Sensitive, Sentimental Pisces Full Moon, 8/26/18

On Sunday August 26, the Full Lunar orb is in Water sign Pisces. The “Full” stage of the Moon intensifies the characteristics & energy of the Astrology sign it’s in. Think: emotion, creativity, imagination, sometimes hazy reality.

Be as caring and compassionate as Pisces wants us to be, just don’t be taken in by any promises or sad stories. Be present, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Even when reality bites, it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self. You matter.

When the Moon is “Full”, the Sun is directly opposite and lights it up – round and beautiful. The Moon is “waning” on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, making it a good time to finish up old projects, clean up messes that you have been procrastinating about for the past few weeks.

Pisces Full Moon, August 26, 2018 – 7:56 AM EDT / 4:56 AM PDT

Virgo Sun – Down to Earth Living!

The 2018 Virgo Sun spreads its influence over us on Wednesday & Thursday,  August 22 (PDT) & August 23 (EDT), regardless of whether it’s your Astrological sign or not. Think: grounded, practical, efficient and responsible.  Getting it done.

The 6th sign of the Zodiac is about work, service and health. But don’t think being conscientious has to mean “dull”. With quick witted Mercury as its planet ruler, Virgo’s cleverness can liven up situations when you least expect it.

Earth sign Virgo is about paying attention to the details. However, being enraptured with “sweating the small stuff” can also lead to being overly critical and picky. Friends, family & co-workers may resent relentless corrections no matter how “helpful” or how good the intention. Don’t get on their nerves 😉

Instead, do evolved Virgo things – be useful, bring calm & order, be a contribution, take care. Create a plan for better diet & fitness.

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)

**Virgo Sun:  8/22 PDT 9:09PM * 8/23 EDT 12: 09 AM


Yay! Mercury Goes Direct & Sag Moon Weekend Begins, 8/18/18

Beginning 8/18/18, the Moon will be in Jupiter ruled Fire sign Sagittarius both Saturday & Sunday. A Sagittarius Moon will have us getting out and about, seeing people, being optimistic. We can all use the uplifting, genial vibe right now.

Communication planet Mercury, which has been Retrograde since 7/25/18, stops and starts its forward (Direct) motion also on 8/18/18 PDT. It will take a few days to pick up speed and take us out of the “snafu” zone, so continue to pay attention to details.

Have an upbeat, powerful weekend!



Get a Grip – Mercury Goes Retrograde Again on 7/25!

Settle down, get focused, Mercury –  planet of communications, transportation, education, health, medical treatments, business negotiations and of course technical gadgets – will go Retrograde on Wednesday 7/25/18 in creative, fun, Fire sign Leo. This isn’t tragic, but it could cause disruptions, missed connections, botched contracts, etc. Needless to say, we can all do without any unnecessary confusion. Pay attention to the details!

Of course, there are chores and plans that must be dealt with regardless of what Mercury is doing. Can we stave off any potential mischief and mayhem that a back pedaling Mercury portends? Maybe not completely, but we can certainly take precautions so that anxiety packed snafus can be avoided (or at least lessened). Back up all the tech stuff, check batteries, pause before hitting that “send” button, verify travel plans, be meticulous and be careful. It can save you time by not having to fix or repeat things later – such as missing a signature on a contract, the check really does get lost in the mail, catching the wrong plane, (my favorite: Paris, Texas instead of the one in France), etc.

My usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde: review, reconsider, re-think, revisit. See it as an opportunity to make adjustments and corrections where needed.

Hey, we still gotta show up, life will go on!

*Mercury Retrograde:  *7/25/18 – 10:03 PM PDT *7/26/18 – 1:03 AM EDT       (Until 8/19/18)

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.


Sparkle Plenty – Sun Strides Into Leo 7/22/18

Good day Sunshine! We can all experience a little bit of “Sun King” energy for the next few weeks regardless of actual Astrology sign. The Sun moves into Leo, the Fire sign it rules, on Sunday July 22, 2018.  “Regal” is the key word as it shines and heats the talent, self confidence, fun and love areas of life. Be active, upbeat, and magnanimous. You don’t have to give everyone you meet diamonds or tip $100s to the hot dog vendor, just ooze that Leo charm and you will be looked at, admired, loved.

Communication planet Mercury will be transiting dramatic, attention seeking Leo until 9/6/18. Verbal and written interactions may be livelier and sharper. Remember to share the conversation, let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you.

BTW- Mercury is Retrograde from 7/25 to 8/18/18 – pay attention to details, no sloppy twitter / FB posts and oversee tech gadgets. (Can we still be careful, while experiencing sudden, unexplained cravings for sparklers, sequins and confetti?)

