zodiac needs to be businesslike and productive, focus and decide on what needs to be done – returns? apologies? You can handle it.

But, regardless of whatever out of body behavior may have been exhibited the past few days, don’t mope. Loosen up, stop grinding your teeth, the world is not ending (at least not today).

Have a super weekend!

FYI: New Moon and Solar Eclipse on 11/24, Thursday 10:10PM Eastern –  11/25 Friday 1:10AM Pacific

The Moon is “New” when it’s in the same sign as the Sun (Sun entered Sagittarius on 11/22/11).  Even though the Moon will go on to another sign (Capricorn on Saturday), the supportive “New” energy lasts for approximately 10 days. 


Final Mercury Retrograde of 2011 – Yay!

This Wednesday, the last Mercury Retrograde of the year occurs in the jolly Fire sign of Sagittarius. The Sun already bounced into this 9th sign of the Zodiac on 11/22, so all its traits of learning, travel, education, adventure and risk taking are pushed to the forefront. Mercury is all about communication, transportation, movement, how we deal with variety and since this planet’s “backward” motion can often cause confusion, misunderstandings, snafus – my suggestion is check all lists, big plans and directions twice.  

T’is the season for all kinds of festivities and Mercury is appropriately in the sign ruled by big Jupiter, the planet of “more”.  Everything sparkles, spirits are high – this can be great fun. But, with all the excitement, all the busyness, have you overlooked any details? Be organized. Make sure those toys have the batteries needed. If you make promises to be with people, write them down and show up. Travel plans?  – don’t book a flight to Paris, Texas when you actually made plans to meet friends at the Eiffel Tower. (This is my favorite and often used example of  an “oops” vacation). Misreading a bank balance can fog the reality into not realizing that 10 bottles of champagne is more financially manageable than a case.

As always, where Mercury appears in the individual chart determines what part of life is most affected by the planet’s Retrograde motion, but regardless, being careful and mindful of pitfalls is a good thing for all of us.

Try to delay major plans for a few weeks. Yes, life doesn’t stop. If you have something pressing to take care of, handle it – but don’t rush. Examine it before your sign it.

FYI: Mercury Retrograde starts November 23, 2011 (11:21 PM Pacific) / November 24, 2011 (2:21 AM Eastern) = Ends the evening of December 13, 2011 . The veil should lift, the confusion abates and we can go forward with purpose on all that we have been rethinking , renegotiating and re evaluating.

Next Mercury Retrograde,  March 12, 2012