Weekend Moon Moods – Scorpio & Sagittarius

All day Friday June 29, 2012: anything you want to find out? Search for anyone, uncover a mystery? The Scorpio Moon provides the determination and energy to discover and handle truths. Secrets are not safe from this Pluto ruled Water sign. No hiding allowed. It translates to an unwillingness to coast, “go along to get along”, etc. Some feathers may be ruffled, but the impulse to drill deep and get to the bottom of whatever will be hard to deny.

Then, it’s all about Sagittarius influences for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. With planet ruler Lucky Jupiter, a Fiery Sag Moon is time for big thoughts, big plans and big dreams. It can lift our spirits, thereby making us good natured and charming companions. Perfect for any holiday parties going on.  

Have a joyous Weekend and a sparkly/ firecrackly 4th of July!



Leo and Virgo – The Drama & The Details

Weekend Moon transits: 

A Leo Moon Friday 6/21/12, gives us the push towards melodrama, attention getting antics and a search for a good time. Go big, be generous, have fun. Fiery Leo Moon will support you.

On Saturday afternoon, the Virgo Moon will provide a change of pace and direction. This Earth sign influences us to be grounded, practical and conscientious. We can take the time to address any nitty gritty bits that might have been overlooked during the previous few days. (It can get us out of trouble. Could be useful?)

Have a great weekend!


Summertime…Sun into Cancer 6/20/12

Yes, the “livin’ is easy” as we enjoy the Summer Solstice, Wednesday June 20, 2012. Besides being the longest day of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, it also means the Sun has moved into the sign of Cancer, the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac. This Water sign is emotional, sensitive, concerned with family, a powerful nurturer.  And, if they love you, they will feed you. We will all be under this sign’s caring influences for the next 4 weeks. Nice.

I think Cancers make good actors – all that deep, vibrating emotion and sensitivity can be released by playing out their secret selves on stage. However, feel what you feel, pay attention to your instincts, but, if you feel a little blue, don’t overeat while trying to make things better. The mood will change soon enough. As Moon and Cancer energy reigns, take advantage of all that “homey” energy, enjoy the love.


*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray *Body Part – Breasts



Summer Solstice June 20, 2012 – 1st degree of Cancer, 7:09PM Eastern/ 4:09PM Pacific: a time for beach chairs, flip flops and lemonade – keep cool.


New Moon in Loquacious Gemini 6/19/12

Yes, I could have just used the word “Chatty”, however, Tuesday’s New Moon, with start up, initiating energy, will be in Communication focused Gemini. Since expansive Jupiter is also transiting, it will certainly spur us on to share thoughts, feelings, stories at length regardless of who might want to listen. Short and sweet works best sometimes. And remember, silence is a form of communication too 😉



Earthy Taurus / Airy Gemini – Weekend Moon

Friday June 15, 2012 graces us with a Taurus Moon all day. Venus rules this sensuous yet finance concerned Earth sign. You may choose to either tackle that bank statement or, indulge yourself, and partner, with delicious, chocolate dipped strawberries. Remember, not all things are either/or. “AND” can often work very well too 🙂

With the Sun currently in Gemini, the Saturday night switch to a Moon in the same Air sign will stimulate those traits for which this Mercury ruled sign is known. Its duality (the Twins?) can make us clever and versatile and also a little flighty and distracted. Go and chat someone up, but, think before you speak (or push “send” on that email or text).  

Taurus and Gemini Moons can lead us toward a social weekend: delicious food, entertaining conversation, high or low brow literary pursuits.



Weekend Moon Moods – Variety!

With Friday’s Aquarius Moon, June 8, 2012, use the rebellious, independent feelings that this Uranus ruled, unpredictable Air sign creates to explore new places, new things, new people, new ways of thinking. This 11th sign of the Zodiac, though aloof and intellectual, is naturally group focused and concerned with contributing to the community. Get involved.

On Saturday and Sunday, the Moon will be in sensitive, impressionable, Water sign Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Neptune ruled Pisces is dreamy and imaginative. People will tend to be more caring, compassionate and creative.

This can be a diverse, yet productive weekend!


Full Moon Sagittarius – Bigger is Better!

There is nothing to fear when the Moon saunters into Sagittarius early on Monday, June 4, 2012.  It will be at the “Full” phase, dramatically lit by the Gemini Sun, but rather than conjuring up any of those werewolf-like scenarios, it’s a time to look for results. We start to see the end product of any ideas/efforts we began at the time of the last New Moon. 

