Glowing Full Moon in Earthy Taurus 11/12/19

Howling for luxury and looking for delicious eats – but still counting dollars? It might be the vibrations of the Taurus Full Moon on Tuesday November 12, 2019. This is a security focused Earth sign guided by its ruler – the elegant, luxury loving planet Venus.

Whatever vibes are out there can all be put to good use. Indulge the sensual side, while monitoring investments. Share whipped cream and chocolate covered strawberries with a significant other while tallying the checkbook at the same time. It’s possible!

As always with a “Full” Moon, it’s a good time to finish what you’ve started. Before the next “New” Moon, use grounded Taurus’ influence to complete any financial dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – beauty, comfort and safety. Who do you have to be, so that you can do whatever it takes to have those things you value most?

*Taurus Full Moon Nov. 12, 2019 ~ 8:34 AM EST / 5:34 AM PST

<Sagittarius New Moon, 11/26/19>



Mercury Retrograde Begins On Halloween!

On Thursday, October 31, 2019, Communication planet Mercury begins a backward motion in emotional, intense, “dig deeper” Water sign Scorpio (until it stops and goes Direct again on 11/20/19 in the same sign). It may affect any investigations, secrets, mysteries you’ve been involved in. Make sure any data, information, details researched and uncovered are correct. Double check your sources while you back up the devices that you use to search and / or store. Being cautious can avoid any confusion, miscommunication, or misunderstandings. Watch what you write and say in order to lessen the possibility of negative impact as you interact with others. Pay Attention.

In the mean time, my usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde: re invent, re write, re read, revisit, renew, re think. Use the next 3 weeks to take another look at past decisions or old projects that may have been dropped and forgotten. Does an idea deserve another chance, another go round? Was anything missed? Are there any monetary, financial accounting mishaps?

When Mercury goes Direct on November 20, things will gradually become clearer as the planet picks up speed. You’ll be able to go forward with anything you may have discovered. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury’s forward motion before signing contracts or agreements.

Good news – this is the 3rd and FINAL Retrograde Mercury of 2019! (next up 2/16/20)

*Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 10/31/19 – 11:42 AM EDT / 8:42 AM PDT

~ BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

~ * ~ Happy Halloween! ~ * ~


Scorpio Sun 10/23/19 – Feelings, Emotions!

Scorpio season is upon us, the weather might be cooling down, but a Scorpio Sun brings heat and sizzle on Wednesday, October 23, 2019. Potent, powerful, persistent, and passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive and sensual – I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac.

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us.

Mercury, the Communication planet, transits Scorpio from 10/3 – 12/9/19.  Interactions can be easily heated and more demanding than usual. Be focused and avoid unnecessary confusion and / or hurt whenever possible. (Adding to the possible drama: Mercury will be Retrograde in Scorpio from 10/31/ to 11/20/19)

Lovely, romantic Venus visits serious Scorpio from 10/9 – 11/2/2019, adding beauty and lushness to this sign’s natural sensitivity. Also, thoughts may lean toward what you value and especially how you value yourself. Pay attention.

As always, the impact of planet placements depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power and determination. But, also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.  

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/23/19 ~ 1:20 PM EDT– 10:20 AM PDT

Weekend Moon in Family & Friends Focused Cancer!

Saturday & Sunday, 10/19 & 10/20/19, the Moon is content as it sits in the Zodiac sign it rules. Even though moody, Water sign Cancer gets us ready for family, food and home. Domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to stop by, comfortable. Kindness and grace can be so soothing for everyone.

A Cancer Moon is also about vulnerability, sensitivity and emotions. Rather than looking for hurt feelings – your own or anyone else’s – be proactive. Unleash the inner artist. You can always cook, set a pretty table. It’s the perfect outlet for all that “nurture” driven energy. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat).

Create a warm, loving weekend!



New Moon in Social, Relationship Focused Libra 9/28/18

The Moon will be in its “New” phase (the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign) on Saturday September 28, 2019 causing Air sign Libra’s traits to intensify. With all that charm and creativity, partnership possibilities are endless.

Take advantage of the energy – meet & greet “new” comrades, create something powerful & “new”. The universe will support New Moon innovation for the next 10 days or so until the Moon is “Full” on 10/13/19. (This is an excellent time to finish up projects and complete tasks.)

*Libra New Moon – Sept. 28, 2019 ~ 6:03 AM EDT / 3:03 AM PDT



Lovely, Lively, Lush Libra Sun On 9/23/19 ~ And The Autumn Equinox Too!

Monday September 23, 2019 ~ whether you call it “Fall” or “Autumn”, (in the Northern Hemisphere) when the Sun moves into Libra, it is an “Equinox” – equal day / equal night. Balance – interactions, both business and personal, cooperation, genial negotiations will be in the forefront for the next few weeks. Good things in life are sought after due to the influences of lovely planet ruler Venus – romance, music, delicious food, beauty, graciousness and hospitality. Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising, the 7th sign of the Zodiac will still cast a glow.

