Astrology: Spring Equinox- Sun into Aries

Reminder! March 20th is the beginning of the Vernal Equinox – Spring is here. At  10:32am  PDT -1:32pm EDT, the Sun moves into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – Aries.

This is a great time for beginnings, start ups, what to plant, etc – all that  Aries impulsive, physical, high energy can be used to snow board off that cliff of ideas and projects you’ve been contemplating all winter. The universe will support you.

Mars went direct on 3/10, there was a New Moon on 3/15 and Mercury moves out of  fuzzy Pisces into volatile Aries today,  3/17, (communication should be sharper, but watch for arguments – be nice). We should keep our eyes open for opportunities. Pay attention to our urges to “act” – especially, action with purpose, not just because we’re bored. Even with excellent timing, we still need to remember to “focus”.  Aries is also the father of rushing, risk taking and scattered energies.  Think a project through and complete it. At the end of the day, as you sit exhausted, you’ll have a feel good moment and be able to check – “done”. What’s next?

FYI – March 20th is also the designated as “International  Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration around the world of the ancient art of Astrology.  (I will be serving ice cream and cake)

Astrology: New Moon on 3/15/10

On 3/15/10, the Moon is new in the dreamy, imaginative sign of Pisces- create something!

Both the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign therefore, the time of a new Moon is great for new ideas and implementing new projects.  The moon will change signs, but the effects of this “new” energy can last for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter.

BTW: The Moon changes signs every 2 – 2/12 days.  It moves next, on Tues 3/16, into the sign of snap/crackle/pop Aries. Initiate change and take care of any high energy, physical projects that need to get done.

New CDs: Jazz!

During the past  holiday season, record companies seemed intent on creating a  “Box Set” for anything that wasn’t nailed down.  The good news for Jazz lovers is that there are lots of new packages of Jazz greats in a box. Abundance!

* “The Complete Miles Davis Columbia Album Collection” – 70 CD set (yes, 70) with DVD)

* “Ella Fitzgerald: Twelve Nights in Hollywood” – 4 CD set from Ella’s 1961 engagement at the Crescendo Club in Los Angeles

* John Coltrane’s, “Giant Steps”

*And there are also new compilations of early live recordings from Billie Holiday and Oscar Petersen.

Astrology: Moving Planets

Wednesday March 10th is a busy day –”planetarily” speaking.

The Moon is currently in the ambitious, business focused Earth sign of Capricorn until 1:59 pm PST Wednesday.  Ruled by Saturn, a Capricorn Moon can be a time of very deliberate movement.  That sluggishness, coupled with the Retrograde Mars, might give a feeling of walking in molasses when it comes to any career plans.  However, the Moon only stays in a sign for 2 to 2 ½ days. It will move into the innovative, unrestrained Air sign of Aquarius by the evening of the 3/10.

As mentioned a few weeks ago, the volatile planet Mars (in the Fire sign of Leo), retrograde since December, will reverse and go forward on the same day.  But, before a planet can reverse, it must slow down to a standstill.  As it does that, the planet’s themes/characteristics are enhanced.  Look out for hot tempered issues, rash judgments, impatience as it starts its direct motion. Things will really speed up as we get to the weekend and the New Moon. Get something started!

Youssou N’ Dour

“I Bring What I Love” – is a documentary film about Youssou N’Dour, the pop music superstar from Senegal, West Africa.

N’ Dour is revered all across Africa for his “remarkable range and poise and for his prodigious musical intelligence as a writer, bandleader and producer. He absorbs the entire Senegalese musical spectrum in his work, often filtering it through the lens of genre-defying rock or pop music from outside his culture. N’Dour has made “mbalax”—a blend of Senegal’s traditional griot percussion and praise-singing with Afro-Cuban music—famous throughout the world during more than 20 years of recording and touring outside of Senegal with his band, The Super Étoile”.

The director of  “I Bring What I Love”,  Elizabeth Chai Vasahelyi, followed the singer for 2 years through Africa, Europe and the U.S. to bring us a picture of this super talented and complex man that spread  the music and rhythms of his homeland worldwide.

How Does He Stay So Thin???

Anthony Bourdain continues to question other chef’s skills, write books and still have time to wander the globe in search of good food on his Emmy winning Travel Channel TV series, “No Reservations”.  Now in his 6th season, our host doesn’t use the word “gourmet” – but, he does intone the word “simple” a lot. Plain simple French bistro eats, simple, fiery Indian street food, plain simple family style Italian food, and so on. He feels that the worst thing to be is a “tourist”. We should risk and explore, meet real people and find the good, simple food the natives eat. (It is sometimes unusual/bizarre – rattlesnake in Texas, assorted crunchy critters in a tasty sauce while in Asia, etc.) His favorite lines “this is sooooo good” ‘this is reeeealllly good”.