Optimistic, jovial, ”let’s have an adventure” Fire sign Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the “Lucky” planet. We should feel energetic, enjoy a sense that “of course good things can happen” and have a willingness to believe in miracles – which can come in handy when edging a difficult project toward fruition. (We can really have fun with this 😆 )


Searin’, Scorchin’ Scorpio Moon This Weekend!

No time for trivialities, the Scorpio Moon on Friday June 1, 2012, will render us focused, fierce and fearless. This is serious. You may want to dial down some of the accompanying emotion and save room for tapping into the natural seductive energy of this Water sign. Use it to get what or who you want. Take advantage of all that Scorpio power, go for the goal – just remember to smile sometimes. Honey works.

A Sagittarius Moon, the next sign in the Zodiac, is waiting to follow. Life perks up with Fire sign Sag’s early Sunday morning arrival. Be upbeat, be charming, take a trip, take a chance. Check off a fun item from your bucket list – you’ll feel good about it.

Have a super weekend!



Time for the Youthful, Versatile Gemini Sun 5/20/12!

Welcome to “twins” Land.  Gemini is the 3rd sign of the Zodiac, representing duality (think Castor and Pollux).  This Air sign is all about flexibility, multi-tasking, being busy, needing change. Regardless of your birth sign, everyone should benefit from a boost of Gemini energy. Communication is key – chatting, tweeting, talking, writing. The social butterfly routine can be done with a good time being had by all.

Yes, the Sun will be in Gemini until June 20, but, there’s more! Lots of planet activity during this same time period intensifies Gemini traits and influences are powered up several notches:

*New Moon and Solar Eclipse Sunday afternoon May 20 – “New” always great for beginnings. The Eclipse can encourage us to take chances, risk.

*Venus, planet of beauty and romance, in Gemini since April 4, has softened language, encouraged creativity. Its Retrograde from May 16 to June 28 when it goes direct and then forward again to reach Cancer on August 8. That book you’re writing may slow down, but use downtime for research, rewrites, rethinking whether or not it really is a good idea to include details about that weird love affair from 10 years ago.

*Mercury, planet of Communication, rules Gemini and is therefore very comfortable there. The transit lasts from May 24 thru June 7 and during this time the cleverness and adaptability of Gemini, along with its critical and sarcastic talents rise to the surface. Everyone knows that Gemini is smart and sharp, no need for unprovoked take downs with verbal sparring or careless gossip.

*Jupiter, planet of opportunity, luck, excess, will sit in Gemini from June 12, 2012 until June 29, 2013. This planet can lift spirits, add to the joy of life and also make us reckless, taking multi-tasking to new levels. Gemini’s communication talents can be stretched to outrageous, bigger is better proportions. This can be very entertaining, but ground yourself, contain the scatter and nervous energy.

While the Sun is in Gemini, its writing, reading, conversation, quick weekend getaways, a “I’m bored  – let’s do something/learn something new and different,” energy abounds. Enjoy!

*Gemstone – Pearl or Agate * Color – Yellow * Body part – arms, hands

FYI = Sun into Gemini – 5/20/12   8:16am Pacific /11:16am Eastern

Solar Eclipse. New Moon- 5/20/12   4:47pm Pacific / 7:47pm Eastern


Weekend Moon: Friday Taurus, Sunday Gemini “New”!

May 18, 2012 could be a loving, luxurious Friday or a stubborn, determined one. When the Moon is in the Venus ruled, Fixed, Earth sign of Taurus, it’s all about sensuality, life’s beauty and pleasures, but it also brings forth the obstinate bull in us. Is there such a thing as inflexible love? Nobody wants to lose, give up/ give in, change direction. “Stickin-to-your-guns” works, until it doesn’t. Pay attention and accept when it stops. Regardless, surround yourself with good food, good people and good times.

On Sunday afternoon, May 20, the mood changes along with arrival of a Gemini New Moon. An initiative focused New Moon pushes us to “start” something. Since it’s in the 3rd sign of the Zodiac, ruled by Communication planet Mercury, whatever we start will probably be in some form of personal interaction – speaking, writing, etc. Launch an idea, a pitch, a book, an inquiry…

BTW:  A Moon is “New” when it’s in the same sign as the Sun. The Sun moves into Airy Gemini on the same day, May 20, 2012 – 8:20AM Pacific/ 11:19 am Eastern.

(A post celebrating the Gemini Sun will be up on Sunday)