Most of the weekend belongs to an ambitious, focused Capricorn Moon. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing) use this sign’s serious, organized and authoritarian energy to accomplish, complete and be in charge. On Sunday night, January 22, 2012,there will be change when the Moon moves into the next sign, friendly, unpredictable Aquarius.
The Sun is already in the 11th sign of the Zodiac and when the Moon is visiting too, the Moon is called “New”. The 10 or so days following a New Moon is a great time to start a project, begin a class, create a masterpiece, etc. Power and possibilities for this Uranus ruled Air sign usually involves something to do with groups, or, something revolutionary- quite often both at the same time. Regardless, it will speak to Aquarian independence and love of the different.
Have a terrific weekend!
FYI: New Moon in Aquarius arrives on Sunday, 11:39PM January 22, 2012 (PAC) / 2:39AM January 23, 2012 (EST).