As Communication planet Mercury transits social Libra, from 9/14 – 10/3/19, it should amp up our chats, tweets, and texts, with cleverness and charm. Sensual Venus visits the 7th sign of the Zodiac, from 9/15 – 10/9/19. This is a welcome extra to warm and lift spirits. Mars will transit from 10/4 – 11/1/19. Normally prone to action and impulsiveness, the Warrior planet’s usual rambunctiousness is muted.

As always, your experience of the Sun in a particular sign depends most upon where it appears in your chart. But the Sun in harmony loving Libra can set a mood to benefit us all. Edges can be smoothed and softened on potentially contentious situations.

My suggestion for anything Libra is always: meet fun folks somewhere beautiful for brunch and / or cocktails. Enjoy being with others!

Libra Sun * Autumn Equinox 9/23/19 ~ 3:51 AM EDT / 12:51 AM PDT

Gemstone: Aventurine * Power Colors: Blues & Violets * Body Part: Kidneys

FYI:  The Scale (signifying balance) is Libra’s Astrology symbol. All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals.


Next Scorpio 10/23/19

Friday the 13th, A Harvest Moon and The Lunar Orb is “Full” in Pisces. Oh My!

The possibilities are endless. We have “Triskaidekaphobia” Day – scary? bad? troublesome? Get a grip. On Friday, September 13, 2019, the West Coast will have a “Harvest” Full Moon in sensitive, emotional Water sign Pisces. (The Full Moon happens after Midnight September 14 on the East Coast)

The 11th sign of the Zodiac is wonderful for creativity and connecting with others, but sometimes not so much for staying grounded. Be as imaginative, caring and compassionate as you wish. Be present, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self. You matter.

When the Moon is Full, the Sun is directly opposite and lights it up. The “Full” phase has great energy to finish up old projects. Finalize. Complete.

~ Pisces Full Moon * Sept. 13 – 9:33 PM PDT / Sept. 14 – 12:33 AM EDT

FYI 1: The “Harvest Moon” is whichever Full Moon occurs closest to the Autumn Equinox. (Libra Sun 9/23/19)

FYI 2:  “Triskaidekaphobia” – fear of Friday the 13th. I have found that Friday the 13th is usually a lucky day for me. I don’t think it had anything to do with it being a payday or anything? 🙂  Regardless, I expect good things to happen!



Capricorn Moon Weekend – Set Goals, Accomplish, Take Charge!

Saturday and Sunday, September 7 & 8, 2019, will find us in the serious embrace of a Capricorn Moon. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), the 10th sign of the Zodiac has upwardly mobile yearnings. It can bring out the “administrator” in us – a perfect time to organize, assign tasks, take charge and move with purpose. See this as an opportunity to sharpen your business acumen. Are your strategies, actions producing the results you want? Being an ambitious over achiever is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled.

Have a successfully productive weekend, but don’t forget to smile and say “thank you” while telling everyone what to do.



Ready For A Virgo New Moon Weekend?

On August 30, 2019, the Sun and the Moon are both in Virgo. When the luminaries are in the same Zodiac sign, the Moon is in its “New” phase. A New Moon is a great time to start something – big or small. Since it is ruled by communication planet Mercury, analytical Virgo’s written and verbal skills enhance our interactions.

The practical Earth sign will be even more powerful as 3 planets join the Sun & Moon. All will have their influences over Virgo concerns of work, health & service:

~ Mars 8/18 – 10/4 * Brave, energetic

~ Venus 8/21 – 9/15 * Down to earth romance

~ Mercury 8/29 – 9/14 * Quick & clever

Also, take advantage of Virgo’s natural “I’ll handle it” approach to take a look at fitness and nutrition. Are there things to be improved – diet, exercise? Don’t spend too much time being critical of yourself. New plans, new ideas – take care of needed changes now.

*Virgo New Moon:  8/30/19 6:37 AM EDT / 3:37 AM PDT




Sun In Competent, Practical, Responsible Virgo, 8/23/19!

The Virgo Sun on Aug. 23, 2019, gives us a chance to settle down, take stock (after all the Leo sparkle and flash). Think: grounded, practical, dependable and efficient. The 6th sign of the Zodiac is about work, service and health. But don’t think being conscientious has to mean “dull”. With quick witted Mercury as its planet ruler, Virgo’s cleverness can liven up situations when you least expect it.

Earth sign Virgo wants us to pay attention to the details! But, being over critical and picky, “sweating the small stuff”, not “seeing the forest for the trees”, suffering bouts of “paralysis analysis” will just get in the way and slow you down from making improvements and organizing messes. Friends, family & co-workers may resent relentless corrections no matter how “helpful” or how good the intention. Don’t get on their nerves  😉

Instead, do evolved Virgo things – be useful, bring calm & order, create a plan for better diet & fitness, be a contribution, take care.

~ Sun Into Virgo: 8/23 – 6:02 AM EDT * 3:02 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power Color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)

**BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year – from the 19th to the 23rd. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby.  But regardless, there is only one Sun sign in an Astrology chart (however, the individual will often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs – the one ending / the one beginning).