He has given up his cigarettes, but he still appears to eat tons of food as he explores the sights.  Bourdain samples several courses, just about always has a dessert and washes it all down with the local brew, show after show – but, he doesn’t seem to gain a pound.  Is it his metabolism or just the plain “simple” food? If it’s the food, I want what he’s having.

I also enjoy visiting the interesting places Chef Bourdain takes us – a food market in Thailand, the sewers of Paris, a Dacha in Russia, the bars of Iceland and even the wilds of New Jersey. Whether you are an intrepid world trekker or an arm chair/couch potato traveler, “No Reservations” can be a fun show.

BTW- Seasons 1 thru 4 are now on DVD

Astrology: Moving Planets – Mars Direct

Mars springs forward again on 3/10/10.  The fiery planet went retrograde in December 2009 and you may have noticed that plans/projects either slowed down or just never got off the ground.  Well, the kid is back – almost. Still in the Fire sign of Leo, Mars goes direct on the 10th but won’t really hit full stride for a few days. Patience.

With Mars on all cylinders,  this is a great time to start something . (Especially, after the New Moon phase begins on 3/15!)  Certain aspects of life and personality will be energized – passion, determination, ambition, creativity, expansiveness – big confidence/big plans. Depending upon where Mars appears in your chart, all this can lead to not only exciting, fun times, but, also volatility, temperament.  Before you put on the “you wanna piece of me” face and go into a combat stance, ask yourself if the situation really warrants an over the top response.

Enjoy, make things happen – just remember that moderation is not a bad thing.

“Collateral” on DVD

“Collateral” is a 2004 thriller that is worth a look (btw, it really is a  “thriller”, especially during a train ride).

Tom Cruise, as “Vincent” the deadly mystery man, jumps into a cab driven by “Max”, Jamie Foxx and the 2 of them are off on a fast night of cat & mouse games.

Foxx is excellent. He was nominated for Academy Awards for “Collateral” and the Ray Charles movie – he won for his portrayal of the legendary singer – but, I think he should also have won for his work in this film. His turn as the confused, terrorized, Los Angeles cabbie is terrific – the viewer becomes invested in the suspense and the action and wants the good guy to win. (In this case, “winning” means staying alive.)

Well directed by Michael Mann, (“Heat”, “Inside Man” “Miami Vice”),besides the great work of Cruise and Foxx, the super cast includes Jada Pinkett Smith, Mark Ruffalo, Javier Bardem, Barry Shabaka Henley, and Irma P. Hall.

“Collateral” – good movie!

Mardi Gras Time!

I cannot think of Shrove Tuesday (today 2/16), Mardi Gras or Carnival without thinking of that terrific movie “Black Orpheus”.  The costumes, the music of Rio de Janeiro, the dancing, and all those pretty people being chased by a man in a skeleton body suit – fabulous. 

Black Orpheus”, 1959, was made in Brazil by French director Marcel Camus. It is the classic Greek romantic tragedy of Orpheus (Breno Mello) and Eurydice (Marpessa Dawn) set against the back drop of a high energy samba troupe.

Even if you haven’t seen this film, you are probably familiar with its great music by Antonio Carlos Jobim, including “Manhã de Carnaval” (written by Luiz Bonfá).

Rent the DVD,  put on some feathers, add a couple of sequins and Samba!

Per WikiPedia: “Black Orpheus won the Palme d’Or prize at the 1959 Cannes Film Festival as well as the 1960 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the 1960 Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film.”

I cannot think of Shrove Tuesday (today 2/16), Mardi Gras or Carnival without having that terrific movie “Black Orpheus” flitting across my mind. The costumes, the music of Rio de Janeiro, the dancing, and all those pretty people being chased by a man in a skeleton mask – fabulous.

“Black Orpheus”, 1959, was made in Brazil by French director Marcel Camus. It is the classic Greek romantic tragedy of Orpheus (Breno Mello) and Eurydice (Marpessa Dawn) set against the back drop of a high energy samba troupe.

Even if you haven’t seen this film, you are probably familiar with its great music by Antonio Carlos Jobim, including “Manhã de Carnaval” (written by Luiz Bonfá).

Get some feathers, some sequins and rent it.

Per WikiPedia: “Black Orpheus won the Palme d’Or prize at the 1959 Cannes Film Festival as well as the 1960 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the 1960 Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film.”