Enjoy the spotlight!

*Sun into Leo: July 22, 2018 * 5:01PM EDT / 2:01 PM PDT

**Gemstone – Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)



Love & Money *A Taurus Moon Weekend!

It’s a Taurus Moon beginning early Saturday morning July 7, 2018 lasting until early Monday. Feeling beautiful, stubborn and material? It might be the vibrations of this fixed, security focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, luxury loving planet Venus.

There are possibilities of it being a determined weekend tackling those finances (how will you use your money the last 6 months of the year?) or a weekend filled with pleasurable pursuits (sharing decadent chocolate cake, with raspberry filling). Just depends. Taurus speaks to the obstinate bull in us and also our attraction to life’s sensual goodies. Hmmmm, which way to go?

Just remember that not all things are either/or. “AND” can often work very well too.

Make it a delicious, productive weekend!



Full Moon in Ambitious, Serious Capricorn

On Wednesday in the West and then in the early morning of Thursday in the East, the Lunar orb is lit up and “Full” in Capricorn. (The Sun is in the opposite sign of Cancer.) The Zodiac sign that houses a Full Moon will have its traits and characteristics heightened for a few days.

The practical, earthy, Saturn ruled, 10th sign of the Zodiac is about ambition, authority, duty. Capricorn leans towards long term goals, managing a career, creating success (whatever that means to you) and reaching for the top. Are your personal actions and business strategies producing results?

Take the time to figure out a path to handle what is necessary. We can use Capricorn’s Full Moon energy to detail and finalize projects. Work to complete plans that move you closer to what you want.

*Capricorn Full Moon:  6/27. 9:53 PM (PDT) & 6/28. 12:53AM (EDT)







Summertime * Sun Into Cancer 6/21/18

Yes, the “livin’ is easy” as we greet the Summer Solstice, on Thursday June 21, 2018 with a frozen delicious treat sitting under a large Sun umbrella.

Besides being the longest day of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, it also means the Sun has moved into the sign of Cancer, the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac. This Water sign is emotional, moody, nurturing and concerned with home and family. (I think Cancers make good actors – all those deep, vibrating feelings can be released by playing out their secret selves on stage.) We will all be under this sign’s sensitive and caring influences.

Communication planet Mercury transits Cancer from 6/13 until 6/29/18 – people can be testy and super sensitive, so be careful with what you write or speak. Seemingly innocent interactions can start out great and then escalate into a hot mess – everyone winds up feeling “wounded”.

Let Cancer’s protective, sympathetic and kind “homey” energy take center stage. Use it well and enjoy the love along with the ice cream. Have a super Summer!

*Sun in 1st degree of Cancer = Summer Solstice:

June 21, 2018 – 6:07 AM PDT / 3:07 AM EDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts



It’s All About Drama – Lively Leo Moon This Weekend!

Early Saturday morning, June 16, 2018, the Moon parades into Leo and stays for the whole weekend. Cool!

This Sun ruled Fire sign, the 5th sign of the Zodiac, wants us to be kind and generous in spirit while indulging in its natural inclination to show up and show off.

Put solar driven joy and confidence all over people, give a performance, have fun with any melodrama that might ensue. (Drama doesn’t always have to be a hissy fit.)

Leo’s love of attention may not always be “fun”, (there may be some pushing and shoving as too many folks try to sparkle at the same time) but it won’t be boring.

Make it a weekend to remember!



Flighty, Flirty, Flexible, Gemini Sun May 20

On Sunday May 20, 2018, the Sun enters the 3rd sign of the Zodiac – Gemini. Ruled by the communications planet Mercury, this Air sign has a reputation for cleverness, flexibility, adaptability and love of change.  Light hearted, “younger than springtime”, a Gemini will not look/act their age for most of their lives. (Not childish, but youthfully engaging.)

BTW * I’m a Gemini – I loved writing the above   😀

With the Zodiac symbol being the twins (Castor/Pollux), “duality” rules. Regardless of actual birth sign, we will want to double the fun by multi tasking to the max. Be careful of scattering your energies. Complete important projects and deliver what has been promised. Half done is half accomplished.

Information maven Mercury transits Gemini from 5/30/18 – 6/13/18 highlighting writing, reading and conversation. Also, there may be urges for quick weekend getaways, and a “lets do something / lets learn something” type of energy.

Do pay attention to personal interactions. Deepak Chopra said: “Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”. Perfect for a Gemini Sun Transit

*Gemini Sun:  May 20, 2018 – 10:15 PM EDT / 7:15 PM PDT

Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands